###### tags: `Program` # MetaPod Week 1 (3/14) - Bootcamp [MetaPod Week 1 Schedule](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sCqsL4csM0txchGsqUd0oPAhOWoe8zMWyiXvds9biTE/edit#gid=741740585) - 9 workshops - 4 firesides The idea for this first week is to offer a high level overview on starting and maintaining a DAO, while having the participants start asking the right questions about their DAOs. ## Workshop 1: DAOs & Web3 101 (MetaPod) ### `When: March 14th @ 11am EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - What is the definition of a DAO? - Don't be a DINO - What makes a DAO a "real" DAO? - How do DAOs fit into Web3 ecosystem - Are DAOs here to stay? - *Are you building a real DAO? (question for MP participants)* ## Workshop 2: Diversity & Inclusion (Ann Willmott & Dr. Kelly Page) ### `When: March 14th @ 12pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - The general importance of diversity and inclusiveness for co-creation - How does the lack of diversity negatively impact an organization/community - How can DAOs become sustainably more diverse and inclusive - Strategies for becoming and remaining inclusive - How do you gauge if your DAO is diverse or not - Is it possible to be too diverse/inclusive - *What do you think diversity and inclusion means to your community? How might your community work to action their beliefs on diversity and inclusion? (question for MP participants)* - Resources for diversifying - Learning/reference materials on diversity - Diversity focused community examples - Diversity focused initiative examples ## Workshop 3: DAOs & incorporation (Lex DAO) ### `When: March 14th @ 1pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - How do DAOs fit IRL within these 'legacy systems' - Different DAO legal structures that exist today - When does a DAO need to 'corp up' - *Does my DAO need to incorporate? (question for MP participants)* - *What sort of liability do the members of my DAO face? (question for MP participants)* - DAO legal resources - learning/reference materials - Legal entities focused on DAO structures - DAOs focused on web3 legal structures ## Fireside Chat 1: Early DAO summoners (MGD, MetaCartel, Gitcoin) ### `When: March 15th @ 11am EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - What was your experience like summoning your first DAO(s)? - What were some of the earliest problems you faced? - What was your biggest learning experience? - What would you say are some of the best practices when starting a DAO? ## Workshop 4: Contributor personas & how to recruit contributors (Raid Guild - Rafa - Mirror & Tae) ### `When: March 15th @ 12pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - How to define personas - How to communicate contributor needs - How to recruit new contributors - Compensation/incentive models - How to onboard new contributors - How to retain contributors - *What are your DAO's contributor personas? (question for MP participants)* ## Fireside Chat 2: Guest group of DAO summoners (DH Community) ### `When: March 15th @ 1pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - How did you start/join your DAO? - What was the initial onboarding experience like? - Is it difficult to find/recruit contributors? - What sort of compensation/incentive model exists? - Is your DAO sustainable? - How so? - if not, are you working towards sustainability? ## Workshop 5: PR in Web3 (Samantha YAP) ### `When: March 16th @ 11am EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - Branding and public image - Creating a strong narrative - The importance of storytelling - *What public image/personality does your DAO want? (question for MP participants)* ## Workshop 6: Growth in Web3 (Spencer (DH) ### `When: March 16th @ 12pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - Different types of growth as a DAO - community - product - treasury - How to scale operations as a DAO - Biggest bottlenecks facing DAOs today - *In what area are you looking to scale your DAO? (question for MP participants)* ## Workshop 7: DAO2DAO Partnerships (Yalor - MetaCartel) ### `When: March 16th @ 1pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - How can DAOs work together? - resource sharing - Positive sum mentality - everyone wins - Maintaining DAO2DAO relationships - *How can your DAO work with other DAOs? (question for MP participants)* ## Workshop 8: Product Development in Web3 (Sam (DH) ### `When: March 17th @ 11am EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - Product development as a DAO 101 - DAO structure - workflows - compensation - accountability - coordination (battling moloch) - product market fit - biggest learning experiences - pros/cons of DAOing it - *what are some problems you're facing while trying to dev a product within your DAO? (question for MP participants)* ## Workshop 9: DAO Tooling (MetaPod 3/17) ### `When: March 17th @ 12pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - What is considered 'DAO tooling'? - Both web2 & web3 tools - anything that augments the coordination experience - What are the different governance platforms that exist today? - How do they compare with one another? - why is DAOhaus the most robust platform? - *what are some tools/abilities you wish your DAO had? (question for MP participants)* ## Fireside 3: Product Builders (1Hive and Gnosis) ### `When: March 18th @ 11am EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - Your experience building as a DAO - the dos & don'ts - fitting into a workstream - being compensated via a DAO - is it harder getting things done as a DAO? ## Fireside 4: Partnerships (DAO Connectors) ### `When: March 17th @ 12pm EST` ### `Where: MetaPod Discord` - coordinating decentralized networks of people - talent pool management - personality fits - technical abilities as a coordinator - do you tech skills to coordinate in the DAO space?