# Variadics design sketch
## Use-cases we want to support
- [x] [`iter::zip`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/fn.zip.html)
- [x] [`futures::join`](https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/future/fn.join.html)
- [x] [`Fn` traits](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.FnOnce.html) ([GitHub issue](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/41058))
- [x] Implementing traits for tuples ([stdlib](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.tuple.html#trait-implementations), [Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/search?q=context:global+lang:Rust+impl%5B+%3C%5D+.*+for+%5C%28&patternType=regexp&sm=0&groupBy=repo))
- [x] Implementing traits for function pointers/`dyn Fn` ([stdlib](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.fn.html#trait-implementations), [`wasm-bindgen`](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/blob/f569fddb62cdeb2bb9ba230fe59d3fba143cf92c/src/convert/closures.rs))
- [x] `#![feature(unsized_fn_params)]`
- But don't penalize `Sized` ergonomics to accomplish it.
- [x] [`cmp::max`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cmp/fn.max.html)
- [x] [`frunk::HList`](https://docs.rs/frunk/latest/frunk/hlist/index.html)
- [ ] Variadic pattern match (TODO)
- [ ] [`futures::select`](https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/future/fn.select.html)
- [ ] Other [`frunk`](https://docs.rs/frunk/latest/frunk/) use-cases?
- Don't know much about these, would appreciate comments
- [ ] Compile-time reflection/macro-free `derive`?
- [ ] Suggestions welcome
## Design principles
- Re-use existing language infrastructure and concepts whenever possible (tuples, arrays, pattern matching).
- "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- But also, support library types!
- Don't support only pre-determined special cases, support all the cases.
- Provide composable building blocks.
- Try to be flat when possible, but allow nesting when needed.
- Lifetime and const generics should be first-class citizens.
- "Complex is better than complicated."
- Modular - try to have MVP-able subset, with confidence that it won't conflict with a more complete feature.
- Try to keep simple cases simple.
- "Explicit is better than implicit."
- No implicit iteration! Ugly loops are preferable to beautiful bugs.
- It should be clear whether an identifier refers to one thing or N things, wherever it is used.
- "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
## Prior art
- [C](https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/variadic)
- [Carbon (proposal)](https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang/pull/2240)
- [Clojure](https://clojure.org/guides/learn/functions#_multi_arity_functions)
- [Common Lisp](http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/03_dac.htm)
- [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/reference/1.8/syntax_and_semantics/default_values_named_arguments_splats_tuples_and_overloading.html#components-of-a-method-definition)
- [C++](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/parameter_pack)
- [Reversing a tuple](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17178075/how-do-i-reverse-the-order-of-element-types-in-a-tuple-type)
- [Circle](https://github.com/seanbaxter/circle/blob/master/new-circle/README.md#pack-traits)
- [C#](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/params)
- [D](https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#variadic)
- [F#](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/parameters-and-arguments#parameter-arrays)
- [Go](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Passing_arguments_to_..._parameters)
- [Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/Varargs)
- [Java](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/language/varargs.html)
- [JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax)
- [Julia](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/functions/#Varargs-Functions)
- [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/functions.html#variable-number-of-arguments-varargs)
- [Lua](https://www.lua.org/pil/5.2.html)
- [ML](http://mlton.org/Fold)
- [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#types-varargs)
- [PHP](https://www.php.net/manual/en/functions.arguments.php#functions.variable-arg-list)
- Python ([varargs](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#function-definitions), [variadic generics](https://peps.python.org/pep-0646/))
- [Racket](https://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/lambda.html#%28part._rest-args%29)
- [Typed Racket](https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-guide/types.html#%28part._varargs%29)
- [R](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-intro.html#The-three-dots-argument)
- [Raku](https://docs.raku.org/language/signatures#Slurpy_parameters)
- [Ruby](https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/syntax/calling_methods_rdoc.html#label-Array+to+Arguments+Conversion)
- [Scala](https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/changed-features/vararg-splices.html)
- [Scheme](https://standards.scheme.org/corrected-r7rs/r7rs-Z-H-6.html#TAG:__tex2page_sec_4.1.4)
- [Swift](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0393-parameter-packs.md)
- [TCL](https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/proc.html)
- [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.html#tuple-types)
- [VB.NET](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/programming-guide/language-features/procedures/parameter-arrays)
- [Zig](https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#comptime)
## Other links
- [Lang team design notes](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/blob/master/src/design_notes/variadic_generics_design.md)
- [Analysing variadics, and how to add them to Rust - Olivier Faure](https://poignardazur.github.io/2021/01/30/variadic-generics/)
- [rust-variadics-background - Alice Cecile](https://github.com/alice-i-cecile/rust-variadics-background/)
- [[Brainstorming] Use cases for variadic generics - /r/Rust](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/l8vaa6/brainstorming_use_cases_for_variadic_generics/)
- [A madman's guide to variadic generics](https://gist.github.com/soqb/9ce3d4502cc16957b80c388c390baafc)
- [A mirror for Rust - JeanHeyd Meneide](https://soasis.org/posts/a-mirror-for-rust-a-plan-for-generic-compile-time-introspection-in-rust/)
- [More enum types - Yoshua Wuyts](https://blog.yoshuawuyts.com/more-enum-types/)
## Variadic values
### `...` operator
`...` ("unpack") is an eager, prefix, unary operator (like `-`, `*`, `!`, `&`, and `&mut`, with the same precedence) that unpacks a parenthesized list of values. It operates on tuples, tuple structs, arrays, and references to them. (For tuple structs, all the fields must be visible at the location where `...` is invoked. Also, if the struct is marked `non_exhaustive`, then unpacking only works within the defining crate.)
