# R/Europe Multiplayer Mod ## General - Everyone but Americans and some Tibetans starts with Feudalism - Everyone starts tech 3 - Nerfed Economic idea finisher to -10% dev cost (was-20%) - Nerfed Economic-Quantity Policy to +10%Force Limit / +10% Production efficiency (was +10%FL/-10%Dev Cost) - Replaced or nerfed Privateering Efficiency with other navy related bonuses from Ideas/Policies/Decisions - Replaced Trade Steering with other boni (excluding events/missions), detailed List down below - Removed dev cost penalty from Arid and Tropical provincial modifiers (was +10% each) - Made max ticking warscore 40 and raised monthly tick accordingly. - Buffed Temples and Cathedrals to +50% and +100% tax effieciency respectively (was +40%/+60%) - Changed cost of changing Government Reforms to 25 (was 50) - Lose fewer government reforms on swapping: from monarchy to republic from 3->1; from monarchy to theocracy from 4->2; from republic to theocracy 7->5, from republic to monarchy 7->5; from theocracy to monarchy 3->1; from theocracy to republic 2->0; from tribe->monarchy 4->2; from tribe to republic 4->2; from tribe to theocracy 4->2 - Being Over Governing Capacity increases Development cost by up to +50% (at 100% over Governing Capacity) - Reduced the Exploit Development cooldown from 20years to 10years - Made the National Focus change cooldown a baseline 15 years, regardless of Government rank - Minimum relations to ally changed to -199 (was -25) - Made Enlightenment institution spread the same outside the continent of origin as on the continent of origin. - Reduced Defender of Faith CTA decline trust loss from 20 to 1 - Reduced the Slacken Recruitment Standards manpower gain from 2 years to 1year - Soldier Houses no longer gain any extra manpower depending on tradegood - Reworked Mercenary companies in many ways: Max size is 40 scaling with dev (down from 60); Manpower per regiment increased from 2k to 4k; Merc company army tradition reduced from 50 to 20 (should lead to weaker Merc Company Generals); will be pure infantry starting from the Age of Absolutism (unless specialised company) - Reduced Mercenary Manpower by -50% In Age of Discovery - Reduced Mercenary Manpower by -25% in Age of Reformation - Reduced the Marine shock damage taken from 25% to 0 - Reduced the Attrition at sea for armies on transports from 10% to 3% - Base cavalry ratio increased to 75% (was 50%) - Severely increased the speed at which the revolution starts and spreads (from 600years mtth to 100; spread count to 5 from 3; daily spread to 1.5 from 1) - Scorched earth now increases devastation by 25 (up from 5) - Scorched Earth now reduces Hostile Movement Speed by -25% (was -50%) - Increased max mana alert from 3 months to 6 months - Increased the Rebel relocation distance from 200 to 400 (max distance rebels will magically teleport to disconnected land) - Gave Everyone -100% Morale Loss From sunk Ships - changed cavalry rebel suppression from 0.25 to 0.5 - changed Cavalry Speed from 0.7 to 0.9 - changed Infantry Speed from 0.7 to 0.8 - Changed various monuments - Nerved concentrate development; there is no free concencrate, you take 10% of the dev (was 20%) of which 50% (was 20%) is lost. Cant concentrate from any subject type. - enable seize land during war - show strenght cb *should* not show up vs players. - removed extra AE from taking HRE provinces - halved special age bonuses for spain/france/prussia - Picking eastern plutocratic reform removes nobility estate - added burghers to merchant republics - AI wont release nations anymore when over governing capacity (well unless they are 2000% over) - Increased AI level of what they consider dangerous overextention to 100% ## Religion - Changed Tengri Cav ratio to -0.05 Monthly War Exhaustion - Buffed Hussites from -5%shock dmg received to -10%; added +10%infantry combat to one aspect - Nerfed Orthodox manpower to +20% max (was+33%) and the dev icon to -5% (was-10%) - Halved Hindu event mean time to happen (from ~100 years to ~50years) - Changed Sunni Muslim Hanafi school from -5% adm tech cost to -5% idea cost - Added decision to German and Scandinavian culture group to turn Norse religion (Made turning Norse easier); added 2 holy sites to Norse Religion in Stockholm and Paderborn; added a Norse-specific Merc Company; added a Clergy privilege similar to the Brahmin one which lets you change your personal deity - Added over 40 Norse religion events - Added Varangian Guard Mercenary company to Byzantine Empire if any country turns Norse - "NEW" Formable: Jomsvikings; be norse, turns you into theocracy - Updated both the Norse and Hindu change personal deity event to show what each deity gives - Judaism gains Anglican