(mkUSD and ULTRA) contract of Prisma Finance led to a loss of 3,479.24 ETH, or approximately $12 million USD.setDelegateApproval(MigrateTroveZap, True)
on the BorrowerOperations
function, allowed the exploiter to manipulate the contract's behavior and take a portion of a Trove owner's collateral.MigrateTroveZap
.Prisma Finance deployed a contract called MigrateTroveZap
to facilitate trove owners migrating their Troves (collateralized debt positions) to new TroveManager contracts. This was part of a broader system upgrade announced in March 2024.
As part of these updates, Prisma deprecated the original 4 LST (Liquid Staking Token) Vaults with a 4% interest rate cap, replacing them with new LST Vaults, allowing for higher rates. The 3 LRT (Liquid Restaking Token) Vaults were also deprecated and replaced with new versions optimized for more efficient redemptions.
Prisma built the MigrateTroveZap
helper contract to ensure a smooth transition, enabling trove owners to seamlessly move their Trove positions from the old TroveManager
contracts to the new ones without needing to close positions, remove liquidity, or incur additional costs. The contract uses flash loans to close the user's old Trove and immediately open a new Trove with the same collateral and debt in the new TroveManager
, all in one atomic transaction.
These changes followed Prisma's standard DAO governance process, with the migration starting with the deployment of the MigrateTroveZap
contract on March 20th, 2024, and the first trove owners migrating Troves using the helper contract from March 23rd onwards.
On March 28th, 2024, at 11:25 UTC, an exploiter (Exploiter 1](https://etherscan.io/address/0x7e39e3b3ff7adef2613d5cc49558eab74b9a4202)) made a transaction in the MigrateTroveZap
contract, resulting in a total transfer of around 3,257 ETH (approximately $11 million USD) from some Prisma Finance Trove owners. This was followed by two other exploiters (Exploiter 2 and Exploiter 3) that managed to transfer a smaller amount of ~121 and ~52 wstETH, respectively. The incident was made possible due to insufficient input validation in the onFlashloan()
function, which allowed the Users to manipulate input data and execute unintended contract behavior.
Affected Trove owners had previously migrated from TroveManager
v1 to v2 using the migration contract. This involved setting delegate approval in the BorrowerOperations
contract with MigrateTroveZap
as an argument. Although the vulnerability affects both the MigrateTroveZap
contract for mkUSD and ULTRA and all TroveManagers
, only the wstETH Troves for mkUSD were targeted.
The Prisma team has advised Trove owners to revoke delegate approval and announced a convenient process to do so on the Prisma app. The team has also paused the protocol, disallowing new collateral to be added and blocking further damage. Once unpaused, any open zap approvals are still open to this issue.
, initiating the transaction.BorrowerOperations
The exploiters took advantage of the vulnerability through the following steps:
, was called.TroveManager
. The transaction caused the owner's position to be closed and reopened, resulting in the Trove owner having a new position with the same debt but less collateral and the difference in collateral sitting in the zap contract.MigrateTroveZap
contract to migrate it, effectively using the remaining collateral for their own Trove.The incident was conducted in a series of transactions that targeted vulnerable Troves individually. The diagram shown below is a simplified funds flow of the first transaction, whereby the wstEthTroveManagerV2
(0x1cc) sends a victim's collateral to MigrateTroveZap
, sends it back to wstEthTroveManagerV2
, and finally sends the amount to the Contract (0xd99).
The exploiter closed the active Trove of the TroveOwner, which had a Trove open with 1745.08 wstETH collateral and 1,442,100 mkUSD debt. The Trove owner's Trove was immediately reopened with 463.18 wstETH collateral and 1,443,398 mkUSD debt. This reduced the collateral ratio from around 498% to 132%, putting it at risk of liquidation.
The exploiter proceeded to open a small Trove with one wstETH collateral and 2,000 mkUSD debt. They migrated the position using MigrateTroveZap
and reopened a Trove that inherits the remainder of the wstETH in the contract. The reopened Trove had 1,282.79 wstETH collateral and 2,001.8 mkUSD debt.
