# IPFS / IPLD Security & Encryption Workshop January 13th, 16:00-18:00 UTC https://app.veertly.com/v/ipfs-ipld-security-encryption-workshop > **Please remember to record and publish for the community :bow:** > Recordings: > Lightning Talks: https://embed.voodfy.com/60022b90fff4f56e99cb3197 > Discussion: https://embed.voodfy.com/5fff4580fff4f51ab36a3917 ## Existing mechanisms, requirements, & systems _5 minute lightning talks_ * @willscott - Current content & metadata leaks * @obo20 (Matt Ober) - Generic per CID permissioning * @sanderpick (Sander Pick) - Bucket encryption and shortcomings * @ianopolous (Ian Preston) - Cryptree - filesystem level access control and metadata privacy * @expede (Brooklyn Zelenka) — UCAN & WNFS * @oed (Joel Thorstensson) - DAG-JOSE - Signed / Encrypted IPLD * @JonasKruckenberg - Advantages and Disadvantages of DAG-COSE * @Artazor (Anatoly Ressin) - Presenting DAG-ONION-COSE * _Add your handle here to claim a slot_ ## Additional attendees * @carsonfarmer (Carson Farmer) - Can speak about Textile encryption needs as required * @gpestana (Gonçalo Pestana) * @cheelahim (Vsevolods Mihailovs) * @jacobheun (Jacob Heun) ## Optional talks if requested * @ianopolous - post-quantum privacy: simple guidelines for the IPFS setting (what to use and what to avoid) ## Chat links Will Scott relevant to ipld encryption of a dag o flinked objects: https://github.com/ipld/specs/pull/348 Mikeal Rogers inline with anatoli is saying, in IPLD we’re defining an AES encrypted block in order to standardize this very low layer without tackling key management and leaving this all to the application layer https://github.com/ipld/specs/pull/349 https://github.com/multiformats/js-multiformats/pull/59 Carson Farmer I'm also a huge fan of the blockstore level access control, as Ian mentioned: for its flexibility. there are plenty of interesting patterns to explore here. and I can see how ucans or some other way to encode capability-based permissioning could be done Anatoly Ressin My slides https://notability.com/n/2ehUjccvd6qcy7HqAluE2F Brooklyn Zelenka Love those hand drawn notes, Anatoly! Here's my slides: https://noti.st/expede/jwArdU/ipfs-security-wg-wnfs-prior-art Ian Preston I posted my slides earlier, but here they are again: https://beta.peergos.net/#%7B%22secretLink%22:true%2c%22link%22:%22#6MDZhRRPT4ugkJuUfceM6bPnpQKEj5dB2NqLxD1RxFn3oA3CusXayN8RReauEh/6MDZhRRPT4ugkJuUfcRzRbPpFimcBNJx2N9TJDnL4W3ETYhwdsWdvgCkXkwipF/HF3S4ErBvDjYH6XVALNVj4pVhX5qBWAt3epvPa3n9XeT/5Pf7SvjSSmhnUes8qE3jdh4Qmok2ZVC1rmVzwKV113bzfvs6JGb%22%7D Sander Pick Here are the bullets I covered: https://www.notion.so/textile/Encrypted-private-Buckets-9f7b1e4300b045fa96a0ddc49d69d15f Jonas Kruckenberg also this all propably ties in with composability of the core api as discussed over at https://github.com/ipfs/roadmap/issues/62