mechanics, consort aspects replaced with: - spend 100 church power for 10 reformprogress - spend 100 church power for 10 legitimacy equivalent - Buffed Catholic Papal Interactions: +15% Tax (unchanged) +10% land morale for 20 years (new) -0.5interest per annum/-0.1yearly inflation (was 0.25interest) +1yearly prestige/+1yearly legitimacy/+1papal influence (merged 2 and added PI) +20% manpower recovery speed (was +15%) +1diplomatic reputation/-10% advisor cost (was just +1 diplo rep) +10 Government Reform Progress (Was +1Mercantilism) +1 Stability (unchanged) - The Papal States can now use Papal Interactions as well via decisions for different costs (Mana/Devotion/Money) - Changed Confucianism: Works more like piety but with more agency. You get different benefits depending on which side of the scale you are, the more extreme the better. - 50 - 0 Harmony gives up to -5% development cost; technology cost -5%; tolerance of heathens +2, tolerance of true faith +2 (was up to -3 Tolerance of true Faith; +25% development cost; -1 yearly Legitimacy; -2yearly Meritocracy) - 50 - 100 Harmony gives up to +5% Discipline; -1 National Unrest; -0.2Yearly Corruption (was up to +1 Tolerance of True Faith) - Religious Ideas now also increase Harmonization Speed by 20% - harmonized religions: Vajrayana = +1missionary, +1%missionary strength Theravada = -10%advisor cost Mahayana = -10%idea cost Shinto = +10%infantry combat ability Muslim = +10%trade efficiency Christian = +1diplomat Dharmic = +15%production efficiency Pagan = +10%cavalry combat Zoroastrian & Judaism unchanged - Swapped religious tiers. ## China and Friends - Gave Daimyo Government reform +3 Force Limit to counter the subject malus - Removed Governing Capacity Penalty from Independent Daimyo Reform - Japan can now have independent Daimyo Government Reform - Qing missions no longer give cores on all of china, permanent claims instead - Removed Ming, replacing it with ~30 New custom Nations with custom ideas and unique missions as well as formables. Not all are meant to be played but if you like to suffer, go ahead. Follow this [link](https://hackmd.io/@AlexBrumbart/H1sdzrx_O) - Changed Mandate benefits and detriments. 50-100 Mandate gives up to: National Unrest -2 Stability Cost -10% Monthly War Exhaustion -0.05 50-0 Mandate gives up to: Goods Produced -25% National Unrest +2.5 Mercenary Manpower -25% National Manpower -25% - Taking the mandate no longer gives Permaclaims on all of China, losing Mandate no longer removes all Permaclaims on China. Losing Mandate causes 1 Stability hit (was 2). The “Lost Mandate Of Heaven” Modifier now lasts 5 years (was 20) and now gives: Discipline -5% Stability Cost +25% National Unrest +5 Goods Produced -25% Liberty desire in subjects +25% Legitimacy -1/year Mercenary Manpower -25% National Manpower -25% - Boosted Mandate gain from Stability slightly, from Prosperity in states massively - Reduced Mandate loss from devastation by 50%, reduced Mandate loss from loans. Not Controlling Beijing/Nanjing/Canton does not incur a -0.05 Mandate penalty per province anymore. - Changed the Celestial Reforms to: Yearly Meritocracy +0.5 (unchanged) +3tax income/month; +1Diplomat (was +5% Trade efficiency; +1 Diplomat) Manpower Recovery Speed +15%; -0.5% Army Tradition Decay (was -0.05 monthly Autonomy) -10% Technology cost; -10% Idea Cost (was -10% core creation cost) +1 Monarch skill on each category (for future monarchs) (was +1 Monarch skill in adm) - Reduced cost to pass Chinese Imperial Reform from 70 Mandate to 40 - Changed the “Unify China” CB to 75% AE, 150% Prestige, 100% WS cost (was 50% AE, 150% Prestige, 50% WS cost) - Changed the “Take Mandate of Heaven” CB to 75% AE, 100% Prestige, 100% WS cost (was 50% AE, 100% Prestige, 50% WS cost) - Increased dev requirement to trigger the “Unguarded Nomadic Frontier” disaster from 300 development Horde to 2000. - Removed Avas Royal Marriages ## Africa - Added Carthage formable for Tunisia with unique ideas and missions. - Blocked Mamluks from forming Tunisia, Tripoli and Algiers (completely unrelated) - Added Savannah/Steppe Development Cost Privilege to Eastern/Central/Western African Technology Groups - Added government reform for African techs which grants 1 Colonist but reduces Colonial Range - Added Kongolese Culture Group missions and events (Nerfed the Papal Influence Modifier) - Added Western African missions and formable, the “United African Republic” with unique ideas and missions - Added Central African formable, the “Kitara Empire/Buha Gang”, with unique ideas - Added South-East African formable, the “Rozvi Empire”, with unique ideas and missions (basically Butua) - Added Ethiopian missions, stolen and altered from the “Missions