# Timely vote credits proposal voting coordination ## Background There is a general agreement among key stakeholders that timely vote credits should be activated on mainnet. There's also support to hold a community signaling vote prior to activation. See the [Appendix](https://hackmd.io/8N0u4UbjSD6zSgr_tmuPTA?both#Appendix) for additional timely vote credits details. ## Voting process A signaling vote will be conducted. It will use the same process used to hold the [first governance signaling vote](https://forum.solana.com/t/vote-first-governance-advisory-vote-by-validators/597/2). [Is a quorum needed? - TBD] ## Timeline (need dates) - Activate timely vote credits on testnet - Take snapshot of validator stake to inform voting power - Initiate mainnet vote - Voting period - Vote results tallied - Activation scheduled - Activation completed ## Appendix https://www.shinobi-systems.com/timely_voting_proposal/ https://github.com/solana-foundation/solana-improvement-documents/blob/main/proposals/0033-timely-vote-credits.md https://docs.solanalabs.com/proposals/timely-vote-credits https://forum.solana.com/t/aligning-the-what-of-governance-with-the-existing-simd-process/1011