Hello everyone! Here's my development update for Week 7 of Ethereum Protocol Fellowship Cohort 4!
This week I was able to make good progress on my project and continued my research into fuzzing and devp2p :
I updated the cli of the project and added four commands to make it possible to launch a fuzz test with options like selecting the fuzzer, the number of runs, and an optional string to mutate.
I added one new fuzzer that applies mutations to a string.
I opened one issue on the Geth project because I found that one of my fuzz test is not available as a unit test in Hive. I proposed to add this feature to Hive tests.
I found one possible issue in implementations with my fuzzer. I sent a vulnerability report to the Ethereum bounty program, and they confirmed that they are reviewing the report and will get back to me as soon as possible.
I continued my readings of fuzzing techniques and devp2p specifications and watched videos about fuzzing.
I wrote documentation on how to use my project, set up a private network, and provided information about the commands and fuzzers.
With 4 different commands that send fuzzed messages and two possible fuzzers for each command, there are a total of 8 possible fuzz tests to launch
Next week, I'll try to add more fuzzers and more functionality.
Project Repo :