# R/eu contest Some say it's the best tierlist, it might be the best tierlist I don't know they say it's the best tierlist, I think it's the best tierlist but people say it's the best tierlist so who am I to disagree with them. Before: ![](https://i.imgur.com/1o8QQvZ.png) After: ![](https://i.imgur.com/M4HWpUX.png) Ah, look at that beautiful new world filling in. ## Based tier ### [Dithmarschen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJdz3i44dIc&t=5s) Comrad, the revolution is spreading steadily. The bourgeoisie is in control the so-called nobles have been "re-educated". The means are being seized at 40 ducats a month and our glorious army stands ready to die for our cause. More importantly, they stand ready to make sure the nobles die for theirs. Also not abusing the nephew bug so that's extra-based. ### Oirat Definition of Vibing. Sure Manchu we can ally and you can have Beijing? Ayuthayya ye no problem man dai viet is yours. Oda, you want to recreate the peace deal Japan always makes in hoi4 sure go for it. We are doing some vibing. Wdym cav is expensive? it cost 5 ducats per regiment silly you. Look at those poor people thinking that's expensive but paying 10 for infantry. Cav goes brrr. 132k cav goes very brrr. 69 ([nice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYt0WbDjJ4E)) ducats go brrr soon. (do care about inflation I've done this built myself, without horde and with aristocratic but still, inflation can hurt a lot for you if it starts impacting your cav cost). ### Jaunpur Ah man, I love this guy. Joins the game mid-way session 2 (player dropped start session 2 cause lag). Does his thing and all gucci. Session 3 joins mid-way again! Now, what does he do? Vibe? Chill? fix the AI stuff? Nah fam he joins the coalition against Vijayanagar. What a chad. If it's AI next time again (cause he joins mid-way again perhaps?) his AI will actually fight Vijayanagar. 55 income means he isn't rich but who cares it's a coalition war AI never peaces out. 100k also is no joke ### Florence and my love for plutocratic No clue what happened in Europe that much tbh. I just love Florence in general. You could have been the most cringe player there is and I would still call you based cause you are in Florence. You know my second game ever in eu4 was with Florence. The first one was messy as holland iirc, but Florence god damn what a nation. The only thing that would have made you Super-based tier would have been if you picked pluto. God damn pluto is such a fun idea group. Do you want some morale? here go have it. You want disc sure go nuts. Do you want some good produced? I gotcha covered fam, ill even throw in an extra merchant just for you hot stuff, speaking of trade you know how you like to mess with inland trade nodes? Hell ye brother here have some more caravan power to make you enjoy your game more, last thing I got for you is some extra manpower just the way you like it; as recovery don't let that slut double D national manpower know. It's how you use it, not how big it is. Anyway where was I? Right Florence 2% interest loans already hell ye baby. 62 income fuck yeah baby. 73k memers in the army that's just like I want it baby. ### Cusco Hey, silly europoors! Do you want this shiny gold stuff? We produce 7.7 of that month and we know of a big reserve below this province called Posoti. AND YOU CANT HAVE IT HAHAHAHAHAA ITS MINE FUCKERS. We have so much it's even worthless for us. Still, you can't have it just because. Also looking at this nation I realize it prob wasn't played in session 2. But Bookwu is based enough to keep it here anyway. ### Juxgary JUX! Jux jux jux Jux jux jux jux eu4. Ngl jux jux jux jux Jux jux world conquest jux jux. 46 juxets a jux jux 1/3 jux jux This is fine. Jux jux Mamluks Jux grace of Jux. Jux removes kebab, Jux cringe Timurids Jux jux. 86k Jux jux 860k not jux, best Jux in the Jux. ### Ottomans Not Jux, Fought Jux died to Jux. Still guy was pretty nice. Kinda pissed at what happened in the end. But coming back to play a dead nation session 2 just to roach. That was pretty Based. ### England Tudor; disgusting Plantagenet; disgusting Hotel? Trivago England? York. Having pretty nice rulers in the form of a 445 and his 256 heir. They know which way the point the sharp side of a spear should go. Decided to let half of the English Channel be Dutch. Myself born and raised in the Netherlands I approve of the sharing of the Dutch channel. Going to tell the natives they are dum dum and they should speak ~~dutch~~ English. ### Muscovy It's his first game, got the game on Epic decided