Finally, the exploiter closed the Trove, receiving 1,282.79 wstETH, and paid back all necessary flash loans to Balancer and Prisma.
Source: Phalcon
Flashloan function of MigrateTroveZap
- Source: ContractReader.io
Pausing in Prisma is a security mechanism that halts certain operations during emergencies or unforeseen issues. When paused, functions like opening new vaults, increasing collateral or debt, and depositing into Stability Pools are disabled. However, users can still withdraw collateral to minimize the risk of locked funds. In the incident's context, pausing likely prevented further incidents by disabling new Troves and collateral addition.
Name | Address |
Exploiter 1 (EOA) | 0x7E39E3B3ff7ADef2613d5Cc49558EAB74B9a4202 |
Exploiter 2 (EOA) | 0x7Fe83f45e0f53651b3ED9650d2a2C67D8855e385 |
Exploiter 3 (EOA) | 0x7C9FC6E2B908e858F30c5c71a20273315Efd5cf8 |
Exploiter 1 contract | 0xd996073019c74b2fb94ead236e32032405bc027c |
Exploiter 2 Contract | 0x4148310fe4544e82f176570C6c7B649290a90E17 |
Exploiter 3 Contract | 0x1b8A9F9F5a1d9cB1C28D9120F9c2bD073ccfAC04 |
MigrationTroveZap (mkUSD) | 0xcC7218100da61441905e0c327749972e3CBee9EE |
MigrationTroveZap (ULTRA) | 0xC3eAf094e2586965244aB6534f6Dc69c6C16b5D5 |
mkUSD Contract | 0x4591dbff62656e7859afe5e45f6f47d3669fbb28 |
New wstETH TroveManager | 0x1cc79f3f47bfc060b6f761fcd1afc6d399a968b6 |
Borrower Operations (LST) | 0x72c590349535AD52e6953744cb2A36B409542719 |
Prisma Emergency msig | 0x7A28A80DcE1733944Db5dC50dc2c5147eC993C5A |
Exploiter 1 Funds Recipient | Amount | Hash |
0x2d413803a6eC3Cb1ed1a93BF90608f63b157507a |
757.69 ETH | LINK |
0x57f7033F84894770F876bf64772E7EBA48990D65 |
1,500 ETH | LINK |
0x5d0064f3B54C8899Ab797445551058Be460C03C6 |
1,000 ETH | LINK |
Exploiter 2 Funds Recipient | Amount | Hash |
0x7fe83f45e0f53651b3ed9650d2a2c67d8855e385 |
138.19 ETH | LINK |
Exploiter 3 Funds Recipient | Amount | Hash |
0x7C9FC6E2B908e858F30c5c71a20273315Efd5cf8 |
52.32 wstETH | LINK |
Addresses | Collateral Pre-Incident | Collateral Post-Incident | Incident Timestamp |
0x56A201b872B50bBdEe0021ed4D1bb36359D291ED | 1745.08 wstETH | 463.18 wstETH | 11:25:11 AM +UTC |
0x774bb9306df1cd921eb842b1388c78f75e6ef79f | 172.18 wstETH | 149.36 wstETH | 11:28:11 AM +UTC |
0xcbfdffd7a2819a47fcd07dfa8bcb8a5deacc9ea8 | 824.6 wstETH | 192.12 wstETH | 11:29:11 AM +UTC |
0xc47fae56f3702737b69ed615950c01217ec5c7c8 | 40 wstETH | 11.69 wstETH | 11:36:47 AM +UTC |
0x3b15cec2d922ab0ef74688bcc1056461049f89cb | 107.18 wstETH | 18.89 wstETH | 11:43:23 AM +UTC |
0x1b72bac3772050fdcaf468cce7e20deb3cb02d89 | 166.41 wstETH | 47.49 wstETH | 11:45:47 AM +UTC |
0x3b15cec2d922ab0ef74688bcc1056461049f89cb | 18.89 wstETH | 18.97 wstETH | 11:48:11 AM +UTC |
0x16f570e93fdbc3a4865b7740deb052ee94d87e15 | 113.6 wstETH | 32.4 wstETH | 11:53:47 AM +UTC |
0xf9ca66ef84c773fab422562ab41b1ee8d4397418 | 47.3 wstETH | 15.48 wstETH | 11:54:47 AM +UTC |
0xc487370895f6e8f5b62d99bf1472c95a94073379 | 377.2 wstETH | 95.6 wstETH | 12:07:47 PM +UTC |
