--- title: Federal Electoral Regulations Booklet --- # ![DC](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694060716403064864/956289439833927730/1200px-Seal_of_the_United_States_Federal_Election_Commission.svg.png "Logo" =65x65) Federal Electoral Regulations Booklet # Mission Statement > "*The Federal Election Commission is a independent regulatory body operated by the Group Administration in order to protect the intergity of the elections, and are tasked with administering and enforcing Federal Electoral Regulations as prescribed.*" [name=Federal Election Commission Commissioners - 03/23/2022] [color=#1250ac] # Table of Contents [TOC] # Chapter 1 - Electoral Process ## Article I - Federal Election Commission (a) The Federal Election Commission is a regulative body with oversight over elections, managed by the Group Administration of the United States. (b) The Federal Election Commission is composed of an appointed set of “Commissioners”, appointed by Group Administration for the purpose of creating and enforcing regulations governing election management. ## Article II - Election Scheduling (a) An election shall be scheduled by the Federal Election Commission as necessary when the term of a civil office has neared expiration. (a) A special election shall be scheduled by the Federal Election Commission as necessary when the Speaker of the House of Represenatives or the President of the Senate announces such vacancy in accordance to 2 US Code § 105 - Vacancies. ## Article III - Certification of Election (a) The Federal Election Commission is granted the authority to certify the opening, closing, and results of an election within the United States of America. (b) After verifying the validity of all votes, the Federal Election Commission shall certify the results of an election and release the results of the election to the general public. ## Article IV - Authority to Regulate (a) The Federal Election Commission is granted the authority to implement regulations pertaining to the electoral process and to enforce such regulations. The Commission may enforce regulations through a variety of punishments, including but not limited to: 1. Disqualification of Candidacy; 1. Disqualification of Registration; 1. Disqualification of Vote; 1. Blacklist of Candidate; and 1. Blacklist of Voter. (b) All candidates for civil office and electors for civil office shall be in compliance of the regulations imposed by the Federal Election Commission. ## Article V - Requirements for Federal Civil Office (a) The Federal Election Commission is required to verify the eligibility of all candidates seeking public office. (b) The eligibility of a candidate is determined through the requirements outlined in the United States Constitution, they must meet the following: House Candidates: 1. ROBLOX account age must be at least three months 2. Has successfully immigrated to the United States and has been granted citizenship for at least one day 3. Not currently a inhabitant of a different United States of America group on ROBLOX Senate Candidates: 1. ROBLOX account age must be at least six months 2. Has successfully immigrated to the United States and has been granted citizenship for at least three days 3. Not currently a inhabitant of a different United States of America group on ROBLOX Presidental Candidates: 1. ROBLOX account age must be at least six months 2. Has successfully immigrated to the United States and has been granted citizenship for at least fourteen days 3. Not currently a inhabitant of a different United States of America group on ROBLOX ## Article VI - Schedule for Federal Civil Office ## Article VII - Government Property in Elections (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for government property to be employed in the interest of providing a political advantage or disadvantage for a candidate for civil office. (b) The usage of government property for the administration of the electoral process by an authorized organization shall not be restricted. The use of government property as ballot and polling stations remains authorized. ## Article VIII - Alternate Accounts in Elections (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for any candidate for civil office to accept, solicit, or receive illegitimate account aid in matters involving an election. (b) Any candidate for civil office which becomes aware of illegitimate account aid which provides them or any other candidate with an unfair advantage or disadvantage shall have a duty to report such activity to the Federal Election Commission within a reasonable timeframe. # Chapter 2 - Electoral Integrity ## Article I - Official Aid to Political Activity (a) It shall be against electoral regulations to knowingly accept, solicit, or receive political aid from a government entity while seeking or otherwise campaigning as a candidate for civil office. (b) Restrictions against political aid shall extend to advocacy by a government entity, targeted attacks against a candidate for civil office with the intent of providing an advantage or disadvantage to such candidate by a government entity, and any other political activities which may serve to provide unfair advantages or disadvantages to persons involved in elections. ## Article II - Employment Activity (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person to offer or otherwise promise any government employment, contract, appointment, other government employment benefit, or special consideration for such employment benefit as a reward for political activities that favor or which oppose a candidate for political office. (b) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person to deny or deprive, or threaten to deny or deprive, another person of government employment in exchange for political activities. ## Article III - Non-Primary Accounts (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person to employ the use of non-primary accounts, or otherwise defined as “alternate” accounts, for the purpose of voting. # Chapter 3 - Voter Protection ## Article I - Voter Discrimination (a) Under no circumstance shall a qualified elector have their right to vote abridged on the basis of: 1. Gender; 1. Sexuality; 1. Ethnicity; 1. Race; or 1. Color. ## Article II - Voter Intimidation (a) It shall be against electoral regulations to intimidate, threaten, coerce, or make an attempt to any of the aforementioned towards an elector, with the intent to interfere with the right to vote. ## Article III - Voting Interference Expenditures (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person serving in a position of employment with the United States, or with any subject organization thereof, to employ their official authority or threaten to employ their official authority with the purpose or intent to interfere with the nomination or election of a candidate for civil office. (b) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person serving in a position of employment with the United States, or with any subject organization thereof, to employ their official authority or threaten to employ their official authority with the purpose or intent to influence political activity from an elector. ( c) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person serving in a position of employment with the United States, or any subject organization thereof, to employ their official authority or threaten to employ their official authority with the purpose or intent to interfere with an election officer’s discharge of his or her duties. ## Article IV - Expenditures (a) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person to provide, offer, or otherwise promise to make an expenditure to another person in exchange for voting activity or the withholding of voting activity, in connection to a candidate for civil office. (b) It shall be against electoral regulations for any person to request, solicit, or otherwise accept an expenditure in exchange for voting activity or the withholding of voting activity, in connection to a candidate for civil office. ( c) No advocating or campaigning may be conducted if done so in exchange for monetary payment, government employment, appointment, contract, or other benefit. # Chapter 3 - Campaign Regulation ## Article I - General Regulations (a) All campaigns and candidates must abide by the ROBLOX Terms of Use, and ROBLOX Community Rules, including while off-site. (b) All campaigns and candidates must abide by the LUSA Community Rules. (c) All campaigns and candidates must abide by the Discord Terms of Service and Discord Guidelines while participating in discord servers relating to the United States. ## Article II - Advocating & General Campaigning (a) Campaigning and advocating for candidates shall only occur in authorized mediums and communication methods: 1. ROBLOX website ads; 1. ROBLOX private messages; 1. ROBLOX party messages; 1. Discord private messages; 1. Designated Discord campaigning channels; 1. Designated discord campaigning servers; (b) Campaigning and advocating for candidates may occur in the following mediums except those relating government entities: 1. Twitter; 1. Email; 1. Trello; 1. ROBLOX group walls and shouts ( United States group), and; 1. ROBLOX games. ## Article III - Bots and Automated Programs (a) Usage of bots and other automated programs is limited to one message every twelve (12) hours and may only be sent in private messages. (b) A campaign may only use one bot, and may not use multiple bots to circumvent the limit. ## Article IV - Criminal Activity during Campaigns (a) No candidate may obtain a misdemeanor or felony record during a campaign, and candidates may be punished by the Federal Election Commission if found guilty by a court of justice during campaigns, which may include disqualification. # Chapter 4 - Political Parties ## Article I - Establishment of Parties