# 活動簡介 Event Introduction
1 場主題演講 x 1 場綜合與談 x 1場案例分享
本次交流活動將以「AI 人工智慧產業」作為主題,特邀請到國際指標性公民組織 - Access Now 與跨國領導性企業代表- LINE 與各界一同探討納入數位人權,更多產業發展的可能,同時兼具數位人權。
One Speech x One Discussion x One Symposium
This exchange activities will focus on AI industry in Taiwan, seeing how digital rights can be involved in order to creating the more possibility of industry development that based on digital rights concerns.
本文件內容的創用 CC授權為 This document is:
CC by:Open Culture Foundation 開放文化基金會
# 活動資訊 Event Information
🖱指導單位 :數位發展部 (MoDA)
🖱主辦單位 :數位產業署(adi)、開放文化基金會 (OCF)
🖱共同主辦單位 :台北市電腦商業同業公會 (TCA)
🖱時間 :2023 . 08 . 01 (Tues) 13:30 - 17:20
🖱語言 : 英文
🖱費用 :採報名制,不另收任何費用
🖱地點 :TCA 會議中心 (105 台北市松山區八德路三段 2 號 B1)
🖱 Advisor: Ministry of Digital Affairs (MoDA)
🖱 Presenter: Administration for Digital Industries (adi)、Open Culture Foundation (OCF)
🖱 Co-orgnized by: Taipei Computer Association (TCA)
🖱 Time: 2023 . 08 . 01 (Tues) 13:30 - 17:20
🖱 Language: English
🖱 Fee:Free but registration required
🖱 Location:TCA Convention Center (B1 floor, No.2, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, 10558 )
# 主辦單位 Main Organizer:
`數位發展部數位產業署 (adi)`
The Organizational Act of the Administration for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "the Administration") and set and announced by the President on January 19, 2022. The Administration’s main missions are to promote development of the digital economy, guide, award, and manage digital economy-related industries. According to the organizational act, the Administration is the competent authority on digital economy development, in charge of digital economy-related industry policy planning and regulation drafting as well as digital technology application promotion, which encompasses artificial intelligence, big data, platform technology, system integration and field applications, software products and digital services, digital content and data economy, and digital economy-related industry talent cultivation.
Additionally, as digital technology is a key tool that aids the digital transformation of Taiwan’s industries, the Administration is tasked with the promotion of applications relating to digital competency, helping Taiwan’s industries prepare for challenges and opportunities that come with the era of digital economy to create a new momentum for growth in Taiwan.
`開放文化基金會 Open Culture Foundation`
自 2014 年創立以來,我們以法人做為組織形式,支持台灣 30 多個開放科技社群,在過程中,不僅是持續性的推廣開放科技概念,我們也開始參與政策倡議,為眾人的數位人權發聲,進而創建了一個在台灣發展開放科技的基地。這些成果並非由開放文化基金會 (OCF) 獨立實現,而是透過科技社群和公民夥伴一起促使台灣的數位/網路環境變得更加公開、透明和公眾參與 — 不論這樣的參與是以個人、社群或是組織為名義。
[(The) Open Culture Foundation](https://ocf.tw/en/) is a non-profit organization. Through promoting open technology and cross-field collaboration, we continue to connect tech communities and other public and private entities in Taiwan. By doing so, we work to promote open co-creation and protect digital human rights, and thereby support a more transparent and inclusive digital civil society.
