# Week 2 Projects Review 1. README !! 2. File Structure could be enhanced instead of putting everything in the root, or all the CSS code in one file and remove unused files or folders. 3. Git & GitHub 4. Don't push to main or update directly from GitHub even if it was just a README 5. PR requires all the team members to approve it after they review it since they will become responsible once it is merged. 6. Write a good descriptive name for the PR and write a good commit message, use labels correctly, and make your commits small. 7. You should distribute tasks fairly so if you ever felt left behind speak to us privately and we will take action immediately without anyone knowing. 8. Consistency: let/const and es6/es5. 9. Remove any `console.log` and you should always check the console log if there are any errors and solve them. 10. Remove and unused commented lines of code and don't merge them with main. 11. naming variables in a meaningful and clear name 12. Don't put comments to explain an explained code 13. Be generic and don't repeat yourself 14. use the class name to style HTML elements because of CSS Specificity and use the BEM convention in naming classes 15. innerHTML 16. Use relative paths