# Immersives: CodePath Email Activation (SITE w/Course Hero) SubjectL: [Action Required] Activate your SITE Email Account Sender Alias: Hi there, Our orientation is approaching, we are so excited to meet you! You’ll have a chance to meet your fellow scholars virtually and get to know each other before Day 1. We noticed that you haven't signed in to your SITE email address yet. Please sign in using below credentials to activate your account as soon as you can. * SITE Email Address: * Temporary Password: After signing in to your SITE email account, you will be prompted to provide a new password, please make sure to save your new password for future reference. ***Remember that you’ll use your SITE CodePath email to set up Slack—not your personal email address.*** **1. Access SITE Email + Set Up 2FA** Once you have access to your SITE email address, make sure to set up two-factor authentication by May 1. This is required to avoid getting locked out of your account. *You’ll receive an email on 2FA that looks like this:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/gIjw6CL.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyCOGQtNn.png) **2. Setup Your Slack Account** You should have received an invite to our SITE Slack Workspace in your CodePath email on Apr 19! Make sure to set up your account with the following steps: * Download the Slack app to your computer for easy access. Make sure your notifications are turned on. * Set up your profile! Update your profile picture so the CodePath team and your instructors can easily identify you. Add your preferred name, your profile picture, and your pronouns. *Can’t find the email? Make sure you’re checking your SITE email (ending in @codepath.org). If you are having issues logging into your SITE email, contact support@codepath.org.* **What is Slack?** Slack is a direct and group messaging tool that you will use to connect with your instructors, mentors, and fellow students. **What are my expectations for using Slack?** Before SITE begins, we will post important updates/reminders. During SITE, you’ll be responsible for being responsive to messages and announcements during the SITE workday. Invites were already sent for our orientation this Thursday, April 27 from 2-3 pm PT // 5-6 pm ET, see you! Best,<br> The CodePath Team