# 議程 Agenda
# 場次介紹 About Sessions
## 場次一 :私人企業如何共同建立道德且負責任的 AI
## Session 1:How can the private sector collaborate on establishing rights respecting, ethical, and responsible AI?
### 關於主持人 About Moderator
`Raman Jit Singh Chima`
領導該組織保護網路自由和推進該地區面臨風險的用戶權利的工作。他是 SaveTheInternet.in 網絡中立聯盟的創始志願者,並協助法律團隊參與印度最高法院具有里程碑意義的 Shreya Singhal 訴印度聯盟關於網路言論自由的判決。在此之前,他於 2010 年至 2014 年在德里擔任 Google 的政策顧問和政府事務經理,並就技術政策問題向政府、行業機構和學術界提供建議。他是一名印度合格律師,在德里律師協會註冊並擔任印度最高法院法官 VS Sirpurkar 的書記員,除了接受印度國家司法學院和國家人權委員會的培訓。Raman 曾作為發展中社會研究中心 Sarai 項目的獨立研究員研究互聯網監管,並在 2009 年為自由之家的首份互聯網自由報告做出了貢獻。他擁有紐約大學的文學和法律(榮譽)學士學位印度大學國家法學院,班加羅爾,在那裡他是印度法律與技術雜誌的主編。
serves as Asia Policy Director and Senior International Counsel at Access Now, leading the organisation's work in protecting an open internet and advancing the rights of users at risk across the region. He is a founding volunteer with the SaveTheInternet.in Net Neutrality Coalition and assisted the legal team involved in the Supreme Court of India's landmark Shreya Singhal v. Union of India judgement on internet free speech.
### 關於講者 About Speakers
`唐鳳 Audrey Tang`
唐鳳,曾任行政院政務委員,帶領行政院公共數位創新空間小組(PDIS),透過「開放政府」、「社會創新」等業務,協助政府提升服務品質,改善行政流程、提升討論及決策品質與透明度。現兼任行政院資訊長,持續帶領 PDIS,運用公共程式(Public Code)開發共通系統,精進政府機關系統架構,強化數位韌性。
另外,唐鳳也是「g0v 零時政府」網路社群的專案貢獻者,並積極參與線上法規討論平台 vTaiwan 的相關活動,希望透過多元溝通管道的建立,協助產出符合多方利益關係人期待、也更貼近實際需求的法規內容。
Audrey Tang is Taiwan’s digital minister in charge of moda (Ministry of Digital Affairs).
Audrey is known for revitalizing the computer languages Perl and Haskell, as well as building the online spreadsheet system EtherCalc in collaboration with Dan Bricklin.
In the public sector, Audrey served on Taiwan national development council’s open data committee and the 12-year basic education curriculum committee; and led the country’s first e-Rulemaking project.
In the private sector, Audrey worked as a consultant with Apple on computational linguistics, with Oxford University Press on crowd lexicography, and with Socialtext on social interaction design.
In the social sector, Audrey actively contributes to g0v ("gov zero"), a vibrant community focusing on creating tools for the civil society, with the call to "fork the government."
`吳漢章 Peter Wu`
擁有 20 年雲端服務經驗,負責華碩雲端事業之營運,以自有技術發展 AI 雲端平台,提供全球數千萬用戶雲端儲存服務、高資安檔案協作儲存平台與國家級 AI 雲端系統建置,帶領華碩雲端成為雲端領導品牌。吳漢章同時兼任華碩健康與台智雲總經理,推動雲端、大數據、物聯網、區塊鏈、5G 及人工智慧整合性創新,協助資訊科技與產業整合、加速數位融合大未來。
Peter Wu has published over 20 international journals and conference papers. Peter Wu joined ASUS Group and served as CEO of ASUS Cloud Corporation since 2008. He is responsible for ASUS’s development of cloud business and technologies in consumer and commercial markets. Peter also steadfastly pursues service innovation and integration for ecosystem development and is recognized as a leader in the field.
`簡宏偉 Howard Jyan`
Howard Jyan is former chief of the Department of Cyber Security, Executive Yuan, and currently an executive vice president at Deloitte.
His focuses on issues such as emerging technology risk consulting, information security, network security, information security management system (ISMS) audit, information security regulations, information security governance, work process transformation, organizational transformation, etc.
`侯宜秀 Isabel Hou`
律師,專注於創新科技、開放資料、開放政府等數位治理議題及相關法律規範。2012 年以來持續參與 g0v 公民科技社群,從中習得「揪團打怪」技能:多方協作推動社會創新。2017 年協助設立台灣人工智慧學校基金會,2021 年起擔任秘書長,推動課程轉型及開源 AI 平台「風火輪計畫」。2020-2022 年擔任立法院開放國會委員會民間委員,推動完成台灣立法院首份「開放國會行動方案」。近來與台灣公民社群夥伴協作推動「數位公民素養」行動計畫作為台灣新世代社會基礎建設。
Isabel Hou is Secretary General of Taiwan AI Academy Foundation , she is also a seasoned attorney focusing on technological innovation and intellectual property law and has served as a legal counsel for various government programs,prestigious companies, and NGOs in Taiwan since 2000. Isabel serves as a committee member of Taiwan’s Open Parliament Multi-stakeholder Forum from 2019-2022.
