Hello everyone
I spent the week continuing my learning of rust, I've been on it for several weeks now, I learned a lot about this language.
I kept bringing new features to the project I had created to practice rust.
I was able to finish the rust book and almost finished the rustlings exercises.
The first step of my plan for the epf : learning rust and ethereum, is complete.
However, I intend to continue learning the rust language and deepen my knowledge of ethereum through the epf, it will just be less frequent than these first 3 weeks.
To resume the roadmap that I had set the first week, I move on to the second step :
This corresponds well to phase 2 of the epf which consists of focus research in a specific problem, I am happy to be on time.
At first I will learn fuzzing then I will see which part of ethereum I will focus on.
For the moment I have already started to check the various projects on ethereum, and reth seems to be the project that attracts me the most. Network fuzzing could also be interesting as suggested by Fredrik.
But I will make a choice towards the end of phase 2, once I have explored fuzzing with rust.
And thats it for my updates , thank you for reading