--- title: WarriOrb Translation Guide tags: WarriOrb, translation description: translation guide for WarriOrb. What did you think this is? breaks: false --- <!-- {%hackmd theme-dark %} --> # Translation Guide [TOC] ### [**Read the full back story and mood of the game**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N7kA-m81nsAgduzf3oLpdOg4gsA0kiiqeS16ThEnV-E/edit?usp=sharing) ### [**You can find all the dialogues here, to get the context if you ever need it**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pa_LL8F85_hPabIVqWaD8JdwpGJChns2z-5Jcq8DBA8/edit?usp=sharing) ### You can use [**Twine**](https://twinery.org/) to see the graph structure and to walk through the dialogues. You can download the dialogues for twine from [**here**](https://www.dropbox.com/s/7vp08lkg7glvm6o/Dialogues.zip?dl=0). ### [**Here you can find a picture and brief description of every character**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RdgLt3L2Ug0a9p_3FvGMeqjMdVocA0URqOj97Msi1e4/edit?usp=sharing) The vast majority of the text is not in page/document form, most of it is extracted from the game and exported in a file format called [.po file](https://www.drupal.org/node/1814954) which is a portable object file, which is text-based. You can use a GUI tool like this [poedit](https://poedit.net/) to edit these kind of files. :::info A useful option to have is to make the untranslated entries to be first in poedit. ![untranslated options first poedit](https://i.imgur.com/48ByM3U.png) ::: For each source text there is a **context text (namespace)**, the **source text** and **extra info**. For example: ``` Context: UI Source Text: Quit Game Extra Info: Key: quit_game SourceLocation: Localization/StringTables/UI.csv InfoMetaData: "Comment" : "Menu Quit Game" ``` The text that needs translation is the **Source Text** the other texts like **Context** and **Extra Info** only provide you with extra metadata for you to better understand the context of that text. In the example provided above the context tells you this belongs in some UI interface somewhere, the extra info key **InfoMetaData** has a comment in this case telling you this is for the "Menu Quit Game". In the game there are 3 translation files exported: - **WarriorbDemo.po** - about 3600 words - it contains texts for: Area names and descriptions, Common Dialogue short texts, Enemy texts when they are hit, Interaction texts for environment, some spell texts, music track names and UI for menus and settings and some in game UI :::warning Don't translate the **Credits** just yet, leave it untranslated for now. ::: - **Warriorb.po** - about 7800 words - it contains texts for: Station names, Items data (name, description), Enemy Groups data (name, description), some item effect instances and End Screen texts that are displayed at the end of the game - **WarriorbDialogues.po** - about 15000 words - it contains all of the main game dialogues We would also like to translate the steam page descriptions and the achievements (name, description) - about 1000 words. ## Actions - `Interact` - is the display text in the option for the interaction key which can be used to enter stairs, talk to people, pull levers, etc. - `Interact Alternative` - is another key for the same action as `Interact`, because in some places you can do more than one thing, like going up or down with an elevator, in that case you go up with one key and go down with the other. ## Texts where the typos are intended - `Ruin` or `Ruin's` - is the apocalypse event that destroyed the world - `Scroll of Surrection` - where `Surrection` is a shorthand for `Resurrection` - `Surrected` - where `Surrected` is a shorthand for `Resurrected` - `Capetainers` - `Maintainer` + `Captain` - `Soulkeeper` - `Soul` + `Keeper` is the respawn point where you respawn to after you die - `Be as you with to seem. ... or was it seem as you wish to be?` - the word `with` is intended because it is correct afterwards. - `Sorbcerer` - `Sorcerer` + `Orb` - this is a possible character name you can buy - `Wardskin` - `Ward` + `Skin` - it is the name of a spell which gives you protection from magical damage ## Variables :::warning YOU SHOULD NOT TRANSLATE THESE JUST COPY THEM AS IS ::: A variable is in the format `{VariableName}` or `{number}`. They are texts that will get replaced at runtime with some other text/number. The comment of the text will most likely tell you what the replacement will be. Examples: `{0}`, `{Amount}`, `{ItemName}`, `{time}`, `{Key}`, `{x}`, `{Gold}`, etc. ## Text Plurals ``` Selected key = {Key}, will get unbound from the {NumActions}|plural(one=Action,other=Actions) = {ActionNames} ``` - `{Key}` - key display name variable. - `{NumAction}` - the number of actions, this will determine what to choose between one and other. - `{ActionNames}` - all the action names variable. So if: - `NumActions = 1` the text will be `will get unbound from the Action` - `NumActions > 1` the text will be `will get unbound from the Actions` So you need to copy ``{NumActions}|plural(one=Action,other=Actions)`` and only translate `Action` for `one` action and `Actions` for `other` actions. ## Rich text tags `<tag name>` - this is a tag name begin syntax `</>` - this is the tag end syntax These tags should not be translated but are there because they enable rich text support, like adding **color** or adding **quotes** in a fancy way. e.g - `<Blue>30</>` - `<White>30</>` - `<Green>1</><YellowH>(→2)</>` - `<Orange>Slow</>` - only Slow should be translated and the tag around should be copied, so for - So for example the romanian translation would be `<Orange>Încet</>` - `Summons a homing projectile for each nearby enemy, causing <Blue>20</><YellowH>(→50)</> damage on impact. <YellowH>The target has a</> <GreenH>30%</> <YellowH>chance to become</> <Orange>Slow</>.