### 關於場次 About Session
SDG 第十七項指標,特別強調「多元夥伴關係」對於落實永續發展的重要性。尤其在數位人權上,不僅是與使用者 - 公民、監督者 - 公共體係相關,更是與技術和科技平台提供者 - 私人企業有著最密切的關聯。尤其是在 AI 方面,如何在符合道德且負責任的前提上,發展 AI 技術且進行商業應用,這也是近年來私人企業在越來越思考永續發展之下,正持續摸索如何把數位人權準則具體落實在商業應用中的可能。
In terms of digital human rights, not only with users (citizens),supervisors/promoters (the public sector) , but also with providers ( Tech. companies). Especially in the AI industry, how to develop AI as ethical and responsible now is an essential topic that should be addressed.Under the consideration of sustainable development, the industry is continuing to explore how to integrate digital rights that are implemented in business applications.
Through this interactive dialogue led by the international moderator with multilateral stakeholders in Taiwan, we want to inspire participants to think further about how to involve the different stakeholders into their works to develop a better environment for industry development , and it is on the basis of digital rights concerns.
#### 形式 Format:講座 Joint Discussion
#### 三個問題 3 Questions:
- 破冰問題:可以請每位講者分享一個在您的領域或經驗中,AI發展和道德上的挑戰或學習嗎?最好是您覺得現場來賓沒有意識到的。
- 問題一:從您的領域或觀點,私人企業如何與其他領域共做來建議道德且負責任的AI?
- 問題二:不同領域如何一起合作來創造更好的產業環境來讓 可信任的AI實現呢?我們也了解跨領域溝通不容易,您覺得哪一個是最有可能實現的第一步呢?(不論是台灣或亞太地區)
- Ice-breaking question:Can the panellists share one challenge or learning on AI development and ethics, a responsibility that you think people in this room do not actually realise?
- Question 1:In your perspective / fields, how can private enterprises collaboratively establish ethical and responsible AI?
- Question 2 :How do the different sectors cooperate together for the better environment of Trustworthy AI? What would be the best first step?
### 本場的共筆連結 About Co-working note:
[連結 LINK](https://hackmd.io/@OCFDigital/AI-Session1)
## 場次二 Session 2:如何評估 AI 應用發展之影響 How does one assess the impact of AI development?
### 關於講者 About Speaker
`Raman Jit Singh Chima`
領導該組織保護網路自由和推進該地區面臨風險的用戶權利的工作。他是 SaveTheInternet.in 網絡中立聯盟的創始志願者,並協助法律團隊參與印度最高法院具有里程碑意義的 Shreya Singhal 訴印度聯盟關於網路言論自由的判決。在此之前,他於 2010 年至 2014 年在德里擔任 Google 的政策顧問和政府事務經理,並就技術政策問題向政府、行業機構和學術界提供建議。他是一名印度合格律師,在德里律師協會註冊並擔任印度最高法院法官 VS Sirpurkar 的書記員,除了接受印度國家司法學院和國家人權委員會的培訓。Raman 曾作為發展中社會研究中心 Sarai 項目的獨立研究員研究互聯網監管,並在 2009 年為自由之家的首份互聯網自由報告做出了貢獻。他擁有紐約大學的文學和法律(榮譽)學士學位印度大學國家法學院,班加羅爾,在那裡他是印度法律與技術雜誌的主編。
serves as Asia Policy Director and Senior International Counsel at Access Now, leading the organisation's work in protecting an open internet and advancing the rights of users at risk across the region. He is a founding volunteer with the SaveTheInternet.in Net Neutrality Coalition and assisted the legal team involved in the Supreme Court of India's landmark Shreya Singhal v. Union of India judgement on internet free speech.
