# Session 4 tier list Hello Gentleman and XVR! It's that time of the game again where the mods are lazy and make us do their tier list. Sadly we fall for it every time, so here's mine! Before: ![](https://i.imgur.com/ayJDMZs.png) After: ![](https://i.imgur.com/pAEC526.png) # Herr gamer ### Austrian Truce Break You ever have that feeling of "Well shit, I lost"? Happens to everybody. Now instantly truce breaking so you double lose might not be the smartest thing to do. Those were 2 very sad years of war. Then again not like he had anything to lose. ### Portugals Independence Hey guys quick question here. What's the most cost-effective way to make money? No not buildings, nope it's not deving, gold... might actually win but that's not what I meant. Its colonies ofc! Sadly most of us cant really go colonial since we would just die. It would be great if there is this nation build around colonizing with exploration and expansion just ripe to be vassalised so it can colonize for you.... ha if only that was the case that would be great. ## S tier ### Ottomans No real surprise here is there? Bob is dominating the game so far. He has all his manufactories built; all workshops done. It shows in his casually 322 income. While way more than anybody else it's worth noting that he barely can make anymore so at least it won't increase *that* much without conquering new land. Military wise he actually paid Military mana to get 19 janissaries that's the only significant part of looking at his military. Not the 382 FL, now the 375k Manpower no no the 19 janissaries the madman! I was going to comment on your drilling because why? Why not don't do that and just get higher-level advisors? you are only running 2/3/2 advisors. ## A tier ### Zhejiang Who would have guessed this? From getting beaten by Oirat to having a session of eating like 500 dev of AI. Did the Yunnan player really quit? Could the Gansu player really not join? Or were they just kicked and banned from the session by the host who happens to be Zhejiang? A bit too much coincidence if you ask me. He has pretty much all military buildings built, and it shows! 200k max manpower and 293 FL means he packs a punch. Most of the workshops were also built. However, he is lacking building slots for a lot of manufactories! He should look at his provinces 1 by 1 and delete temples/shipyards cause not building a silk manufactory is a crime against humanity. ### Punjab About the same strength as Zhejiang, income is 30 higher at 164. FL is slightly lower by the same amount at 263. Manpower is at 182k which is lower than the other Indians and Zhejiang. Might be because I haven't built any military infrastructure yet. A fight between these two is decided by who defends. Nothing more; nothing less. ### Vijayanagar Vij's income is good at 130. Most of it comes from production as you expect from Indians. Making 80 profit a month, and while looking why so much I noticed he doesn't has any cannons and only 75k standing army. Should probably up that considering your FL is 180 and your manpower is 207k! Definitely the weakest of the Indians but by no stretch actually weak. Was subbed last week who left behind some easter eggs. Try to find them all for a Price! ### France But Krediax France isn't that strong it's losing money and has 84 out of 98 loans. It's such a bad nation and pretty much dead. Well yes but actually no. He used that money to fight a war against "The East" and they ended up winning. Now his ally Westphalia got most of the land but he did get Tirol. He also took the opportunity to bankruptcy built (although by the looks of it he started after the war, which is a shame). 208 FL. 113 income and 158k max manpower. The strongest European if you just ignore its bankruptcy for a second. The only thing France needs is building slots. Either from conquering land or from deving his own. But he needs dem slots y'all Also Cringe Alex CRINGE! ![](https://i.imgur.com/z7bh71D.png) ### Westphalia Income at a good 116. Fought the east block and gained the most out of it. Force limit of 167. This nation is one of the strongest in-game. While slightly weaker than France right now it has a lot of AI to eat by the looks of it. After the next session unless something major happens this will probably be the strongest nation in Europe. (Ottomans is in Asia, it is called Asia minor) ## B tier ### Bengal The sleeping tiger of India. While strong already it has so much growth potential. It still has a lot of AI land to eat and integrate. He is Nepali culture so he can form Nepal whenever he wants. He doesn't need to right now however because Bengali ideas are pretty good for building up a nation. Military wise it's looking good; 190k max manpower and 246 FL. With a lot more potential for both to grow. The benefit of having 123 provinces. The point where he is struggling is with his income. 112 is ofc not nothing but it's not the best either. However, it should be fine in the long run; it just has so many provinces. ### Sweden 130 income is good! He has near full control of the baltic; around 70% of Lubeck and a good amount of Novgorod to make him lots of money. FL is at 154 which is lower than I expected. Quality is pretty good however cause well... Sweden. He is getting Norway his land right now by the looks of it. That extra trade center in Lubeck should help a lot. I am still a bit confused about why he has Moscow. He's not going to form Russia right? Chad Norse. ### ~~Castile~~ Morocco 122 income and 143 FL 132k max manpower. Morocco is strong. While not Spanish ideas Castillian ideas on their own are still decent. Economic built up but not military. This nation could rival France soon tm. It helps that it has the corpse of fake Morocco to feed on. Also just to point it out it still has its 15% morale mission. IIRC morocco also has a 15% morale mission. That's a lot of morale for an int. ### Malaya Income is at 126. Which went up a lot iirc it was around 60 before the session? This is without his manufactories. Those mostly unlock at tech 14. Conquered his sphere of influence and is now helping his player colony conquer all of Australia. Those 2 together should make a nice combo. Went full-on Navy which is boorrrriiinngggg but hey it is what it is. He has a 6/6 explorer and 58 galleys. His trade fleet is small though. Building shipyards cause naval is so much fun zZzZzZz ## C tier ### Great Britain Firstly No homo. Secondly You guys need to listen to this guy speak. Now let's look at zhe nation. Income at 77 is low for Britain. Then again they don't own the Netherlands like they usually do and even lost Normandy. "only" 47% control of the English Channel. Don't know if you have a deal with Lotharingia but if not boat bomb that shit. Now let's look at his stats! 