0x9fceded3a0c838d1e73e88dde466f197df379f70 | 356.28 wstETH | 102.12 wstETH | 12:12:47 PM +UTC |
Addresses | Collateral Pre-Incident | Collateral Post-Incident | Incident Timestamp |
0x14b30b46ec4fa1a993806bd5dda4195c5a82353e | 4.22 wstETH | 1.21 wstETH | 12:42:11 PM +UTC |
0x19562df3e7fd2ae7af4e6bd288b04c2c90405212 | 31.22 wstETH | 9.15 wstETH | 12:46:35 PM +UTC |
0x1b004189e64d5b2f71d5be554470e6c49e10123b | 21.74 wstETH | 5.98 wstETH | 12:46:59 PM +UTC |
0x3b82ee6c15b212ed69d5795bcd957e136eaa4bff | 13.02 wstETH | 3.45 wstETH | 12:47:11 PM +UTC |
0x409c6c5ec5c479673f4c09fb80d0f182fcff643e | 3.8 wstETH | 0.93 wstETH | 12:47:23 PM +UTC |
0xc47fae56f3702737b69ed615950c01217ec5c7c8 | 11.69 wstETH | 11.78 wstETH | 12:49:11 PM +UTC |
0xf8d1c9ab49219f7acf7b1d84705e5aea3b8ce0aa | 17.85 wstETH | 17.93 wstETH | 12:49:35 PM +UTC |
0x19562df3e7fd2ae7af4e6bd288b04c2c90405212 | 9.15 wstETH | 9.23 wstETH | 12:50:23 PM +UTC |
0x409c6c5ec5c479673f4c09fb80d0f182fcff643e | .99 wstETH | 1.06 wstETH | 12:50:35 PM +UTC |
0x4a3fced7c536e39ca5292a024ee66c9b45b257ec | 87.93 wstETH | 19.85 wstETH | 12:50:47 PM +UTC |
0x19562df3e7fd2ae7af4e6bd288b04c2c90405212 | 9.23 wstETH | 9.3 wstETH | 12:51:47 PM +UTC |
Addresses | Collateral Pre-Incident | Collateral Post-Incident | Incident Timestamp |
0xf8d1c9ab49219f7acf7b1d84705e5aea3b8ce0aa | 70.3 wstETH | 17.85 wstETH | 12:49:35 PM +UTC |
0x3b82ee6c15b212ed69d5795bcd957e136eaa4bff | 3.45 wstETH | 3.52 wstETH | 12:50:23 PM +UTC |
0x409c6c5ec5c479673f4c09fb80d0f182fcff643e | 0.93 wstETH | .99 wstETH | 12:50:35 PM +UTC |
Users with open Vaults should head over to the Revoke Approval page and follow the instructions there.
The Prisma team along with many others are continuing the investigation and working to communicate with the Exploiters.
While retrieving all Trove owners funds is our main focus right now, unpausing the protocol will be part of the next steps once we are sure that all positions are safe.
Further steps will be published once a plan is worked out.
Thanks to Dan from HyperNative Labs, who was the first one to directly reach out to us.
We extend our gratitude to Llama Risk and Wavey for their invaluable assistance in compiling information and crafting this report. Their dedication and expertise significantly enhanced the quality and depth of our analysis.
We are immensely thankful to our friends and contributors who joined us in the War Room, offering their unwavering support and insights from the inception of our response. Their collaboration and swift action were instrumental in navigating through these challenges.
We are glad to be counting on the support and expertise of MixBytes, our historical security partner.
Special recognition goes to ZachXBT for his in-depth assistance. His observations proved indispensable in addressing the issue promptly and decisively.
Thanks to everyone who reached out to offer help and assistance. The solidarity from the space that we felt was an incredible support and will help face the next challenges.