# Circular structures workflow ```mermaid graph TD INP[/Input parameters/] --> MAT(Material performance) subgraph domain expert models MAT --> SA(Structural analysis) SA --> SR(Structural reliability) end SR --> OBJ((Objectives)) subgraph sustainability SR --> CON((Constraints)) OBJ --> ECO(Economic impact) OBJ --> ENV(Environmental impact) OBJ --> SOC(Societal impact) end CON --> MO>Multi-objective optimization] ECO --> MO ENV --> MO SOC --> MO MO --> OPT[/Optimal designs/] style sustainability fill:#e0ffe0, stroke:#00cc00 ``` You can paste the mermaid code into [here](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/) and download the image as png. Link to mermaid documentation: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/