tags: jupyter, ikernel, conda, liunx, JupyterLab, JupyterNotebook, ipykernel
# How to join conda env into jupyter notebook (Installing Jupyter&Kernel)
Related: [Jupyter 新增虛擬環境為新 kernel](/s1dDlCVyTv-56ULPRgnsvQ)
1. [ref.](https://medium.com/@nrk25693/how-to-add-your-conda-environment-to-your-jupyter-notebook-in-just-4-steps-abeab8b8d084)
2. [ipython doc](https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install/kernel_install.html)
3. https://jupyter.org/install
## 安裝 Jupyter (Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook)
首先要有安裝 jupyter notebook/lab,兩者挑一個安裝即可,
我建議用 conda 建一個只用來建制 Jupyter Server 的環境, 以方便管理
(anaconda 已內建、miniconda 要自己裝)
### Jupyter Notebook (類似 google colab)
install the classic Jupyter Notebook
pip install notebook
To run the notebook:
jupyter notebook
### JupyterLab (有整合 command line)
Install JupyterLab with pip:
pip install jupyterlab
To run JupyterLab:
可透過已下命令,可於任意虛擬環境查看目前 jupyter 已連動的 kernel
jupyter kernelspec list
## 將指定的 conda python 環境加進 jupyter kernel
1. Create a Conda environment.
conda create --name <myenv>
or [create a tensorflow with gpu env](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user-guide/tasks/tensorflow/):
conda create -n <myenv-gpu> python=<version> tensorflow-gpu
2. Activate \<myenv\>
conda activate <myenv>
install any package you need in this environment.
pip install <package>
3. Set this conda environment on your jupyter notebook, to do so please install ipykernel. <mark>(install in this myenv)</mark>
conda activate myenv # `source activate myenv` in linux, 若已開啟 myenv 則不用這行
conda install pip
conda install ipykernel # or pip install ipykernel
可透過以下命令 (==jupyter kernelspec list==) ,可查看目前虛擬環境允許被 jupyter 連動 (當啟動 jyputer notebook 會自動帶入此環境為 jyputer kernel)
jupyter kernelspec list
4. ==Install a `Python environment Kernel` in a myenv.==
conda activate myenv # `source activate myenv` in linux, 若已開啟 myenv 則不用這行
python -m ipykernel install --user --name <this-myenv-name> --display-name "name-you-want-show-in-notebook"
當然,你也可以為其他虛擬環境增加 ipykernel (使 jupyter notebook 可以使用此 env 作為 kernel)
conda activate other-env # `source activate other-env` in linux, 若已開啟 myenv 則不用這行
python -m ipykernel install --user --name <this-env-name> --display-name "Python (other-env)"
移除 ipykernel
jupyter kernelspec remove <myenv>