TODO: should it be called "unpack", "splat", "spread", or something else?
TODO: consider other sigils, like `@` (from Lisp)?
let a: (i32, u32) = (3, 4);
let b: (i32, u32, usize) = (...a, 1);
let c: (usize, i32, u32) = (1, ...a);
struct Foo(bool, bool);
let d: (bool, bool) = (...Foo(true, false));
let e: Foo = Foo(...d);
let f: [i32; 3] = [1, ...[2, 3]];
let g: (i32, i32, i32) = (1, ...(2, 3));
let h: Foo: = Foo(...[true, false]);
let i: [i32; 3] = [1, ...(2, 3)];
Unpacking a reference results in references.
let j: (i32, &usize, &bool) = (3, ...&(4, false));
let k: (i32, &mut usize, &mut bool) = (3, ...&mut (4, false));
### `...` pattern
`...` can also be used in patterns.
#### Arrays
For arrays, `...` patterns serve as an alternative to `ident @ ..`.
let a: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
let [...head, tail] = a;
assert_eq!(head, [1, 2]);
let _: &[i32; 2] = head;
let _: &mut [i32; 2] = head;
// match ergonomics - `head` has type `&[i32; 2]`
let [...head, tail] = &a;
`...` patterns only support single identifiers (TODO: for now). However, you can prefix those identifiers with
`ref` and `mut`:
let a: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
// `head` has type `[i32; 2]`, and you can reassign the binding
let [...mut head, tail] = a;
// `head` has type `&[i32; 2]`
let [...ref head, tail] = a;
// `head` has type `&mut [i32; 2]`
let [...ref mut head, tail] = a;
In addition, `ref` and `ref mut` can be placed before the ellipsis. This will result in an array of references, instead of a reference to an array.
let a: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
// `head` has type `[&i32; 2]`
let [ref ...head, tail] = a;
// `head` has type `[&mut i32; 2]`
let [ref mut ...head, tail] = a;
// `head` has type `[&i32; 2]`, and you can reassign the binding
let [ref ...mut head, tail] = a;
// `head` has type `[&mut i32; 2]`, and you can reassign the binding
let [ref mut ...mut head, tail] = a;
//let [mut ...head, tail] = a; // ERROR
TODO: allow using `...` patterns with slices as well?
#### Tuples
`...` patterns also work with tuples.
let t: (i32, f64, &str) = (1, 2.0, "hi");
let (...head, tail) = t;
assert_eq!(head, (1, 2.0));
Owing to how tuples are stored in memory, `ref` and `ref mut` are only supported before the ellipsis, resulting in a tuple of references.
let t: (i32, f64, &str) = (1, 2.0, "hi");
let (ref ...head, tail) = t;
// Tuple of references, not reference to tuple
let _: (&_, &_) = head;
// Match ergonomics
let (...head, tail) = &t;
// Tuple of references, not reference to tuple
let _: (&_, &_) = head;
TODO: extend `ident @ ..` patterns to support this?
