Hello everyone! Here's my development update for Week 9 of Ethereum Protocol Fellowship Cohort 4!
I continued to add fuzzers and messages to my fuzzing project: 1 new fuzzer was added as well as 1 message for the Rlpx.
I continued to study the devp2p specifications and fuzzing techniques.
I updated the project documentation to include the new fuzzers, messages and commands.
I've had a chance to talk to Felix about the issues I've found, we've discussed them and concluded that the behaviours observed are indeed unexpected behaviours, but they need to be checked to make sure they're due to a bug in the implementations. Felix is on it and I've provided him with all the information and data he needs to do the checks, so I'm now waiting.
I've been exploring the possible security vulnerabilities that the bugs found could cause by researching and testing things, but it doesn't seem to be anything too serious.