# Jothon hypercerts plan Hypercerts Issuer - Ronny - jothon: 0x5a27e6c2783a0b6f33d54ca7e7a5fe2f4754d301 General fields - - Hypercert Name - 57th - hackath57n | 第伍拾柒次開源普渡黑客松 - 58th - 59th hackath59n - 第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松 - Logo Image https://i.imgur.com/4i4dj0z.png ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sykh_bSbT.png) - Background Banner Image (at least 512x342) - 57th https://i.imgur.com/3iGZejr.png - 58th https://i.imgur.com/4IZ2GsS.png - 59th https://i.imgur.com/3SjacEm.png - Description - g0v jothon is the task force of g0v.tw bi-monthly hackathon, there are currently seven volunteers and three staff. The “jothon” organizers started organizing the g0v Hackathon since 2012, and officially formed the “jothon” team in 2014. From 2016, the “infrathon” was launched for the g0v community infrastructure project, and “CivicTech Prototype Grant” encourages g0v projects to continue its development, long-term maintenance and operation. In 2020, educational project “Sch001” launched for rethinking the role of the school from zero. The g0v jothon was supported g0v Summit 2018 working group to host g0v Summit 2018, and co-hosted g0v Summit 2020. - Link - https://jothon.g0v.tw/about/ Hypercert Fields - - Work Scope - Taiwan, g0v, jothon, hackathon - Work Start Date - 57th - 58th - 59th - Work End Date - 57th - 58th - 59th - List of Contributors Advanced fields - Not available for editting yet - Impact end date - Indefinite end date (recommended) Allow List - - https://w3s.link/ipfs/`CID`/`filename`.csv - 57th - https://w3s.link/ipfs/bafybeifmux65wfs4sqw6gqm2urlc2gq4q5zpidnbisjsre3dypbcxjptpm/jothon57th.csv - 58th - 59th