#### Tuple structs
`...` patterns produce tuples, and work in the same way they do with tuples.
struct Foo(i32, f64, &str);
let t: Foo = Foo(1, 2.0, "hi");
let Foo(...head, tail) = t;
assert_eq!(head, (1, 2.0));
let Foo(ref ...head, tail) = t;
let _: (&_, &_) = head;
let &Foo(...head, tail) = t;
let _: (&_, &_) = head;
### `static for` loop
`static for` loops allow iterating over the elements of am unpackable value (tuple, tuple struct, array, references to these). The loop is unrolled at compile-time.
TODO: bikeshed syntax.
TODO: maybe these loops should operate on places intead of values?
let mut v: Vec<Box<dyn Debug>> = Vec::new();
static for i in (2, "hi", 5.0) {
} // TODO: figure out how to make this work with semicolon elision rules
dbg!(&v); // [2, "hi", 5.0]
let mut v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
let mut a = [2, 3, 5];
static for i in a {
dbg!(&v); // [2, 3, 5]
let mut v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
let mut a = [2, 3, 5];
static for i in (...a, 4) {
assert_eq!(v, [2, 3, 5, 4])
`static for` loops evaluate to a tuple.
let _: (Option<u32>, Option<bool>) = static for i in (42, false) {
You can `continue` with a value.
let _: (Option<u32>, Option<bool>) = static for i in (42, false) {
if !pre_check() {
continue None;
`continue;` with no value specified is equivalent to `continue ();`.
static for i in (42, false) {
if !pre_check() {
`static for` can also contain a `break` statement; this changes the return type of the loop to `()`. Such a loop only supports bare `continue;`, with no value provided.
TODO: have separate keywords for these? Could we make `map` a context-dependent keyword?
static for i in (42, false) {
if we_are_done() {
You can `static for` over multiple unpackable values at once, as long as they are the same length.
let t: ((i8, u8), (i16, u16), (i32, u32)) = static for i, u in (-1, -2, -3), (1, 2, 3) {
(i, u)
assert_eq!(t, ((-1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, 3)));
// ERROR incompatible lengths
//static for i, u in (-1, -2, -3), (1, 3) {};
`...` patterns can also be used for working with multiple values at once. When used after `for`, the resulting binding has tuple type.
let t: ((i8, u8), (i16, u16), (i32, u32)) = static for ...tup in (-1, -2, -3), (1, 2, 3) {
assert_eq!(t, ((-1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, 3)));
let t: ((i8, u8), (i16, u16), (i32, u32)) = static for ...tup in ...((-1, -2, -3), (1, 2, 3)) {
assert_eq!(t, ((-1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, 3)));
## Variadic types
### `Tuple` trait
The trait `core::marker::Tuple` (TODO: or `core::primitive::Tuple`?) is implemented by the compiler for all tuples. No other impls are allowed. It has an associated constant, `const LENGTH: usize`, equal to the tuple's arity. (Tuples cannot have arity greater than `usize::MAX`.)
use core::marker::Tuple;
/// Takes a tuple and returns it unmodified.
fn id<Ts: Tuple>(vs: Ts) -> Ts {
fn test_id() {
assert_eq!(id(()), ());
assert_eq!(id((3,)), (3,));
assert_eq!(id((42, "hello world")), (42, "hello world"),);
assert_eq!(id((false, false, 0)), (false, false, 0));
assert_eq!(id::<(&[u8; 9], &str)>((b"t u r b o", "f i s h")), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h"));
### Type-level `...`
Type-level `...` unpacks a tuple at the type level.
type Tup = (u32, bool);
struct Foo<T, U>(T, U);
// ╭─ Equivalent to `Foo<u32, bool>`
// ╭┴──────────╮
let _: Foo<...Tup> = Foo(1, false);
/// Does the same thing as `id`, but the tuple must have arity at least 1.
fn id_at_least_one<H, Ts: Tuple>(tuple: (H, ...Ts)) -> (H, ...Ts) {
fn test_id_at_least_one() {
// assert_eq!(id_at_least_one(()), ()); ERROR expected at tuple of length at least one
assert_eq!(id_at_least_one((3,)), (3,));
assert_eq!(id_at_least_one((42, "hello world")), (42, "hello world"));
assert_eq!(id_at_least_one((false, false, 0)), (false, false, 0));
assert_eq!(id_at_least_one::<&[u8; 9], (&str,)>((b"t u r b o", "f i s h")), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h"));
/// Move the first element of the tuple to the end.
fn swing_around<H, Ts: Tuple>((head, ...tail): (H, ...Ts)) -> (...Ts, H) {
// ╭─ Use value-level unpack operator to construct the tuple.
