--- title: WarriOrb ROG Lighting test guide tags: WarriOrb, guide description: short guide to help testing the light effects of ROG devices breaks: false --- <!-- {%hackmd theme-dark %} --> # Console Commands `` (back tick) ` `` - Open the developer console To enable cheats type `spline scroller` in the console and press enter. (Ignore the warning saying that it is not recognized.) To have suggestions for the cheats you will have to reload/switch level. (Type `spline scroller` in the menu before you load a level). # Lighting scenarios: ## Menu When the menu is open `all device` has a `yellowish` light. ## Default The game only uses the `keyboard` as an input device during gameplay, like other platformers (Hollow Knight, Celeste). * By default the keyboard is lit based on the available actions * The lights are disabled during cutscenes * When the user changes the keybindings in the settings the lighting is updated accordingly * Type `So.AddAll` to the console to enable most actions * The keys used for movement have `aqua` lights by default * Movement keys: Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Space (jump), S (Roll), Up Arrow (float) * If the `Roll` key is `pressed down` the behaviour of the character changes (he becomes faster and the bounces back on impact), and the light of the movement keys are switched to `green`. * The `Float` key is only highlighted if the character has the necessary item to float * The Item, Weapon, and Spell switch keys have `yellow lights` * The attack keys, the toggle weapon key and the use item/spell key are `red` * If the character can interact with something, the interaction key is lit with `yellow` light: * Start a new game with cheats enabled * Type or copy `SO.T.TL_TutAreaStart` to teleport to the Sewer level * Move in front of the Golem NPC. Observe that a yellow light turns on the interact key (`R`) ## Status effect Certain spells apply status effects on the character for a duration. While a status effect is active `all devices` are lit with the associated color: * Green Falmestone: `Green` * Shadewalk: `Purple` * Lightingstone: `Aqua` * Energystone: `Greenish blue` * Bouncestone: `Light yellow` * Potion of Worthiness: `Yellow` Test method: * Type `So.AddAll` to the console to add all the runestones and the necessary knowledge to cast them * To change spells, type `So.Rest` to the console and navigage to the `Change Spells` button, then press `space`. * Press `Esc` two times to close the spell panel and the rest UI * Press `Q` to change the active spell. Select an equipped spell using the `WASD` keys * Use the `Space` key to cast the active spell if the spell selection wheel is open, or the item usage (F) key if it is not, and the `Soulcaster` is the selected Item ## Instant effect Most spell has a one time effect. The lighting for them is similar to the Status effects, but they only modify the lighting for a short time. The speed and the color of the effects depend on the used spell. Use the test method described in the `Status effect` on the other spells to observe the behaviour. ## Hit effect If the character takes damage but does not fall out of the level and does not break into pieces a `red` hit effect is displayed on all devices to give the player a stronger feedback. Test method: * Start a new game with cheats enabled * Type or copy `SO.T.TL_TutAreaStart` to teleport to the Sewer level * Walk into the green traps on your left