### 關於場次 About Session
人權思考,往往與法治和規範標準相關。聯合國人權高級專員辦公室(Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR)於2021年9月15日發布《數位時代隱私權》(The Right to Privacy in The Digital Age)調查報告,分析各種人工智慧技術,例如側寫(profiling)、自動化決策及機器學習,將如何影響人民之隱私或其他權利,包括健康權、教育權、行動自由、言論自由或集會結社自由等,並提出對國家與企業應如何因應之具體建議。國際人權相關公約和宣言,往往是各區域、各國的專法依據和執行準則,因此,透過第三方公民團體,介紹人權影響力和其就人權角度,如何看待 AI 技術發展和人權影響力評估的界定,這也將有助於企業和多方利害關係人更加理解如何界定人權影響力且如何評估。
本場次預計特邀請到 Access Now,其作為全球性最具指標的數位權利組織,在各區各域進行監督和緊急救援工作之外,更是全球性最大數位人權大會的主辦者和全球性倡議的引領者,其於 2022 年,更直面 AI 的快速發展,發表了著作「如何對 AI 進行人權影響力評估:分析和建議」;另外,美國律師協會自今年起,也於亞太區域發起數位隱私計畫,透過培力、國際會議來界定數位隱私和如何回應。透過國際人權與數位權利的領導性組織,與企業和公民團體一同討論,就他們的專業,如何看待 AI 以及如何著手進行人權影響力的評估於實際現場。
Thinking about human rights is often related to the rule of law and normative standards. On September 15, 2021, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released the survey report "The Right to Privacy in The Digital Age", analyzing various artificial intelligence How technologies, such as profiling, automated decision-making, and machine learning, will affect people’s privacy or other rights, including the rights to health, education, freedom of movement, speech, or assembly Specific suggestions on how to respond.
For this session, we invite the representative from Access Now, one of the world's leading digital rights organizations, with their published brief on 2022 "How to Assess the Human Rights Impact of AI: Analysis and Recommendations" to introduce how human rights impact assessments should be/can be done for business sectors. Furthermore, since generative AI has already been implemented in commercial use for all the users , such as ChatGPT, what potential risks and trends should be aware of for AI industries and AI developers if considering digital rights of all users.
#### 形式 Format:主題講座 Keynote Speech
### 相關著作:如何對 AI 進行人權影響力評估:分析和建議
[HUMAN RIGHTS IMPACT ASSESSMENTS FOR AI: ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS](https://www.accessnow.org/human-rights-impact-assessment-ai/)
Session 3: Cases sharing: How businesses provide digital services with social responsibility
### 關於講者 About Speaker
`劉威成 David Liu`
於 2016 年加入 LINE 團隊,主要工作範圍負責 LINE 台灣的資安領域的多元規劃布局,資安領域的工作經驗已超過 15 年。於 LINE 的服務期間,除了軟體方面的資訊安全設計、帳號濫用的偵測以及隱私設計的審查,涉略領域從原本的資安攻防拓展到資料科學與法規遵循,以多種不同面向來保護 IT 公司的各類服務營運安全性,目前是 LINE 台灣的資安長,同時也為 LINE 資安中心 Asia & Pacific Team 的負責人,協助泰國與越南等海外資安團隊強化資訊安全制度。
David Liu joined LINE in 2016. He is responsible for the security designs and strategies for LINE Taiwan and has been working in cyber security domain for over 15 years.
Besides technical domains of security, such as software security, abusing detection, and privacy impact assessment, David also extended his expertise to data science and legal compliance for protecting the business operations in IT companies from different aspects after becoming a LINER. He currently serves as the CISO of LINE Taiwan and manages the security enhancement for security teams in oversea group companies, such as Thailand and Vietnam, as the lead of the Asia & Pacific team in LINE Security Center.
