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噗浪即時狀態 API (非官方)

GET Diagnostics


Gets diagnostics information of Plurk API, may be used for composing charts.


  • {TYPE}: Diagnostics Type
    • 0: Normal API response time
    • 1: Error response
    • 2: Polling comet time errors for more than 1 minute compared to actual time
  • {OFFSET}: Offset timestamp[1]

Return data:
JSON: [[timestamp, data], ...]

  • For type = 0:
    data: response time in milliseconds
  • For type = 1:
    data: HTTP response code occured (400, 500, etc.)
  • For type = 2:
    data: Polling comet time difference in milliseconds.

All data is provided from Moka Rin running, copyright © Jeremy Lam "JLChnToZ", part of Explosive Theorem Projects. These API are not endorsed by nor affiliated with Plurk Ltd. These API provided "as-is", without any warrenty, does not guarantee any stability and accuracy, use at your own risk.

  1. All timestamps are UNIX timestamps but in milliseconds. ↩︎