to join the MP as Muscovy like a boss. Doing pretty good as well considering he's new to the game. Was AI last session though so can't say that much about that (you should ask for save edits btw cause AI dum dum) ## C H I L L C A M P A I G N Tier ### Poland Poland finally has a higher income than his PU Lithuania hell yeah brother! [He also has a surprise tool that can help him later](https://i.imgur.com/Vz3cB9t.png.). Realistically his income is 69 [nice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYt0WbDjJ4E) and he has 160k serfs to fight for him (don't tell Velly) Very nice very cool. Also, are you gonna form Ruthenia? It does move you down to the Playing the game normally tier however. Also props for doing a no buildings run. If there is any campaign you can do it in it's this one, so hype! ### Sweden Sweden is here to play eu4 and watch Netflix, He just finished Netflix so now he's going to start playing eu4 I'm sure of it. Seriously though you did the chad move of taking a risk last game but now you are taking it very slowly. go go go go go. At least you didn't go Orthodox. ### Yemen He do be struggling. Went shia like a chad. Does mean his gold mine is making less money than it could (-31% from intolerance on a 10 dev gold mine yikes). Didn't spawn kill Kilwa cause it's a C H I L L C A M P A I G N TM ### Kaurna I dunno how tribal nations work. But he's doing tribal nations stuff I dunno whatever float his boats, or tribal dev, or whatever he wants to float. ### Holland Why does Friesland own Gent? Excuse me? It was your core? What? What is happening? I'm very confused. Time to upgrade your cots in the ~~english~~ Dutch Channel and Glorious revolution his ass. Whether he likes it or not. You do need the income 20 income is a bit low as is 14 FL. Damn you are much weaker then I expected but as the famous dutch saying goes: Het kan dooien het kan vriezen maar liever dooie friezen. ### Hungary JUX! Man, I love jux he's so much fun when he plays eu4. Ngl I am glad I don't border him but knowing Jux he could have done a world conquest by now if he really wanted to. 46 Juxets a month means we [only paying 1/3 in interest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oBx7Jg4m-o). Decided to let Mamluks live by the grace of Jux. Removing last Cringe Ottomans right now isn't scared of Timurids like a Jux. 86k Jux equals around 860k cringe so clearly the best nation in the world. ## Playing the game normally tier ### Mamluks Rum when? Where Rum? Where did the Rum go? He technically is playing the game normally and is the strongest nation (or second strongest if you ask XVR) but he gave the new ottomans a fair 1v1 so that's something. Beat France Ez Pz. Beat Byzantium and is even managing to not die to Jux. Especially that last part is impressive. 111 income with a 172k strong army makes mamluks all work and no play. Do pop the mission before you you form rum. ### Timurids Timmie stronk. Timmie doing stuff that Timmie does. The only special thing he wants to do is actually form the Mughals. That might make him go up a tier to CHILL CAMPAIGN TM. Until then he does be doing his thing and blobbing. The only sad thing is that he popped all his missions, very wow, much sad. 95 monies, 101k idiots fooled into dying for the Shah. (hasn't finished quantity idea yet) ### Kilwa Hello, my name is CuChullain. I am bad and Gay cause I'm a mod. Also, my average autonomy in my gold mines is 58.15% (with one being 16%) you know let's weigh it to the amount of dip dev then his (weighted) average autonomy in his gold mines is: 61.2 :eyes:. Probably unironically worth putting on the autonomy edict. Anyway, zhe nation is doing fine. Doing normal stuff even went up to the Ethiopia trade node. Let's see what his plans are though; depending on that he becomes cringe or based. ### Oda Did you know the tag of Oda is ODA? Mind = blown. Oda's ideas are ofc great. Japanese ideas are overall great. He's even keeping the shogun around so he keeps independent daimyo. Personally not that happy with the isolationist level guess he's not tryhard that much. Or misclick both are equally as likely (he misclicked I'm sure of it). Getting the coast of China it seems. [Looks like he wants to imitate hoi4 Japan](https://i.imgur.com/1fQUP1K.png). 53 monies and 90k samurais Japan doing Japan stuff. ### Vijayanagar Beat Bahmanis fairly. After that slowly moved his border north. 