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# Gitcoin Grant Application
## Useful links
- [Miro brainstorming](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPaOet9k=/)
- [Application guidelines](https://gitcoin.notion.site/gitcoin/Gitcoin-Grantee-Onboarding-Document-bbfe106a32534fb5a011f09c121257c3)
- [Climate Solutions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iX--ZBsccNy2T3i_OYrDu7ujQkGotA0ZEuOzKUFpidQ/edit)
### Elegibility tags:
- Desci
- Climate Solutions
- DEI (Jedi: justice, equity, diversity, inclusion)
### Tag Reasoning
**Climate Solutions**
- Gatekeeping is the biggest issue we face in operationalising transformative regeneration. Activating the long tail of ecological stewardship has become essential. We are working to onboard and refine a diverse set of practice based methodologies that are currently barred at the institutional gates. We codify these practices as ecological state protocols with active inferrence and dMRV to refine our measurements, test hypothesis and build more accurate models of the world.
- We facilitate the scientific codification of bottom up practice based methodologies. Members of our team have been playing with the Regen network science team for many moons and are convening with other experts to validate the integrity and legitimacy of the projects we are helping.
**Diversity / DEI**
- The core team are culturally aligned 'JEDIs' who reflect a diversity of race, gender and geography.
- The guild is focused on long tail projects that facillitate justice, equity, diversity and inclusion through regenerative scientific practice.
- Our wider organisation structure is a participatory DAO composed of projects, experts and facillitators.
### Project Stage
- No we have not recieved funding so far
### Region
- Europe / India
### Title
Regenerative science methodology designers
### Description
🌱 LunkLabs helps regenerative stewards and practicioners access legitimate certification tailored to their unique regenerative practice, by codifying their practices into eco-credits/credit classes and documenting them on-chain 🌻.`#NotAVentureStudio`
🍄 We convene and facillitate scientific experts with regenerative projects and practicioners 🌕.
**Use Case:**
Imagine a coffee grower in Mexico that practices agroforrestry to grow their crops (because it's a pragmatic and generative way for them to work). In order to make ends meet they band together with other farmers and pool their resources as part of a cooperative. Even though the coop gives them a degree of scale to leverage, the affordance of certifications like "organic" are too expensive or cumbersome to addministrate (because of the plurality of practicioners and plots that would each need to get certified). They are barred at the instutional gates but these days we can do better!
Enter LunkLabs as digital intermediary.
We work with smallholders and their representatives to enable the highest common potential in aggrigate. In this case were talking about agroforrestry so we facilitate workshops to learn about and determine the regenerative functions of their ecosystem (e.g. metrics such as tree diversity on farm, nearby forrest density etc.). We then construct concept notes with the functional requirements to translate the practice based methodology into credits, credit classes and ecological state protocols. Our assumptions are then checked with our expert advisors and consultants to avoid unintended consequences. Once credits are issued and the protocol goes to market the coops and their members have a new form of revenue.
**More specifically:**
The wider field of action at play here is the reconcilliation of active inference with distributed monitoring, verification and reporting. These instruments are used to convert bottom up practice based methodologies into hardened concept notes and functional requirements for open source ecological state protocols. These concept notes are licenced under creative commons, and the protocols will then be deployed on open source networks (e.g. Regen Registry, Celo, etc.).
The significance of this undertaking means that in order to be viable, vital and evolutionary, we'll need to operationalise across several domains of activity at once. Consequently we see our use of funds needing to be distributed across the following organisational ecology:
**Use of funds:**
- Research
- Design
- Development
- Marketing
- Education
🔒 Bypassing gatekeeprs to generate equity 🔑
Gatekeepers are frustrating because they hold back scientific progress and legitmate regenerative practices with their myopic demands for legibility. We want to help the long tail bypass them in order to onboard a cosmos of eco-credits and other forms of indescribable value that will increase the well being of life on earth.
> We are facillitating the development of ecological state protocols that serve people and planet by harnessing markets, science and technology.
**For whom?**
🧞♂️ The long tail of small holders; our key metric is a [gini coefficient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient) 🧞♀️
Regenerative transformation will be driven by the long tail; not the instutitions of acedemia, goverment or big industry. Our energy is best spent there. We serve enviromental stewards and the regenerative technology community at large.
Beyond this we are aware that disruptive technology brings unintended consequences. JEDIs represent justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in their process design.
Consequentially we act as a digital intermediary that helps level the playing field for local earth stewards and their representatives who wish to interact with a rising tide of 'network states' and 'digital republics' (ideally the latter). We do this by facillitating semantic workshops with a transparent (and thus debatable) epistemology.
- [Josh Fairhead](https://www.joshafairhead.com)
- Nut job with a long history in web3 and crypto economic networks.
- Most recent outpost: Regen Ledger Governance Coordinator.
- Prior paths: Liminal Village, Commons Stack, Giveth and Pillar Project.
- Semantic facilitation, ontological design, methodology development.
- [Maija Grudule](https://maijagrudule.com/)
- Transdisciplinary weaver. Combining a background in software development, design, strategic marketing, and facilitation for the development of equitable solutions.
- Interested in liberating structures, generative interfaces and permaculture.
- [Rishikes Siva](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rishikes-siva-3a49a6137/)
- TrAnSvEsTiNg HyPerStiTiOnS for Regenerative Finance.
- communicating symbols, integrating intuition, facilitating ontologies, mapping and acting in mythic time
- Researching magic for charging seeds of capital with meaning, direction and intention
- [Bryan Curtin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryancurtin/)
- Background in Renewable Energy Engineering/Policy & Liberal Studies, Manufacturing and Research
- Developing projects for expanding human agency - self-planning housing, therapeutic economic protocol, low-input peri-urban farming
- Interactive storytelling using game engines
- Interested in beauty and the humane over technology for its own sake
- This guild as a whole has been playing with eachother for several years, winning global hackathons and convening large intersectional gatherings every equinox. We are diverse but we share a co-created culture.
In the eventuality our guild fails to raise enough funding, we hope that this explicit articulation will help guide the thinking of others. Ad astra and onwards to the cosmos! ✨
### Github Repo
- https://github.com/LunarPunk-Labs
### Project Website
- lunarpunklabs.org
### Project Twitter Handle
- https://twitter.com/LunarPunk_Labs
## Owner information
### Your Twitter Handle
- https://twitter.com/JoshAFairhead
### Team Members
- Josh Fairhead (Core Participant)
- Maija Grudule (Core Participant)
- Rishikes Siva (Core Participant)
### Blockchain to recieve funds on
- Ethereum
### Description Scratch pad:
**Densely packed neuro-semantic statement:**
Our guild operates within a DAO org structure. The community around this org structure is composed of projects, experts and facillitators. The activities of our participants is centered around regenerative science; reconciling active inferrence with dMRV to turn bottom up practice based methodologies into ecological state protocols. The significance of our activities is turning business development into scientific advance; we do this leveraging semantic facillitation techniques to develop concept notes and functional requirements wich can be turned into material for marketing and education.
We then help remove gatekeepes and foster the refi long tail by coalescing the practices of people and place into distributed ecological state protocols, harnessing markets to develop science and technology.
Useful Ontologies:
- General systematics
- AD4M: Agents, Languages, Perspectives
- REA: Resource, Event, Agent
- dMRV: distributed Monitoring, Verification, Reporting
- bCLEARer: Collection, Loading, Evolution, Assimilation, Reuse