Try   HackMD


This last week I worked on:

  • adding the on_tick and on_block handlers for fork-choice #381 #385
  • adding current sync progress to grafana #384
  • updating the grafana version we were using #362
  • fixing some parsing issues on configuration files #369
  • implementing the process_historical_summaries_update function for epoch processing #370
  • starting work on process_rewards_and_penalties #373
  • simplifying the test handlers we had for epoch processing spec-tests #372
  • improving the performance of incoming request processing via parallelization #361
  • doing some exploratory work on peer pruning #368

Since we are reaching the last week of the cohort, we are focusing on integrating what we built until today to have something easy to show to an audience. This means working on the handlers, and plugging the state transition functions (that are still a WIP) to the rest of the node.

Next steps

Working on the handlers and adding missing state transition functions. After that, fixing bugs and making sure everything is working. Finally, adding more graphana visualizations that show the node's sync progress.