` - Romanian translation would be: `Cheamă un proiectil țintit către fiecare inamic apropiat, cauzează <Blue>20</><YellowH>(→50)</> daune la impact. <YellowH>Ținta are o șansă de</> <Green>30%</> <YellowH>să devină</> <Orange>Încetinită</>.` - Notice how we encased with `<YellowH>` the text in the translation kinda the same as in the original english text ## Achievements [**See extra details to some of the descriptions**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VECXtw8K8OkzrBE315y17cBa1zghWy7uJ9WgOlNJt_k/edit?usp=sharing) ## Dialogues ### [**You can find all the dialogues here, to get the context if you ever need it**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pa_LL8F85_hPabIVqWaD8JdwpGJChns2z-5Jcq8DBA8/edit?usp=sharing) ### You can use [**Twine**](https://twinery.org/) to see the graph structure and to walk through the dialogues. You can download the dialogues for twine from [**here**](https://www.dropbox.com/s/7vp08lkg7glvm6o/Dialogues.zip?dl=0). Twine's UI is not that nice, maybe it is easier to use the `play` feature, where you can see one node at once, and can navigate the choices. (You can go back as well, and in some case, where the game uses a condition, you can explore all possible directions with the links). ### [**Here you can find a picture and brief description of every character**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RdgLt3L2Ug0a9p_3FvGMeqjMdVocA0URqOj97Msi1e4/edit?usp=sharing) - `Gnory` - is a merchant, the gender is male - `Lory` - is a merchant, the gender is female - `Associwhat?` - shorthand for `associate what` - `Dwarven` - is the languages of the Dwarfs - `Dwartown` - the city of Dwarfs - `compeer` - a person of equal rank, status, or ability. - `{name}` - Don't translate this, as it will get replaced with the char name he selected from the merchant in game. - `Fare thee well!` - "Fare thee well" is an expression of good luck used at a parting. So the meaning is similar to "good luck". It contains the archaic second-person pronoun "thee". It's not a common expression: it's a little more common to say "farewell", although that still sounds very formal. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/448151/what-is-the-meaning-of-fare-thee-well ### C3Teachy `HY` is just two random letters Teachy introduces the formula to prove that he is worthy, because if you multiply both sides with the same something they stay equal, this is just a play with the letters ``` Oh, the walking ball again! I haven’t seen you since you left me there with that Keeper. I bet you do wonder how did I get out. Well, alright, I’ll tell. He asked me to prove that I am worthy. I made some cup of tea and slowly put them in a row. From that I had this formula: TIME = T CUP = C TEA * C = ROW * T Then I multiplied by HY, so I get: TEACHY = ROWTHY After reordering the right side I got the final result: TEACHY = WORTHY Don’t say it, I know. I’m genius. ``` ## Items ### RuneStoneLLightingWalk The `shocking` as in `surprise` is intended here, later in the phrase it is revealed that the shock is actually a literal lighting shock. e.g: ``` Grants the shocking ability to walk through your enemies for <Green>2</v> sec. The shock causes <Blue>10</> damage. ``` ### AbacusSpellBook - `Wisy` - comes from `Wise` - `[3152]` or `3154` - are year numbers - `et al` - Formally preferred by some over etc.. See [dictionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/et_al.) - `Carfy` - comes from `Careful` - `Clevi` - comes from `Clever` - `Inti` - comes from `Intelligent` - `WISY, W.` or `Carfy C.` or `Inti, I.,` or ` WEIRDY, Y.,` - are all names of authors - `Croon` - as in `hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.` Page 0: ``` Wisy et al. [3152] point out that any entity can be banished by throwing the proper object into his/her/its face a few times, making him/her/it annoyed thus unconcerned, as long as the target entity has a face. The proper object in case of ghosts is something Surrected [Inti and Clevi 3153], as only Surrected substance can interact with ghosts. Any object covered with petals of Ghost Flower can be Surrected using the following method: - Say "Sorry my <object name>!" - Break the object into peaces with a heated hammer - Say your favourite color - Croon "La La LaLaLa LaLaLa" until the object is coagulated into a single Surrected object ``` Page 1: ``` WARNING: not following the instructions exactly leads to failure and also increases the probability of injury and or death [Carfy 3154]. REFERENCES: WISY, W., BUSY, B., WEIRDY, Y., AND LUCKY, L. 3152. The best ways to get rid of anyone potentially distracting us with questions like "What do you read?" Inti, I., AND Clevi, C. 3153. Insulting dead ancestors using Surrected objects Carfy C. 3154. What happened to Clevi, C. and Inti, I. ```