54 galleys and 92 Naval Force limit. While not great his colonies are now online so this should all improve significantly soon. Those Mexican gold fleets and Cuban sailors are going to be a big boon. A bit disappointed that they don't have fun names yet but I guess that comes later? Also naval zZzZzZz (convert the gold mine please I'm begging you it's hurting my eyes) ### Ayyubids Mamluks formed Ayyubids for the improvement in Ideas! Which compared to Mamluks isn't hard to do. FL is at 155 and max manpower of 134k. It's oke but he is falling behind, lacking buildings and an income of only 91. This nation needs peace to make the buildings and just dev. ### Lotharingia The nation is looking good, stayed out of the big wars and it shows. He has 143 FL and 140k max manpower. 102 income since he has the majority of ~~English~~ Lotharingian channel. It's also hugging Paris from both sides; what a nice guy. Steering to EC makes you a bit more money; and Gbr. Tuscany and France lose some money. I guess you are waiting on adm tech 11? That's why you haven't cored yet. Smort. ### Poland Poland has had a rough game so far. Getting inted by AI. Getting inted by Muscovy Austria tag team. Getting inted by the West. Just want to point out the AI died, Austria died, Muscovy died. Be very scared men of the west. 104 FL and 64 Income. Not great. The loss of the 2 goldmines of Egeb and Tirol hurts a lot. During the war Poland was in bankruptcy so could barely fight. Round 2 could be interesting!. Manpower of 102k max. Polish ideas are so good though. The thing that scares me the most for Poland is the fact that Ottomans vassalised Hungary. ## D tier ### Oirat Mr horsie! 57 income is low but it makes sense he only owns the steppes. He currently has 104 FL but 47 fielded of which 34 are cav. Also, he has Bashkiria on scutage... you want to lose that vassal or something? Could form Gokturk whenever he wants. He's not though I guess he doesn't want to lose the 10% cav cost from Oirat just yet? Which I guess combined with that fact that he wouldn't have the +1 cav shock anyway yet makes sense. Eventually, you should form it however. ### Prussia Let's go down the list: - Dirt poor? Check - Prussian government? Check - Insane Quality? Check Yep, it's a Prussia. FL is only at 77 and income is at 38. But does he care? that's the question. He has 125 disc without an advisor and 4.5 morale after the bankruptcy. What can I say? It's a Prussia. It Hurts. ### Ethiopia I'm going to assume the Military advisor just died. If we unpause Sunday and you still don't have one ill send you an insult! A bit behind on ideas but I'm sure you will catch up eventually. 62 income isn't anything to write home about similarly quality isn't anything special either. When you finish quality ideas you will get 112.5% disc and 117 FL. It made its way into western Africa so let's see if he can pick up some strength there! ### Rozvi Allied all his neighbors. Sure he's the riches of them all with an income of 104. 44 of that is from Gold however. 90 FL with completed quantity. I dunno it's not looking great to me. Especially since you only have 2 ideas in quality. ### Persia Persia is finally here! It's still very very far behind though. 13 ideas is not good. FL is at 111. (quality bad though cause no ideas) Income is at 72. No buildings yet. This nation fought sessions 1 and 2 vs Timurids and has never really recovered by the looks of it. ### Two Sicilies Don't you just love to judge a nation that is half occupied? What's its real income? When I peace out the AI it jumps to 59. Still bad. 95k max manpower and a FL of 91. It's clearly the weaker of the Iberians. I have faith in Kimi that he will turn this around however! ## E tier ### Gansu It was AI during the last session so it might get edits but let's judge it how it is right now! It has 82 FL. Much lower than Zhejiang and Oirat but it's not nothing. 43 income is low as is 67k max manpower. 16 ideas and the AI took Diplomatic for him third. It's not looking great especially since it has no allies right now. ### Kongo Income is at 48. This isn't great but then again it's Kongo. 16 ideas and finished exploration and expansion. Already has a CN in Brazil. 49 FL. It exists I guess. ### Lithuania Ah, Lithuania... What's there not to like? It has 23 income. 46k max manpower 51FL and 15 ideas. I don't think it's feeling so well. At least Muscovy is dead; I guess? Tbh Poland Prussia and Sweden should just put it out of its misery. ## F tier ### Mali Speaking of Missery! It's time for Mali. He's still playing so that's something. Income is at 29, epic 27 inflation, 37 FL, and 35k max manpower. I dunno man enemies on all sides. ### Norway Exilers... yay? so much fun. Will prob be the strongest nation in 200 years, around the time the game ends. Right now it's a bad nation. ## Special disaspointment tier ### Tuscany I love Florence, it's such a fun nation to play as since yo- WAIT WAIT WAIT DID YOU GO PROTESTANT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? THE MEME IS DEAD! YOU COULD HAVE HAD 1.5 INTEREST LOANS BY DEFAULT. 1! IF YOU HAD JEWISH BANKERS OR NATIONAL BANK OR JUST SOME REVANCHISM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY DAY IS RUINED AND MY DISAPPOINTMENT IS IMMEASURABLE Fine... fine... fine... I guess I will have to look at this nation. 93 income which isn't great considering he is in Italy and controls 2 end nodes. Still, it's a lot of money combine that with the 1.5 interest loans that's a big int OHW WAIT. 111 FL is decent. That's the downside of Italy; a lack of provinces. OMG, HE ALSO DIDN'T PICK PLUTO IDEAS. I'm so sad.