`Michel Choi`
是一位隱私權行動者。他對網絡空間中的人權議題非常關注,並創立了非營利組織 Interlab,為面臨風險的公民組織提供數位威脅研究和安全專線支援。他同時也是 Opennet Korea 的技術顧問,一直致力於保護韓國的網絡中立性,為政府人員、研究機構和各大媒體提供各種諮詢服務。
Mino Choi is a privacy activist. He has a keen interest in human rights in cyberspace, and founded Interlab, a non-profit organization providing digital threat research and security helpline support for civic organizations at risk. He is also a technical advisor at Opennet Korea, and has been working on protecting Net Neutrality in South Korea, providing various consultations to government personnel, research institutes, and various media.
`湯家碩 CS Tang`
為開放文化基金會的專案管理師暨研究員。在他的社會學、人類學和科技與科學的研究背景之下,近期專注於台灣的數位治理和數位人權相關研究。他同時也是 Ranking Digital Rights 台灣區域報告的主要編輯,這是一份由 Ranking Digital Rights 和 開放文化基金會共同主持的研究計畫,一次性的評估 20 家台灣現行業者(人力銀行、在地社交平台、通訊、電商)其數位人權指標符合表現。
Chia-Shuo Tang is a project coordinator and researcher at Open Culture Foundation. With a background in sociology, anthropology, and science and technology studies, his current main area of work is digital governance and digital rights in Taiwan. Chia-Shuo is the main author of OCF’s Taiwan Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) corporate accountability report.
### 關於場次 About Session
在國際上,數位人權已是逐漸列為科技產業永續經營評估的項目之一,在上述兩個場次分別介紹了如何建立可信任的 AI、如何評估 AI 的人權影響力,而同一時間,我們也想要更進一部探討是否現今已有評估標準工具,協助企業審視現階段的數位人權發展狀況?而在評估之後,若想要改善或進一步討論,公民社會和其他第三方單位可以如何一同參與討論,並能一起為未來 AI 使用有共同創造出良性發展的第一步?尤其在區域間發展程度、法治現況、網路自由程度不同的現況上,如何能夠借鏡國際,亞太區域發展出反應在地的評估報告和現況了解,進而規劃出屬於亞太的數位人權發展進程和正視現有挑戰,也是大多數在地企業及公民團體所關心的。
本場次將邀請台灣鄰近國家 - 韓國,一同來分享在其國家所看到的人權應用於商業的現況。2022 年度,開放文化基金會與韓國一同透過共同參與 Raking Digital Rights 研究計畫,用共同基準評估,個別在自己國家與企業共同推行商業中的數位人權。 邀請他們就執行和與企業溝通的經驗,分享其對於企業在執行數位人權的建議和更多想像的可能。
In this session, we invite researchers from Taiwan and South Korea to share their observations and suggestions on how to develop digital rights in AI industries. Combining their understanding in international trends and local cases, how digital rights can be involved in business development for local companies is the key question they are going to answer in this session.
Each speaker will share one case as the starting point, and in this case to deliver their insights on how individual companies can provide digital services with social responsibility.It also would be great if each speaker can give some concrete suggestions for the companies if they would like to apply social responsibility into their work in Taiwan / S. Korea, what they should pay more attention to (ex. Privacy, data protection).
#### 形式 Format:symposium 個案分享
### 相關著作:如何對 AI 進行人權影響力評估:分析和建議
* [(2022)Ranking Digital Rights Taiwan](https://ocf.tw/en/p/rdr/2022/)
* Ranking Digital Rights and Generative AI:
-- [Completed Version (12 mins)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b3kzMnJYxmTfMqUkMrtoC_Kq06crWcW8/view?usp=drive_link)
-- [Short Version (3 mins)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U-uK5ZDuVvm8_12o-6QVO8JGri9mLIjL/view?usp=drive_link)
More comments, welcome leave to
### 本場簡報&影片 Slides & Videos:
[Speaker 2 : Mino Choi ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LOQKrW6OUGGlSaKsZXZspjXsFDss-U9H/view?usp=drive_link)
[Speaker 3: CS Tang ](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QNnya86gTBpDiLDysNw21nRQW8jhWJLKW6KHEIV7KRI/edit#slide=id.g224e20e0578_4_150)
###### tags: `AI` `Digital Rights` `Taiwan` `Asia` `Intersection`