expanded mod” ## Americas - Made Aztecs Reformable - **Buffed Aztecs NI**, merged war exhaustion and Legitimacy, added -10% Dev cost - triggered modifier for primitives: -10% all power costs ## Middle East - Najd ideas changed from 50% cav flanking to +10%morale, +10%cav combat - Arabian ideas changed from 25%cav flanking to +25%cav combat; added +15%morale to last idea; changed from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Caravan Power and +15% Ship Power Propagation - changed forming Arabia requirements, excludes Mashriqi, Syrian and Egyptian culture; requires fewer provinces, only requires provinces in Arabia region; gives idea change event - added an event to Arabia - "NEW" Formable: Ayyubids. Get Hisn Kayfa Ideas/Colour/Flag, New unique missions and events. Sets you to Shafi’i school. Makes you Iqta Available to Egyptian, Mashriqi, Syrian and Kurdish culture and Sunni religion. - "NEW" Formable: Hashashins; Iranian culture group or Syrian culture, Shiite religion, finished espionage ideas, turns into ismaili theocracy, unique missions - "NEW" Formable: Israel; jewish religion - new repeatable muslim event - "New Madrasah" event mtth from 600months to 300months - Blocked Mamluks being formed by Ayyubids, Hashshashins and Rûm - **Changed Janissary Decadence disaster: intended to give you the option of switching out of Ottoman Government while remaining Muslim, new Government more military focused, disables Janissaries and Harem events, eventually lets you recruit janissaries again with a tier4 reform Starting condition changed from less than 0 stab to less than 1 Stopping condition added if no longer Ottoman government Ticking +1 from 50 loans to 10, added 3 modifers for +1 each if Monarch has a 1 or less in a skill, added +1 for having less than 50 legitimacy; added +1 for having more than 5 War exhaustion; added a +2 modifier for having 20 or more christian provinces makes you choose between supporting Janissaries or Royalists, if you choose Royalists you can end the disaster much faster but won’t get new government form, if you choose Janissaries it takes 5 years minimum to finish the disaster and it turns you into a republic for 10years after which you get turned into the new government. This gives you the option to pick Plutocratic ideas and also makes you lose a lot of government reforms, I advise not to pick any reforms during this period and save the reformprogress instead ## Miscellaneous - Changed Franconias Colour - Changed Prussias Colour - Changed Colonial Nations so when Independent countries with their Capital in a Colonial Region declare on a Colonial Nation, the overlord gets called in and becomes the warleader. Colonial Nations can no longer declare war. - Buffed Austrian, Norwegian, Sardigne-Piedmontese, Cusco/Incan ideas to 5% discipline (from 3/2,5%) - Added a Central Asian Horde formable, the “Göktürk Khaganate” with unique ideas and Mongol Missions - Buffed the tier 5 Horde government reform to give 3 Yearly Horde Unity (was 2) - Gave Hordes an event to gain one of the three base Estates (Nobles/Clergy/Burghers) - changed Horde Government from +20% Speed to +17.5%Speed - Added Coastal Desert Development Cost Privilege to Hejaz, Rassids, Yemen, Oman, Hormuz - Nerfed “Cossack Herding Right” privilege from 100%manpower to 25% - Added a strait between France and England - added Rhineland formable with unique ideas and missions, stolen and altered from the “Missions Expanded” mod - added 1 mission to the Italian missions, stolen and altered from the “Missions Expanded” mod - Removed Danish age ability and made it available to everyone, giving yearly legitimacy or its equivalent - Changed Dutch Age ability from -0.20 Yearly Corruption to -0.5 Interest per Annum - Made Monsoon modifiers last 1 year instead of 5 - Adjusted certain provincial manpower privileges province modifiers to their privilege tooltip (cossack steppe province manpower +100%->+25%; Dhimmi heathen/heretic province manpower +30%->+20%; Muslim Marathas Hindu province manpower +30%->+20%) - Made it so you can’t revoke the Burgher/Jain loan privilege while still having those loans - Turned French Cores on England into Permanent Claims - Removed Enrique from Castile, gave -5prestige for 10years - Reduced force change religion cost from -40% to -80% with the global crusade reform - Unnerfed Kazan ideas from +50%cav flanking back to +10%morale - Ava got Taungu missions - Changed Albanias NI from +50% cav flanking to +20%cav combat; +33% looting speed - changed Lan Na NI from +50%flanking to +1cav shock - changed Clanricarde NI from +50%cav flanking to +1cav fire - changed Ilkhanate NI from +50%cav flanking to +10%Morale - Changed Mossi NI from +50% cav