// ╭┴──────╮
( ...tail , head)
fn test_swing_around() {
//swing_around(()); ERROR expected tuple of arity >= 1, found 0
assert_eq!(swing_around((3,)), (3,));
assert_eq!(swing_around((42, "hello world")), ("hello world", 42));
assert_eq!(swing_around((false, false, 0)), (0, false, false));
assert_eq!(swing_around::<&[u8; 9], (&str,)>((b"t u r b o", "f i s h")), ("f i s h", b"t u r b o"));
/// Push `17` onto the end of the tuple.
fn add_one_on<Ts: Tuple>(vs: Ts) -> (...Ts, u32) {
(...vs, 17)
fn test_add_one_on() {
assert_eq!(add_one_on(()), (17,));
assert_eq!(add_one_on((3,)), (3, 17));
assert_eq!(add_one_on((42, "hello world")), (42, "hello world", 17));
assert_eq!(add_one_on((false, false, 0)), (false, false, 0, 17));
assert_eq!(add_one_on::<(&[u8; 9], &str,)>((b"t u r b o", "f i s h")), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h", 17));
It also works with arrays:
// ╭─ Equivalent to `(i32, i32, i32)`
// ╭┴────────────╮
let a: (...[i32; 3]) = (2, -5, 7);
However, unlike value-level `...`, it does not work with tuple structs.
### `for`-`in` trait bounds
The `for`-`in` syntax for `where` bounds allows bounding the individual elements of a tuple.
use core::{fmt, marker::Tuple};
impl<Ts: Tuple> fmt::Debug for Ts
// Every element of the tuple `Ts` must implement `Debug`
for<T in Ts> T: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut list = f.debug_list();
static for elem in self {
`for`-`in` can also be used to relate multiple types:
use core::marker::Tuple;
// Implement heterogeneous `PartialEq` for tuples
impl<Ts: Tuple, Us: Tuple> PartialEq<Us> for Ts
// Implicitly requires `Ts` and `Us` to have same length
for<T, U in Ts, Us> T: PartialEq<U>,
fn eq(&self, other: &Us) {
static for l, r in self, other {
if l != r {
return false;
It also works with const-generic splattable values:
fn foo()
// `[u32; 1]`, `[usize; 2]`, and `[i32; 17]` must all implement `Debug`.
for<T, const N in (u32, usize, i32), [1, 2, 17]> [T; N]: Debug,
And with other splattable types:
fn foo()
// `[u32; 1]`, `[u32; 2]`, and `[u32; 17]` must all implement `Debug`.
// (Yes, this is a contrived example)
for<T, const N in [u32; 3], [1, 2, 17]> [T; N]: Debug,
### `for`-`in` type mapping
`for`-`in` syntax can also be used inside type expressions, where it can be substituted for a comma-seperated list.
// ╭─ `(Option<i32>, Option<u32>)`, but written in an overly verbose fashion.
// ╭┴───────────────────────────────╮
let t: (for<T in (i32, u32)> Option<T>) == (Some(2), Some(3));
// ╭─ `([bool; 3], [bool; 12])`, but written in an overly verbose fashion.
// ╭┴─────────────────────────────────────────╮
let t: (for<const N: usize in (8, 12)> [bool; N]) = ([false; 3], [false; 0]);
// ╭─ `([bool; 3], [char; 1])`, but written in an overly verbose fashion.
// ╭┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
let t: (for<T, const N: usize in (bool, char), (3, 1)> [T; N]) = ([false; 3], ['c']);
// ╭─ `(usize, (u32, i32, usize), (bool, char))`, but written in an overly verbose fashion.
// ╭┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
let t: (usize, for<Ts in ((u32, i32, usize), (bool, char))> Ts) = (4, (1, 7, 4), (true, 'c'));
/// Wraps all the elements of the input tuple in `Some`.
// ╭─ Map each type `T` in the tuple `Ts`
// │ to a corresponding `Option<T>`.
// ╭┴───────────────────────╮
fn option_wrap<Ts: Tuple>(vs: Ts) -> (for<T in Ts> Option<T>) {
let wrapped: (for<T in Ts> Option<T>) = static for v in vs {
fn test_option_wrap() {
assert_eq!(option_wrap(()), ());
assert_eq!(option_wrap((3,)), (Some(3),));
assert_eq!(option_wrap((42, "hello world")), (Some(42), Some("hello world")));
assert_eq!(option_wrap((false, false, 0)), (Some(false), Some(false), Some(0)));
assert_eq!(option_wrap::<(&[u8; 9], &str)>((b"t u r b o", "f i s h")), (Some(b"t u r b o"), Some("f i s h")));
In where clauses, you can use parentheses to disambiguate.
use std::marker::Tuple;
fn foo<Ts: Tuple>()
// Every member of `Ts` implements `Debug`
for<T in Ts> T: Debug,
// `Ts` itself implements `Debug`
(for<T in Ts> T): Debug,
### `static for` over types and consts
`static for` can also be used to iterate over the members of a splattable type or const.