84 monies a month but only 74k FL. This is kinda low. It feels kinda low. Ah, he hasn't finished Quantity yet. Fighting a coalition war he *should* be able to win, even if Jaunpur becomes AI and actually contributes to the war. ### Austria Emperor Joseph I von Habsburg walks into a bar, the bartender asks why the long face? Generation of inbreeding says Joseph. HA COMEDY GOLD Mr. Habsburg is doing fine. 72 income (don't you just love Intall; you make more from gold than kilwa hehe) 109k enslaved Styrians ready to fight for his cause as well. Personally, I wouldn't mothball my border forts, maybe with Hungary and swiss cause they are your allies but with Florence? Risky risky risky; if he times it right you could lose all 4 of your good forts within a month. ### Rothenburg More nephew gaming. Disgusting. From a mod no less! May your sky be filled with comets. Cool flag though so I'm giving you bonus points for that, just keeping you out of Cringe tier. But I'm watching you Alex. 47 income but only 44 Fl. Hold up Alex what's going on here? I know you went quality but still. At least you are working on it with your regimental camps, and I guess you don't have that many provinces. Still shame for nephew gaming! SHAME! ## Cringe tier ### Ternate Milking eastern plutocracy for what its worth. It is so stupidly good in vanilla. Hell even in our mod it's the best tier 1 in Asia. But people havnt really abused it yet cause you give money to others not to yourself. Oh no the horror. He making 156 a month. by far the richest person. Selling crownland on cooldown for a massive influx of money every time. That all is without Petosi 2.0 uncored (Tiwi; has gold has a +3 goods produced modifier from missions). Has a player Vassal as well in Ternate Australia. Why isn't he in the lowest tier you ask? Well, he bribed me it's that simple. ### Morocco Very close to the black guard. Is going cringe colonial cause its bused (yes I'm holding him to a different standard than England). Vanilla colonial nations are all busted. He even got a player on it to make it double-busted. Even without a player it's nutty. Has all of West Africa to eat without competition. Will form Andalusia and is prob going to be the top 5 strongest nations at the end of the campaign. If he can colonize more easily nr 1, especially if they are going to be filled with players Cough cough meta allies cough cough Thunder cough cough Morluck cough cough. Sucks for you that Thunder is banned from the campaign. ### Switzerland Shame! Nephew gaming! Shame! Bug abooser. Still though Kravt is showing again why he's such a good player, and why we both love republics, they do be OP. 13/13/18 mana generation. 65 income but 150k manpower and 130k troops. Very stronk. Could form Swabia but wants to see if Austria dies first I suppose. Or forms something. Gotta get that sweet 5% perm morale. ## Against the spirit of the campaign tier ### France HE CONCENTRATED DEV FROM HIS PLAYER VASSAL. DO I NEED TO SAY MORE? SMH XVR AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE CAMPAIGN YOU BAQUET.TE Popped golden era after finishing quantity eco so he could dev his cloth farmlands like a filthy tryhard for 4, disgusting. Wanna bet that he even upgraded the cots? Oh, he did not. Weird. A real tip though; next time if you play France, unless you are going to conquer into the Netherlands, don't dip dev Normandy. There's no point you only get the money one time, adm deving if you don't get the trade goods is actually equal to a 5 ducat worth trade good. ### Aytuthayya You thought I would be last didn't you? Just because I pillaged 17 times and concentrated dev 26 times? no no silly you the real enemy is below me and as soon as corona restrictions are over I'm going over there to get him. Only 70 income; reason for that is 2 fold; 58% average autonomy is a bitch (didn't state anything this game cause culture conversions) and I'm not making any trade money cause muh boys are making more from my trade anyway. You could call it tryhardy, what are you gonna do? Ping the mods and tell on me? ### ~~Malaya~~ Nusantara (although based if you aren't me) Fucking ass fucking cunt. He's doing all he can to cuck me out of my Perma 5% dev cost mission. Why? Just cause he can. But I hear you think dear reader; Krediax, arnt you allied to him? Why yes I am. Didn't you give him pillages Krediax? Yes I did. Broblem? ~~Malaya~~ Nusantara is doing good! He's doing really good actually! 110 income and that is with giving half his trade to Ternate cause we do be gaming. Conquered all his islands and can do whatever he wants now. If he goes naval he will be unstoppable on the seas. If he goes land (still got 10% morale) his navy will still make GBR think twice about attacking him.