# Nadir PR Contents Manifest Excludes non-items like tgui bundle and secret submodule ref. ### _std/__build.dm Map override define for Nadir. ### _std/defines/announcement_origins.dm Adjustment to the announcement origin defines so only Oshan receives Abzu-specific announcement origins, as Nadir does not reside in that system. ### _std/defines/time.dm Adds an OCEAN_LIGHT define branch for Nadir, giving the outside darker lighting. ### _std/mapDefines.dm UNDERWATER_MAP define triggered when MAP_OVERRIDE_NADIR is defined. ### _std/packets.dm A set of two packet frequency defines, for the harmonic siphon systems and transception systems respectively. ### assets/maps/prefabs/prefab_water_nadirelevator.dmm Prefab containing Nadir's trench elevator, underdiner, jazz lounge, and siphon shaft wall. ### browserassets/images/pocket_guides/siphonguide.png Guide sheet for operation of Nadir's harmonic siphon. ### code/WorkInProgress/construction/supply_controller.dm Small change to forbid ordering of pod assembly equipment on Nadir, as Nadir is not currently intended to have pods/subs for crew due to their acid immunity. ### code/WorkInProgress/nadir_antenna.dm **Major** Contains code for one of three map proprietary systems, the transception array (and its associated cargo pads and computers). ### code/area.dm Adds an area for Johnbus docking on Nadir which has acid turf as a filler. ### code/datums/components/gear_corrosion.dm **Major** Contains the main code for the gear corrosion component, which is attached to gear when it takes damage from acid, handling decay reporting and degradation. ### code/datums/configuration.dm Forbids Blob from appearing on Nadir, as it doesn't function quite right in the acid environment with the current state of fluid mechanics. ### code/datums/controllers/process/fluid_spawner.dm Define switch for ocean reagent ID, setting it to "tene" (aqua tenebrae, Nadir's custom acid) if Nadir is selected. ### code/datums/gamemodes/mixed.dm Forbids Blob from appearing in Mixed mode when Nadir is defined. ### code/datums/gameticker.dm Define switch for the engine setup alert that tailors its behavior and timing to Nadir's catalytic generator system. ### code/datums/jobs.dm Support for Radio Show Host appearing on Nadir. ### code/datums/manufacturing.dm Manufacture datums for the harmonic siphon's supplementary resonators and the gear-repairing handheld nanolooms. ### code/map.dm Nadir map entry and map settings datum (map entry has player pickable disabled at time of writing). ### code/modules/chemistry/Reagents-PoisonEtc.dm **Major** Definition for aqua tenebrae, Nadir's custom gear-degrading acid. ### code/modules/economy/shippingmarket.dm Shipping system tweaks to accommodate Nadir's cargo transception system; when on Nadir, crates are put on a pending crate list, to then be received at will. ### code/modules/economy/supply_packs.dm Forbids purchase of ship component fabricators, as Nadir is not currently intended to have crew pods due to their indefinite acid immunity. ### code/modules/fluid/fluid_turf.dm Outdoor turf generation adjustments for Nadir, including the placement of acid doodads (lithoflora). Define for acid fluid turf, including a non-generating "clear" variant with a distinct sprite in map editor for ease of placement. ### code/modules/materials/Mat_Fabrication.dm Addition of catalytic rod fabrication recipe to standard nano-fabricators. ### code/modules/power/catalytic_engine.dm **Major** Code for the catalytic generators, Nadir's custom source of power that utilizes material-based catalytic rods to generate electricity from the acid pit's unique composition. ### code/modules/siphon/siphon_controls.dm **Major** Contains the Primary Siphon Control, the central console in the siphon control bank which remotely controls its raised/lowered and activated states. Contains the Siphon Systems Control, the left console in the siphon control bank which reports on the status of the siphon and its resonators, and can remotely recalibrate resonators. Contains the Resonance Calibration Database, the right console in the siphon control bank which provides a list of parameters for material extraction using the Harmonic Siphon, as well as a glossary of terms pertinent to siphon operation. ### code/modules/siphon/siphon_machinery.dm **Major** Contains code for the Harmonic Siphon, Nadir's primary and most complex proprietary system capable of extracting desired materials based on user-constructed configurations. ### code/modules/siphon/siphon_minerals.dm **Major** Contains a list of siphon mineral datums; these describe the required parameters to extract a thing, which thing it extracts, and whether it is reported in the Resonance Calibration Database, optionally including information on how to extract it. ### code/modules/worldgen/prefab/mining.dm Alterations to prefab setup, removing certain underwater prefabs from Nadir generation when they did not fit thematically. ### code/obj/item.dm Introduction of the "acid_survival_time" var, which informs the gear corrosion component of how long it should last in contact with acid. ### code/obj/item/clothing (3 files) Implementation of the "acid_survival_time" var on several gear items, prominently including dive suits. ### code/obj/item/paper.dm Addition of the Harmonic Siphon Brief item, providing guidance on the mechanics and operation of the Harmonic Siphon, and a hint on use of the catalytic generators. ### code/obj/item/device/nanoloom.dm **Major** Defines the nanoloom, a small handheld device capable of repairing acid-damaged gear that hasn't taken damage recently. (Fully-decayed gear is not destroyed; it simply loses its chemical protection and spacetightness.) ### code/obj/item/storage/small_storage_parent.dm Guarantees the presence of an emergency space suit in your starting box on Nadir; these suits last for a significantly shorter time in contact with acid compared to proper suits, so universal availability is suitable. ### code/obj/machinery/computer/buildandrepair.dm Circuit board for the transception computer, which operates cargo transception pads wirelessly. ### code/obj/machinery/computer/shuttle.dm Johnbus destination text alteration for Nadir-specific arrival. ### code/obj/machinery/manufacturer.dm Default inclusion of nanolooms and their spool cartridges in general manufacturers, as well as defines for the siphon resonator blueprints. ### code/obj/sealab_objects.dm Defines the Nadir doodads (lithoflora) that appear outside the extraction site. There are currently two variants of these which appear in different colors and can drop different minerals when broken apart. ### code/obj/storage/secure_closets.dm Defines immersion suit vaults, a special class of fluidtight locker that holds dive suits and is locked to the department in which it's located. ### code/procs/jobprocs.dm Prevents appearance of the Pilot trait on Nadir, as crew pods are forbidden on the map.