

Joined on Dec 20, 2017

  • The following post is the four-hands written result of reflections and talks between Ivan Minutillo and me (Luca Recano), in the first weeks of Covid-19 outbreak, wondering together about the relationship between care and circular economy, protocols' design, and imagination about rebooting economies, while keep on working on several related project, such as Reflow and Viral Solidarity wiki. This contribution can be read as a "2nd chapter" of the previous Ivan's Dev Diary blogpost - Our journey toward ReflowOS - in which the objectives inspiring the software design are explained: building p2p distributed network economy and enabling the transition toward a circular economy. This "Think & Do Tank" attitude fully expresses the contribution that Dyne.org community wants to continue to put in the projects in which it is active, and we hope to stimulate further reflections and actions COVID-19 is infecting our bodies and our minds The lockdown is deeply affecting our collective consciousness: our most basic behaviours and social habits are being put into question. It is more than just a pandemic threat to the health of (immuno)vulnerable people: COVID-19 is highlighting the systemic faults of the global economic system, political order and technological infrastructure. It is a ‘system error’ of sorts. For example,
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  • ## Choosed criterias | Points | Criteria | |-------| -------| |++ | >10yr specialization in software industry |++ |>10yr experience in facilitating F/OSS sw/culture |+++ |own software projects "donated" to DYNE |+++ |written research project grant awarded to DYNE |++ |experience in DYNE methodologies of work |+ |experience in specific needed field (not just software) |+++ |unique experience on needed software |++ |volunteering hours in DYNE |-- |lead role in project (more hours, lower rate) |++
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