TODO: bikeshed, figure out interaction with `...ident`.
let t: (usize, i32) = static for type T in (usize, i32) {
assert_eq!(t, (0, 0))
impl<Ts: Tuple> Default for Ts
for<T in Ts> T: Default,
static for type T in Ts {
// TODO: should type annotation on `const N` be required?
let t: (usize, usize, usize) = static for const N: usize in (3, 17, 21) {
N + 1
assert_eq!(t, (4, 18, 22));
let t: (usize, i32, bool) = static for type T, const N: T in (usize, i32, bool), (3, -10, true) {
N + T::default()
assert_eq!(t, (3, -10, true));
let t: ((i32, bool), (u32, usize), (i32, u8)) = static for val, type T in (1, 2, 1), (bool, usize, u8) {
(val, T::default())
assert_eq!(t, ((1, false), (2, 0), (1, 0)));
### Lifetime packs
Variadics also supports lifetime, via a new concept of "lifetime pack". A lifetime pack is a list of lifetimes, enclosed in angle brackets (parentheses would be ambiquous w.r.t `()` and lifetime elision). They can also be bound to identifiers; these identifiers look like normal lifetimes, but with an extra prefixed `'` per level of nesting. Lifetime packs can be used with `for`-`in`.
use std::marker::Tuple;
// ╭─ Accepts an angle-bracketed list of lifetimes
// ╭┴───╮
fn foo< ''as >()
// `''as` is required to have length 3
for<'a, T in ''as, (u32, usize, i32)> &'a T: Debug,
They also work with `static for`.
static for 'x in <'static, 'a> {
// Not much interesting you can do with only a lifetime...
// But these will get more useful in later examples.
let _: &'x i32 = &42;
Lifetime parameters cannot affect monomorphization, so lifetime packs used with `static for` must have known/constrained lengths once all type and const generics are known.
TODO: bikeshed these rules.
fn foo_broken<''as>() {
// ERROR: length of `''as` is not constrained
for 'a is ''as {
println!("hello world");
fn foo_fixed<''as, const N: usize>()
// TODO: this is ugly
for <'_, _ in ''as, [(); N]> ():,
for 'a is ''as {
println!("hello world");
You can use a lifetime pack as the union of the contained lifetimes by omitting the extra preceding `'`s.
fn id<''as, Ts: Tuple>(tup: (for<'a, T in ''as, Ts> &'a T)) -> impl Sized + 'as
for <'_, _ in ''as, Ts> ():,
## Variadic parameters
### `...` patterns in function parameter lists
`...` patterns can also be used in function parameter lists.
// ╭─ This binding has tuple type.
// │ However, in terms of calling convention,
// │ elements are passed individually.
// │ TODO: allow `tuple @ ..` as alternative syntax?
// │
// ╭┴────────╮
fn collect_contrived( ... tuple : ... (u32, i32) ) -> (u32, i32) {
// The above and below functions are exactly equivalent, in signature, semantics, and calling convention.
fn collect_contrived(a: u32, b: i32) -> (u32, i32) {
(a, b)
When using a `...` binding with unsized argument types via `unsized_fn_params`, there are additional rules to keep in mind. Specifically: a tuple type is valid whether or not any of its members are `Sized`. But, in addition to the restrictions that all unsized types have, it's not allowed to take the address of multiply-unsized tuples, nor is it allowed to pass them as function arguments, even with `#![feature(unsized_fn_params)]` (for now, until a layout for them is RFCed). They can be thought of as not implementing an unnameable`?Sized`-style trait.
Without `#![feature(unsized_fn_params)]`, you can't produce a value of a mutiply-unsized tuple at all. With the feature gate, you can do so with tuple literal syntax and `...`-in-fn-parameter-lists. You can also index into their fields, destructure them with a pattern match, unpack them with `...`, or iterate over them with `static for`.
fn do_stuff_with_unsized_params(...tuple: ...([u32], dyn Debug)) {
// `tuple` is still a tuple.
