###### tags: `Program` # MetaPod Workshop 1 - DAOs & Communities 101 ## Workshop Overview: - What is the definition of a DAO? - Don't be a DINO - What makes a DAO a "real" DAO? - How do DAOs fit into Web3 ecosystem - Are DAOs here to stay? - *What does DAO mean for your project? (question for MP participants)* --- ## Workshop Outline #### Introduction - `5 min` - Yalor * MetaPod Intro, Program overview - Onboard communities into web3 - Empower communities with DAO tooling and operational resources - Supply educational resources for scaling a web3 community initiative * We put the tools and frameworks in place for you to build a successful web3 community * Community building, the hard part, is on you #### What is a DAO? - `10 min` - Team A DAO defined by DAOhaus is a network of agents that manages common resource(s) in service of a shared purpose, where the power to execute actions is distributed among all agents in the network. * Ask the group "what makes a DAO a real DAO?" - Don't be a DINO (DAO In Name Only) #### DAO Frameworks - `5 min` - Jeremy * Creating a DAO and DAO tooling establishes the rails for community building. There are several different frameworks that exist today. Here are some familiar examples: [MakerDAO governance framework](https://vote.makerdao.com/) -> Liquid Token Governance [Compound governance framework (and forks)](https://compound.finance/governance) -> Liquid Token Governance [DXvote (using DAOstack framework)](https://dxvote.eth.link/) -> Non-transferrable Reputational Based Governance with Holographic Consensus [Aragon](https://aragon.org/) -> Flexible open-source infrastructure with governance plugins. **But ultimately, we believe DAOhaus has the most robust and interoperable tooling for building and organizing communities around common goals:** [DAOhaus (Moloch DAOs)](https://daohaus.club/) -> Non-transferable Share Based Governance with Rage Quit (If you don't like what is going on, you can leave the community with your share) We'll be breaking down DAOhaus use cases over the course of the program. Once you have some of your foundational DAO tooling in place, the hard part starts... community building #### DAO Community Building - `10 min` - Ryan * Its the hard part https://medium.com/1kxnetwork/roles-within-community-building-3e3be23f3b13 * Roles within a community * Settler * Explorer * Town planner * General misunderstandings * Settle before exploring * Community is a creative process * Town planning requires operational experience #### Knowledge Management - `10 min` - Amos * MetaPod Notion * Getting Access * Program Schedule & Overview * Other Resources: People Directory, Reading List, etc. * Google Calendar * Discord ---