Inari is a 'zap' router contract for token staking, swap and defi migration. The name is drawn in homage to Inari Ōkami , a deity for cultivation and industry, whose fox servants dine on offerings of sweet sushi (inarizushi).
Development of Inari started with simple tools like Saave, a Sushi-Aave staking helper contract. Following community feedback and deployment of new SushiSwap protocols, like Kashi lending, Inari has grown to become more generalized and include requested bridges like Aave, Compound, and Cream, as well as SLP, Bento, Kashi, and MasterChefv2 TX helpers.
In the Inari V1 implementation, zap functions are clearly listed out with interfaces, such as calling aaveToBento() to unstake and move an asset into a Bento account, or stakeSushiToAave() to stake Sushi into SushiBar and Aave (saave). These actions can also be combined into strategies and portfolio rebalancing through a batch() function (see below,Chef Batching).
In addition to immediate UX improvements, Inari can also highlight better exchange rates, such as going from ETH to xSUSHI through a 'swap and stake'. Overall, Inari is designed to be an easy-to-understand wrapper on SushiSwap and BentoBox applications, and more generally, can help Sushi and the greater DeFi community build out common routing tools to reduce friction.
Swap & Stake