I am extremely thrilled and honored to be part of Cohort four, and I express my immense gratitude to the Ethereum Foundation for providing such an incredible opportunity. Being selected as a Fellow allows me to actively contribute to building and collaborating at the core, under the expert supervision of top-tier key leaders and core developers.
A special thanks goes to our heroes, the organizers, and managers of this Cohort, Mario Havel and Josh Davis, along with the entire EPF team.
I'm excited to share that we have successfully implemented our POC. Currently, EIP-X is in an unstable alpha state, and caution is advised against using it in production. If you encounter any bugs while experimenting with EIP-X, please file an issue here.
For a detailed understanding of our project, you can refer to our [Project Documentation](https://github.com/sogolmalek/EIP-x/blob/main/project.md).
Additionally, we have provided a comprehensive [Technical README](https://github.com/sogolmalek/EIP-x/blob/main/EIP-X-README.md) to guide you on testing our POC effectively.
We are proud to announce the launch and presentation of EIP-X at [Devconnect IST](https://efdn.notion.site/EPF-Devconnect-Istanbul-4f074ffed7f849a589f62e59e723d58d).
Our source code and ongoing developments can be found in our [Github repository](https://github.com/sogolmalek/EIP-x).
Our Next Milestones:
We take pride in discovering the best value addition to the Portal network and Flashbots for production progress. We are committed to continuing our collaboration with both teams and esteemed mentors to further evolve our project, ensuring its readiness for production. Ultimately, our goal is to contribute value to the core Ethereum ecosystem and facilitate mass adoption.