flanking to +25%looting speed and +10%movement speed - various minor error fixes - fixed Angkor mission tree - fixed Cao mission tree - fixed Carthage mission tree - fixed Celestial Empire mission tree - fixed Ethiopian mission tree - fixed Gansu mission tree - fixed Kongolese mission tree - fixed Malayan mission tree - fixed PRC mission tree - fixed Shanxi mission tree - fixed Taiping Heavenly Kingdom mission tree - fixed UAR mission tree - fixed Wei mission tree - fixed Zhejiang mission tree - fixed Rozvi mission tree - fixed South Chinese mission tree - Gave Italian Signora +1random ruler stat - removed subscription banner (credit https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2430179723 ) - added decision to show how many times deved (credit to MJL mod) - changed Navy Tradition from up to +100% Trade Steering to up to +100% Ship Power Propagation - changed money gained by selling crownland to 1 year of estate land income regardless of age (down from 2.5 age of discovery, 2.0 age of reformation, 1.5 age of absolutism) ## Ideas - changed Trade Ideas from +25% Trade Steering to +25% Ship Power Propagation and +25 Placed Merchant Power - changed Mamluk NI from 25% trade steering to 25%caravan power and 5%global trade power to 25% - changed Aragons NI from 20% trade steering to 20% ship trade power propagation and global trade power from +20% to +25% - changed Lübeck NI from 10% trade steering to 10% ship trade power propagation and Global trade power from 10% to +20% - changed Norways NI from +20% trade steering to +20% ship trade propagation and Global Trade Power from +10% to +20% - changed Oman NI from +33% trade steering to +33% Global Trade Power - changed Granadas NI from +10% trade steering to +15% ship trade power propagation and +10% domestic trade power to +15% domestic trade power - changed Orissan NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Ryukyu NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Breton NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Huron NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Javan NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Croatian NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power and +10% Ship Power Propagation - changed Navarran NI from +25% Trade Steering to +25% Global Trade Power - changed Silesian NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Caravan Power and from +10% Provincial Trade Power to +15% Provincial Trade Power - changed Danzig NI from +20% Trade Steering to +10% Goods Produced and from +15% Global Trade Power to +25% - changed Krakau NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Caravan Power - changed Pskov NI from +20% Trade Steering to +10% Trade Efficiency, changed their Global Trade Power and Caravan Power by +5% - changed Mapuche NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Pomeranias NI from +25% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Trade Power Propagation and their Global Trade Power from +10% to +15% - changed Canadas NI from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Domestic Trade Power - changed Transylvanian NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Kutais NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Trade Power Propagation - changed Luxembourgs NI from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Caravan Power - changed Medinas NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Pate NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Power Propagation - changed Ouchi NI from +15% Trade Steering to -15% Mercantilism Cost and +5% Global Trade Power - changed Shimazu NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Global Trade Power - changed Connacht NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Brabant NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Caravan Power and +20% Ship Power Propagation - changed East Frisian NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Power Propagation - changed Soo NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Power Propagation - changed Saluzzo NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Caravan Power - changed Xi’ans NI from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Caravan Power (update China hackmd) - changed Macau NI from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Power Propagation (update China hackmd) - changed Malayas NI from +25% Trade Steering to 10% Provincial Trade Power. Changed their Ship Power Propagation and Global Trade Power by +5% each - changed Israels NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Malay Culture Group NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Global Trade Power - changed Arabian NI