// But: you aren't allowed to take its address[^1], or pass it to a function by value.
// The only thing you can do is index into its fields;
// either directly, via pattern match, or with `static for`.
// These restrictions won't be lifted even if `([u32], dyn Debug)` gets a defined layout,
// and in fact even a tuple like `(u8, str)` has them,
// but they may be lifted with `#![feature(unsized_locals)]`.
// [^1]: You can take a reference if you immiediately unpack it (with `...` or `static for`).
/// Accepts a variadic list of arguments,
/// returns those arguments collected into a tuple.
fn collect<Ts: Tuple>(...vs: ...Ts) -> Ts {
fn test_collect() {
assert_eq!(collect(), ());
assert_eq!(collect(3), (3,));
assert_eq!(collect(42, "hello world"), (42, "hello world"));
assert_eq!(collect(false, false, 0), (false, false, 0));
assert_eq!(collect::<(&[u8; 9], &str,)>(b"t u r b o", "f i s h"), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h"));
/// Does the same thing as `id`, but you have to pass in at least one value.
fn collect_at_least_one<H, Ts: Tuple>(head: H, ...tail: ...Ts) -> (H, ...Ts) {
(head, ...tail)
fn test_collect_at_least_one() {
// assert_eq!(collect_at_least_one(), ()); ERROR expected at least 2 parameters, found 1
assert_eq!(collect_at_least_one(3), (3,));
assert_eq!(collect_at_least_one(42, "hello world"), (42, "hello world"));
assert_eq!(collect_at_least_one(false, false, 0), (false, false, 0));
assert_eq!(collect_at_least_one::<&[u8; 9], (&str,)>(b"t u r b o", "f i s h"), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h"));
Multiple variadic arguments can follow one another, but turbofish is then required for disambiguation.
TODO: bikeshed above statement.
fn double_vararg<Ts: Tuple, Us: Tuple>(...fst: ...Ts, ...lst: ...Us) -> (Ts, Us) {
(fst, lst)
fn test_double_vararg() {
assert_eq!(double_vararg::<(i32, u32), (usize,)>(1, 2, 3), ((1, 2), (3,)));
assert_eq!(double_vararg::<(i32,), (u32, usize)>(1, 2, 3), ((1,), (2, 3)));
`...` patterns in parameter lists can also be used for homogeneous varargs.
/// Variadic version of `std::cmp::max`
pub fn max<T: Ord, const N: usize>(fst, ...rest: ...[T; N]) -> T {
// `rest` is a tuple, though it can easily be converted to an array via `.into()`.
let mut max = fst;
static for elem in rest {
if elem > max {
max = elem;
### Vararg generic parameters
> #### Why do we need these?
> The most important reason is to make `iter::Zip` and co. variadic.
> TODO: could we solve that problem with edition-based path resolution hackery instead?
Generic parameters also have a vararg form.
/// Accepts a variadic list of arguments,
/// returns those arguments collected into a tuple.
/// Does the same thing as `collect` from earlier.
// ╭─ `Ts` has tuple type.
// ╭┴─╮
fn collect2< ... Ts >(...vs: ...Ts) -> Ts {
fn test_collect2() {
assert_eq!(collect(), ());
assert_eq!(collect(3), (3,));
assert_eq!(collect(42, "hello world"), (42, "hello world"));
assert_eq!(collect(false, false, 0), (false, false, 0));
// ╭─ No tuple, generic parameters passed separately.
// ╭┴─────────────╮
assert_eq!(collect::< &[u8; 9], &str >(b"t u r b o", "f i s h"), (b"t u r b o", "f i s h"));
You can put trait bounds on variadic generic parameters.
/// Return a tuple with the specified element types, generating each element value by calling `Default::default()`.
// ╭─ Every type in `Ts` must meet the `: Default` bound.
// ╭┴─────────────╮
fn default< ...Ts: Default >() -> Ts {
// `static for` with variadic generic type.
static for type T in Ts {
fn test_default() {
assert_eq!(default::<>(), ());
assert_eq!(default::<u32>(), (0,));
assert_eq!(default::<u32, bool>(), (0, false));
// `FnOnce` with `unsized_fn_params` support
// ╭─ Any of the types in `Args` can be unsized.
