# VC API at OWF ## Possible Presentation Outline ### Spec background - **Slide**: VC API Background - W3C CCG Work Item - Status: Draft Community Group Report - Timeline for spec development - History & Future ### Use Cases - **Slide**: VC API Use Cases - https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-use-cases/ - Importance of VC API - Use case model - User roles - User Needs - Focal Use Cases ### Design Objectives - **Slide**: VC API Design Objectives - https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#design-goals-and-rationale - Modularity - Simplicity - Composability - Extensibility ### Architecture - **Slide**: VC API Architecture - https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#architecture-overview - Roles - Issuer - Holder - Verifier - Components - Coordinator - Service ### The VC API - **Slide**: Issuing - **Slide**: Verifying - **Slide**: Presenting - Latest framing of exchanges: an extensibility endpoint ### Test Suites and Implementations https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api-issuer-test-suite https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api-verifier-test-suite ### Relationship to Other Specifications - **Slide**: Relationship to VPR - **Slide**: Relationship to CHAPI - **Slide**: Relationship to OIDC - **Slide**: Relationship to DIDComm/WACI ### Implementation Highlights - **Slide**: Energy Web's implementation - Others ### Demo