from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Caravan Power and +15% Ship Power Propagation - changed Somali NI from +15% Trade Steering to +15% Global Trade Power - changed Sulawesi NI from +10% Trade Steering to +10% Ship Power Propagation ## Policies - changed Expansion-Trade policy from +20% Trade Steering to +20% Ship Power Propagation - changed Defensive-Trade policy from +25% Trade Steering to +25%Caravan Power and +25 Placed Merchant Power ## Privileges - Added a Privilege to certain South East Asian countries for -20% Land Attrition, gets removed when picking Defensive or Quantity ideas - Added a Privilege for negative Karma/Piety/Harmony gain (exclusive with its positive counterpart) - Added a Privilege that allows norse to raid other faiths - Added a Privilege that gives janissaries 5%discipline and +10% land maintenance for 20years, costs 1year of income (possible after age of discovery) - Added a Privilege for Aztec/Otomanguean Culture groups for -10% Hills and Highlands Dev Cost - Added a Mayan culture privilege: Jungle -10% dev cost - Incan culture privilege: Mountain dev cost -10% - Church Estate Privilege which costs 20Reformprogress, reduces culture conversion cost by 25% and reduces primary culture province governing cost by -15%, culture group governing cost by -5% and increases other culture governing cost by +15% ## Formables ### Carthage - Galley Combat Ability +25%; Global Engagement Width +10% - Mercenary Manpower+25%; Mercenary Discipline +5% - Naval Forcelimit +25%; National Sailors +15% - Ship Trade Power Propagation +20%; Sailor Mantenance -20% - Naval Morale +10% - Trade Efficiency +15%; Trade Range +25% - Culture Conversion Cost -25%; Same Culture as Ruler Advisor Cost -25% - Discipline +5% - Combat rolls off owned coast +1 ### United African Republic - Merchants +1; Trade Efficiency +10% - Land Morale +15% - National Manpower +25% - Monthly Piety -0.5%; Tolerance of True Faith +2 - Interest Per Annum -0.5 - Building Cost -10% - Infantry Combat Ability +10% - Number of Accepted Cultures +1 - Production Efficiency +10% ### Empire of Kitara/Buha Gang - Technology Cost -10%; Idea Cost -10% - Domestic Trade Power +25% - Infantry Combat Ability +15% - Yearly Legitimacy +1; Yearly Prestige +1 - Land Attrition -20%; Global Supply Limit +20% - Development Cost -10%; Goods Produced +10% - Shock Damage +15% - Siberian Frontier - National Manpower +25% ### Rozvi Empire - Infantry Cost -10%; Land Morale +10% - Institution Spread +10%; Global Trade Power +10% - Movement Speed +10% - Goods Produced +10% - Trade Efficiency +15% - Mercenary Manpower +25%; Advisor Cost -10% - Inflation Reduction -0.1 - Disicpline +5% - Development Cost -10% ### Rhineland - Merchants +1; Caravan Power +25% - National Manpower +15%; Fire Damage Received -10% - Diplomatic Reputation +2; Years of Separatism -5 - Mercenary Maintenance -15% - Yearly Corruption -0.2 - Defensiveness +15% - Goods Produced +10%; Development Cost -10% - Building Cost -10%; Regiment Cost -10% - Land Morale +10% ### Göktürk Khaganate - Cavalry Combat Ability +20%; Core Creation Cost -20% - Tolerance of Heathens +2; Years of Separatism -5 - Manpower Recovery Speed +10%; National Manpower +10% - Land Morale +10% - Caravan Power +20% - Domestic Trade Power +25% - Horde Unity/Legitimacy +1 - Cavalry Shock +1 - Development Cost -10% ### Peoples Republic of China - National Manpower +33%; Land Force Limit +25% - Land Morale +5%; Infantry Combat Ability +10% - Shock Damage Received -15% - Manpower Recovery Speed +30%; Reinforce Cost -20% - Development Cost -10% - Trade Efficiency +15% - Possible Advisors +1; Stability Cost -10% - Harsh Treatment Cost -50%; National Unrest -2 - Governing Capacity +500 Special Government got Buffed: reduce absolutism penalty to -15, grant +1monthly mil mana, +10%manpower recovery, +20%manpower, +20%reinforce speed ### Taiping Heavenly Kingdom - Building Cost -10%; Advisor Cost -10% - Land Leader Shock +1 - Army Tradition Decay -0.5% - Tolerance of True Faith +2 - Artillery Fire +1 - Disicpline +5% - Development Cost -10% - Land Morale +15% - Monarch Skill in Mil +1 ### Celestial Empire - Goods Produced +15%; Governing Capacity +400 - Monarch Skill in Mil +1 - Development Cost -10% - Discipline +5% - Land Morale +15% - National Manpower +20%; Manpower Recovery Speed +20% - Administrative Efficiency +5%; Diplomats +1 - Infantry Combat Ability +10% - Artillery Fire +1 ### Jomsvikings - Land Leader Shock +1; Discipline +5% - Land Morale +10% - Land Force Limit +15%; Naval Force Limit +5% - +10% Manpower Recovery Speed - Permanent CB against other Religions - Production Efficiency +10% - Stability Cost -10% - Yearly Prestige +1 - Infantry Combat +10%