// ╭┴──────────────╮
trait FnOnce< ...Args: ?Sized > {
type Output;
fn call_once(self, ...args: ...Args) -> Self::Output;
struct Foo;
// No variadic syntax here!
impl FnOnce<u32, i32, i32> for Foo {
type Output = u32;
fn call_once(self, a: u32, b: i32, c: i32) -> u32 {
a + ((b + c) as u32)
Variadic generic parameters can come in front of non-variadic ones.
fn is_last_3<...Ts, Last: PartialEq<i32>>((...front, last): (...Ts, Last)) -> (...Ts, bool) {
(...front, last == 3)
fn test_is_last_3() {
assert_eq!(is_last_3(("yeah", "yeah", 3)), ("yeah", "yeah", true));
(TODO: can variadic paramerers be defaulted themselves?)
Variadic lifetime and const parameters are also allowed.
fn foo<...''as, ...Ts>(..._refs: for<'a, T in ''as, Ts> &'a T)
for<'a, T in ''as, Ts> T: 'a,
/// Collect the provided const generic params into a `for` loop.
// TODO: needs bikeshed. What if each `const` has a different type? Would that even make sense?
// ╭─ Takes some number of cont generic `i32` parameters,
// │ collects them into an array.
// ╭┴────────────────╮
fn collect_consts< ... const Us: i32 >() -> [i32; { Us.len() }] {
fn test_collect_consts() {
assert_eq!(collect_consts::<>(), []);
assert_eq!(collect_consts::<3, 8, 7>(), [3, 8, 7]);
You can't have multiple variadic generic parameters of the same kind (type, lifetime, or const) in the same parameter list.
fn err<...Ts, ...Us>() {}
Variadic parameters also can't precede defaulted parameters of the same kind.
fn err<...Ts, U = i32>() {}
Variadic generic paramerers add no new post-monomprphization errors, all possible instantiations must be valid. (There is one exception to this, detailed in an earlier section: tuple and tuple struct arities can't overflow `usize::MAX`.)
fn foo<...Ts>(tup: Ts) {
// drop(...tup); // ERROR: `drop` is a function of arity 1, but `tup` could have any arity
### `..` inferred type parameter lists
In today's Rust, you can mark type parameters as inferred with `_`.
let a: Option<_> = Some(3_u32);
With this proposal, you can use `..` to infer a list of type parameters.
// `..` is equivalent to `_, _` below
let tup: (usize, ..) = (3, false, "hello");for<
### Variadics with ADTs
struct Tup<...Ts>(i32, ...Ts);
impl<...Ts> Tup<...Ts> {
fn new(i: i32, ...ts: ...Ts) {
Self(i, ...ts)
fn foo(&self) {
// dbg!(self.1); ERROR: that field might not exist
// `iter::Zip`
pub struct Zip<...Is>(...Is)
impl<...Is> Zip<...Is> {
fn new(...iters: ...Is) {
impl<...Is: Iterator> Iterator for Zip<...Is> {
type Item = (for<I in Is> I::Item);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let next: Self::Item = static for i in self {
// `futures::join`
use futures_util::future::{MaybeDone, maybe_done};
pub struct Join<...Futs: Future>(#[pin] for<F in Futs> MaybeDone<F>);
impl<...Futs> Join<...Futs> {
fn new(...futures: ...Futs) {
let wrapped_futs = static for future in futures {
impl<...Futs: Future> Future for Join<...Futs> {
type Output = (for<F in Futs> F::Output);
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut all_done = true;
// TODO: what is the best API for pin projection?
// Long, annoying type specified for example purposes.
// In reality, you would infer it with `(..)`.
let futs: (for<F in Futs> Pin<&mut F>) = self.project();
static for fut in futs {
all_done &= fut.poll(cx).is_ready();
if all_done {
let ready = static for fut in futs {
} else {
### Advanced examples
/// Pair of tuples → tuple of pairs
pub fn zip<Ts: Tuple, Us: Tuple>(pair: (Ts, Us)) -> (for<T, U in Ts, Us> (T, U))
for<_, _ in Ts, Us> ():,
static for l, r in pair.0, pair.1 {
(l, r)
/// Tuple of pairs → pair of tuples
pub fn unzip<Ts: Tuple, Us: Tuple>(zipped: (for<T, U in Ts, Us> (T, U))) -> (Ts, Us)
for<_, _ in Ts, Us> ():,
// This one is a bit mind-bending.
