# Testnet OKP4 As a major player in the Cosmos ecosystem, the French company OKP4 has invited us to participate in its incentive test network. Code name `Nemeton`. ## OKP4, Open Knowledges Protocol For OKP4 is a blockchain dedicated to sharing data with minimal trust. The blockchain orchestrates the assets shared by participants in the Dataverse: data, algorithms, software, storage and computation to enable a new generation of applications. Any contributor earns rewards from these new value chains. OKP4 will allow anyone to create and share an infinite number of dataspaces. A dataspace is a digital community that fosters the knowledge economy by allowing data to be shared in confidence between dataspace members. All these data spaces create the Dataverse. If you are interested in OKP4 services, you can find all the information on [the documentation website](https://docs.okp4.network/) ## OKP4 meet Cros-Nest Cros-Nest is an active player in the cosmos ecosystem, providing technical expertise and knowledge of cosmos blockchains. We are also one of the main IBC relayers with more than 30 relayed chains. We met the OKP4 team in Medelin during the Cosmoverse. They presented us their project and we found it very interesting and challenging. Back in Europe, we kept a link with them, followed the development and reviewed the Genesis file of testnet. ## First testnet The first public testnet began in October 17. Like every testnet for the last 2 years, many participants registered and asked to have an active validator. The OKP4 testnet has only 150 slots (which is already a large number of validators) and within a few weeks more than 1200 validators were registered on the channel. ### November 03 A spamming script started to flood the chain with transactions. The problem was that many nodes on the network had very low specifications and the chain started to slow down and almost stopped. ![](https://i.imgur.com/82IHAkf.png) The period without data in this image is due to the fact that the node used to obtain this information is blocked by the load. The OKP4 team made the decision to delegate a very large amount of tokens to the Cros-Nest validator to allow the chain to restart. The chain restarted with a very large number of missing validators. ### November 05 We noticed a change in the behavior of the chain. Many validators were not signing blocks even though their validator is running. We have gathered information from the affected validators and taken the necessary steps to notify the Testnet validator community. ![](https://i.imgur.com/M1AfAan.png) Most of the validators who encountered this problem were not experienced and deployed the validator using a script provided by a third party. > This type of script, in our opinion, is a real threat to any network today. Anyone can deploy a node using this script without reading it. They can deploy a modified binary to spread the ability for an attacker to hack a blockchain. Or simply leak the user's mnemonics. Since this event, The testnet worked well and ended on November 30 to make way for the incentivized `nemeton-1` testnet. ## The Nemeton program WIP