# An Accurate Guide to Resolve QuickBooks 6XXX Error Series Are you constantly encountering an error in the QuickBooks 6XXX error series? These QuickBooks 6XXX series errors are excessively annoying. It occurs on your screen while you try to access the company file. Another situation where the 6XXX error series can occur is while updating or installing the QuickBooks application. There are numerous error codes that fall under the QB 6XXX series category. This blog will count on all the potential causes that trigger 6XXX series errors in the software, its different error codes, and troubleshooting tips and tricks. > If you need detailed technical help with the QuickBooks 6XXX error series, call +1(855)-738-0359 to connect with the QuickBooks professionals. ## An Overview of the 6XXX Error Series in QuickBooks QuickBooks software provides the best services and features to its users. However, due to some issues, users may also encounter error codes and issues in the software. Lately, users have reported issues while accessing the company file in the QB application. The 6XXX series is categorized based on error codes’ similarities and error causes. These error codes display similar properties and can also occur while running or updating the QuickBooks software. They may appear either on a local setup or in a network. You must analyze the QuickBooks 6XXX error series in detail so that you can easily terminate the error codes from the root. To do this, you must read this meticulously created blog post. ## Relevant Error Codes in QuickBooks 6XXX Error Series Here are all the possible error codes that you may get on your computer screen popping up in the 6XXX series in QuickBooks Desktop: 1. QB errors 6073 816, 6012 1061, & 6144 103 1. [**QuickBooks error 6209 0**](https://asquarecloudhosting.com/quickbooks-error-6209-0/) 1. QB error codes 6190 83, 6144 82, 6000 82, and 6129 101 1. Errors 6190 85, 6190 82, and 6000 305 1. QuickBooks error 6131 0 **Due to these error codes, you may face issues and barriers when performing your tasks on QuickBooks Desktop, such as system shutdown.** ## Triggering Factors of 6XXX QB Company File Error Codes Check what the reasons are that trigger 6XXX QuickBooks company file errors in the software: * You can experience issues while accessing company files due to the hard drive problem. * Invalid network settings can be the reason why you encounter 6XXX series errors. * An error can also occur because of corrupted company file data. * Outdated QB software performance might be another cause for the error. **Recommended to read** :- [**The Best Techniques to Resolve QuickBooks 15227 Series Errors**](https://medium.com/@wellyroman4/the-best-techniques-to-resolve-quickbooks-15227-series-errors-8321716856b6) ## How to Resolve 6XXX Company File Error Code in QB **Perform these troubleshooting tactics to fix the company file errors in the software:** 1. The quick and effective resolution for the 6XXX QuickBooks company file errors is to update QuickBooks Desktop immediately. 1. Then, run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool from the QB Tool Hub. 1. Another resolution is renaming the configuration files to fix the company file issues in the software. The blog helps users understand the different aspects related to company file errors of the 6XXX series on QuickBooks Desktop. After performing the above instructions, you can easily terminate various error codes from the series mentioned above. Dial +1(855)-738-0359 and get direct access to the expert’s advice if the error still appears. **Read more**:- [**A Stepwise Guide for Beginners to Set Up QB Web Connector**](https://hackmd.io/@ronnyray/S1VkuQLVR)