# Gitforge User Story Doc ## Introduction Between January 2020 - February 2020, the CPE team released an ODF document outlining the teams intention to Internal and external user groups were invited to contribute their requirements for a git-forge before 10th Feb 2020. A collection of requirements have now been compiled from multiple sources based on the replies and submissions the CPE team received from Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Legal, INFOSEC, Platform Engineering Groups & the Community Platform Engineering Team. The below table illustrates a grouping of the various actors/users of the proposed git-forge unification, their wants and why this is beneficial to them. ## Purpose & Plan The purpose of this document is to capture all user requirements, and the benefit these requirements bring to the user. ## User Story List We had over 300 User Stories received from all Stakeholders and after duplications and similar in theme requirements were merged together, we were left with the following unique User Story list: 1 As INFOSEC Associates must be able to use SSO to sign in So that RH as a business is protected against harmful activity from its employees 2 As a RH Legal rep Changes to the URL code must be cleared internally So that correct records are kept and RH is protected from legal action 3 As a RH Legal rep IP addresses must be blockable So content is not shipped to embargoed entities inc people, countries & businesses 4 As a RH Infosec rep Integration logs must be kept and monitored So that there is traceability in the event of suspicious activity 5 As a RH Developer I need the ability to privately comment on a PR so that confidential information does not leak outside Red Hat 6 As a RHEL engineer I want to be able to create branches via an API So that git branch management can be automated 7 As a RHEL engineer I want to know 6 months in advance if CPE move git forge So that my team has time to adopt our dependant services to the new offering in a timely manner 8 As a RHEL engineer I want a modern git workflow So that I can use upstream practices in RHEL development for quicker delivery of features & fixes 9 As a general user I want to sign in using the SSO of my account system So that I can access the git forge repos and contribute to RHEL 10 As a general user I want an API to interact programmatically with the forge So that I can integrate any/my application with the gitforge 11 As a general user I need to be able to port patches between projects So that I can easily collaborate between projects 12 As a general user I need CentOS & Fedora to be integrated in gitforge So I can push requests from one OS to the other 13 As a general user I need to be able to see SIG groups So that I know what group to reach out to to ask for help 14 As a general user I will see inline images against comments So that it is easier for me to see communications and status’s of issues Upload possible in issues, not in PR yet, images can be displayed in both 15 As a general user The gitforge supports a message bus So that I can continue to create formatted messages and provide alerts and metrics 16 As a general user I want to be able to create a bot/service account That integrates with the gitforge in the same way as a human does 17 As a general user I want to be able to make suggestions to fedora docs Without having to set up an entire infrastructure for making low-friction contributions 18 As a general user I want to be able to see a list of orphaned packages So that I know which ones need a maintainer if I want to adopt one 19 As a Project contributor I want to be able to use kanban boards So that my team can easily schedule and prioritize work in a visible way 20 As a Project contributor I want to be able to apply custom labels to issues So that I can specify issues on a per-repo basis 21 As a project contributor I want to be able to use custom fields So that I can specify metadata that is unique to my teams workflow 22 As a Project contributor I want to be able to track issues So that I/my team can track work assigned to us and receive external work requests 23 As a CPE team member I want the maintaining of a git forge to be more supported So that I can focus on other projects that meet the mission statement 24 As a General User I want to create projects and groups of projects So that I can self organise my teams work 25 As a General User I want to create custom access levels So that I can protect my projects but remain open by default 26 As a General User I want the ability to search across metadata To easily search code, commits and issues within a project 27 As a General User I want to rebase without waiting for the submitter to rebase So that I can proceed with accepting PRs 28 As a General User I want a unique URI to my code archive So that I can have a point in time snapshot 29 As a General User I want to access repos fully over https For environments where SSH is blocked 30 As a General User I want to see active branches prioritised So that end of life branches do not clutter my view 31 As a General User I can request access rights to a repository So that I can contribute in a low friction manner 32 As a General User I can file bugs and feature requests So that I can provide feedback and track future work 33 As a General User I can vote on issues To indicate my support or not for a particular issue 34 As a General User I want a mobile native app To allow me contribute while away from my desk 35 As a General User I can reassign issues to another component Where it can receive help and cooperation 36 As a General User I want the service to be reliable and available 24/7 to me so that I can access the service in a CD manner at all times 37 As a General User I would like support to address a bug that I have logged in a timely manner so that it does not unduly disrupt my workflow 38 As a General User I want the ability to use SSH and HTTP pulls to give me optimal usage 39 As a General User I want branches and visualisations of the branching setup to allow me track releases 40 As a General User I want the ability to have private and public repositories to allow me work in private and publish it publicly 41 As a General User I want groups and group membership and management to allow me create access control on a suite of repositories 42 As a General User want a GUI to interface with the system as well as a CLI so new users have an easier way to interface with it 43 As a General User I want an extensible git hook service to allow me integrate with popular services or create that binding To allow a CI system evolve around my code 44 As a General User I want a temporary file (gist) So that I can share code easily 45 As a General User I want to have interactive code reviews in my branches and PRs to foster collaboration 46 As a General User I want to be notified of CVEs in my code so that I can stay on top of critical vulnerabilities 47 As a General User I want integrated keyword support to allow me automate a lot of my actions such as a rebuild / retest 48 As a General User I want integration with my git forge in my IDE so I can stay focused in one spot 49 As a General User I want to gain analytics and insights from my code so that I can have historic context to make decisions moving forward 50 As a General User I would like a static website as part of my git forge to allow me advertise my projects and personal self 51 As a General User I would like to track my work in an Agile manner allowing me centralise all my planning in my forge and gain insights into how I am working. 52 As a General User I would like merge protection on my PRs to enable reviewers protect my code 53 As a General User I would like insights into the quality of my code to allow for technical debt planning 54 As a General User I would like historical logs and audits of all actions so that I can satisfy regulatory requirements 55 As a General User I would like a suite of templates, to boostrap projects easier 56 As a General User I want registry integration so that I can store dependencies 57 As a General User I want the ability to have a private branch So that I do not need to leave the code tree I am already in 58 As a General User I want to have private repos So that I can secure an entire repository for privacy reasons 59 As a General User I want protected branches So that I do not accidentally cause any issue 60 As a General User I want email notifications So that I am aware of changes on my PR 61 As a General User I want to have multiple PRs merge as a group So that I can verify wider functionality as one 62 As a General User I want automerges when specific acceptance criteria are met So that I do not need manual intervention 63 As a General User I want to set a filter for PRs of interest on a repo So that I get notified when something triggers my filter