// TODO: could it be made more intuitive?
static for ...elems in ...zipped {
/// MxN → NxM transformation, generalized version of `zip` and `unzip`
pub fn transpose<...Tss: Tuple>(tup: Tss) -> (for<...Ts in ...Tss> Ts)
for<Ts in Tss> Ts: Tuple,
// TODO: a bit mind-bending
for<...T in ...Ts> ():,
static for ...elems in ...tup {
/// Higher-ranked lifetime binders
trait Foo;
impl<...Ts> Foo for for<...''as where for<'_, _ in ''as, Ts> ():,> fn(for<'a, T in 'as, Ts> &'a T) {}
## Recursion
> Thanks to soqb for [the insights](https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/a-madmans-guide-to-variadic-generics/19605/) that motivated this section.
So far, every variadic operation has consisted of a linear, in-order traversal of the lists involved. For many use-cases, this is good enough. But sometimes you may want to do something more complex, like iterate in reverse order. We can use associated types to write recursive implementations of such operations, *à la* cons-list (or `frunk`).
//! Reverse a tuple
pub trait Reversible: Tuple {
type Reversed: Tuple
for<_, _ in Self, Self::Reversed> ():,
fn reverse(self) -> Self::Reversed;
impl Reversible for () {
type Reversed = ();
// base case of recursion
fn reverse(self) -> () {
impl<Head, ...Tail> Reversible for (Head, ...Tail) {
type Reversed = (...<Tail as Reversible>::Reversed, Head);
fn reverse(self) -> Self::Reversed {
let (head, ...tail) = self;
(...tail.reverse(), head)
/// Reverse the order of the elements in the given tuple
pub fn reverse<T: Tuple>(tup: T) -> <T as Reversible>::Reversed {
This is conceptually pleasant, but it's also quite verbose. In the following subection, we explore potential designs for cutting down on the verbosity.
### `match`ing over tuples of different arities
We could potetially allow patterns for tuples of different arities in the same `match`.
/// Debug-print every element of the tuple.
fn recursive_dbg<...Ts: Debug>(ts: Ts) {
match ts {
() => (),
(head, ...tail) => {
print!("{head:?}, ");
/// Debug-print every element of the tuple, in reverse order.
fn recursive_dbg_rev<...Ts: Debug>(ts: Ts) {
match ts {
() => (),
(...head, tail) => {
print!("{tail:?}, ");
However, how do we express this recursion at the type level?
/// Reverse the order of the elements in the tuple.
fn reverse_tuple<...Ts: Debug>(ts: Ts) -> _ /* what do we put here? */ {
match ts {
() => (),
(head, ...tail) => {
(...reverse_tuple(tail), head)
A type-level equivalent of the `match` construct would be necessary:
type Reverse<Ts: Tuple> = match Ts {
// Restriction: lifetimes can't affect which branch is taken, otherwise you would have unsound specialization
() => (),
(Head, ...Tail) => (...Reverse<Tail>, Head),
/// Reverse the order of the elements in the tuple.
fn reverse_tuple<...Ts: Debug>(ts: Ts) -> Reverse<Ts> {
match ts {
() => (),
(head, ...tail) => {
(...reverse_tuple(tail), head)
We can think of this as desugaring to a trait definition + impls:
// Desugaring of above code block
type Reverse<Ts: Tuple> = <Ts as ReverseImpl>::Reversed;
trait ReverseImpl: Tuple {
type Reversed;
impl ReverseImpl for () {
type Reversed = ();
impl<Head, ...Tail> ReverseImpl for (Head, ...Tail) {
type Reversed = (...Tail, Head);
### TODO: "Random access"
It would be nice to have a way to express "get the `N`th value of this tuple, if it exists", where `N` is a const generic parameter. There would need to be both value-level and type-level versions of this. Pattern types might help here, to constrain the index to a valid range. Depending on how powerful the final state of pattern types and const generic exprs ends up being, those + recursion might be enough to express this feature entirely in a library.
(People have expressed the desire for this feature in feedback to the author, but I would like to see concrete use-cases.)
## TODO: Variadic variant lists with enums
With APIs like `futures::select`, you want to pass in N values, and get back a value corresponding to one of the `N` arguments. [Yoshua Wuyts's blog posts](https://blog.yoshuawuyts.com/more-enum-types/) explore this subject in detail. To support this case, one might want enum types with a variable number of variants, based on a generic parameter. But perhaps the additional complexity is not necessary; for example, in `futures::select` we could instead ask the caller to wrap the result type of their futures in an enum they define.
- [ ] Add additional advanced examples
- [ ] Elided lifetimes
- [ ] GATs
- [ ] Resolve inline bikeshed TODOs