# Guide on participating in the ropsten tBTC to KEEP exchange program As per the recent team announcement, > This program will be a separate pool of KEEP rewards from Playing for Keeps, our monthly incentivized testnet. In addition to the 2M KEEP rewarded tomorrow for June's submissions, we'll announce bug bounties tiers this week, as well as a testnet TBTC to mainnet KEEP exchange program. We'll be exchanging 1 testnet TBTC for 100 mainnet KEEP, up to 250k KEEP across the whole testnet. Once we've hit 250k KEEP (2500 testnet TBTC!) we'll end the promotion. The dApp will be re-deployed with a couple bugfixes on Ropsten Thursday, then the floodgates will open. You will be able to win KEEP by stacking ropsten tBTC.Here is a guide with the different steps on how to do just that. ## Create your Bitcoin testnet Wallet. * Go to https://block.io/. * Choose the free tier * Go to Testnet, then Bitcoin testnet option in your wallet. ![](https://i.imgur.com/duZcGSS.png) * Scroll below, you will see your address. ## Create a Metamask wallet and get ropsten ETH * Download the Metamask extension if you don't already have it * Get some ropsten ETH at this faucet : [https://faucet.metamask.io/](https://) ## Then, get some testnet Bitcoin PSA: testnet Bitcoin is not the same as ropsten tBTC! testnet Bitcoin ins something you'll need in order to then get ropsten tBTC. Use this doc [https://hackmd.io/@TestnetBitcoin/TestnetBitcoin](https://) to find some testnet Bitcoin. ## Now, mint ropsten tBTC with your testnet Bitcoin You'll need to go to https://dapp.test.tbtc.network/ to mint some ropsten tBTC.The things is, the dapp is not currently working. The dapp will be re-open in the next few days, and you will be able to mint ropsten tBTC at this point. For now, stack testnet Bitcoin ! When the dApp reopens, follow this video to sucessfully mint some tBTC : https://drive.google.com/uc?id=12sQKirwNmTdrPTNFBSxDCnY5xbeu24Gi&export=download