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Mapping Checklist (Pre-Publishing)

So you've finished making or modifying a map. Time to do some checks and tests to make sure there's no issues.

Pre Checklist (Optional)

These checks are optional but good practice to ensure there's no gameplay issues with your map.

  • Timed power test - use the forcemap [ID] command then move to your main SMES bank. Time how long it takes to drop 10% and extrapoalte that to work out how long you have until brownout. If this is too fast, consider adding more power storage. Once your SMES battery is empty your station will be running on substations and they will fall proportional to the amount of connected machines.
  • Power leakage test - Not essential but can be useful in situations where you don't want power leaking through walls. This would make sabotage of APCs much harder for gaining access to areas.

Spawn Points

Ensure there are sufficient spawn points for the amount your map requires in it's map yaml file for round start. * Indicates optional depending on map design but largely this is up to you and just a guide for your own sanity.

  • Captain
  • Head of Personnel
  • Mime*
  • Clown*
  • Botanist
  • Chef
  • Bartender
  • Lawyer*
  • Librarian*
  • Musician*
  • Chaplain*
  • Janitor
  • Head of Security
  • Warden
  • Security Officer
  • Security Cadet*
  • Quartermaster
  • Cargo Technician
  • Salvage Specialist
  • Research Director
  • Scientist
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Medical Doctor
  • Chemist
  • Medical Intern
  • Chief Engineer
  • Station Engineer
  • Atmospheric Technician
  • Technical Assistant*
  • Passenger / Assistant
  • Late Join Spawn
  • Observer Spawn

As a bonus measure, remember there are spawnpoints for:

  • Mice and other animals
  • Vehicles such as secways and janicarts (mapping the object does not work. Remember to map keys.)
  • Pets such as Ian (spawners, not entities!)
  • Maintenance loot (to randomise what people find when looting.)

Main Checklist (REQUIRED)

Go through this checklist every time prior to opening a pull request for a mapping change.

  • Run the command fixgridatmos 2, where the 2 is the grid ID for your map. Do this for all grids on your map that require atmos. This is especially important after adding new sections to your station or map.
  • Run the command variantize [grid id]. This is optional but will make your tiles look nicer and varied.
  • Use View Variable on the gravity generator. Check serverside components and edit the Gravity Generator component "charge" value to 100. This ensures your map starts with gravity.
  • Lighting test - save your map then use the "mapinit" command to initialise your map or forcemap and restart. Then move around the map checking each area for power and lighting.
  • Area power test - As above, when initialised, move around the map to ensure your APCs are charging and connected correctly. Same for substations, checking wiring.
  • Access test - A good all round test. use the forcemap command on the client then restart. Now you will spawn into your new map as an assistant. Journey around your map testing doors / airlocks to ensure everything is powered and you're not missing tiles under doors. Only necessary when you've made changes to a door or area. Spawn ID cards if necessary if you want to test access permissions but not entirely necessary.
  • Warp Points - Ensure you have appropriate warp points setup across your map for observers. When placing one, right click and view variable the point, head to server components then warp component. Edit the name of the warp point in here.