Still depending on D15428:
Just wrapping up existing patches in review.
Possible next to do's apart from brush managmenent?
โ T97616 Sculpt Paint tool defaults
Just a small to do. Would be good to wrap this up.
We can do this for brush managment since new defaults will be part of that project.
โ T97101 Color attribute improvements
We should close this task.
Obj, fbx & glTF support seem to be complete. Alembic & USD have other design tasks already.
What about "Optimize GPU storage"?
Can be done later. Low priority for optimisation.
Let's open a new task for multires support.
What would that task need and how long would it take? Short term?
Still needs discussion on design.
We should keep this for a later proper multires improvement project.
โ T98070 Improved Rake functionality
Highly requested feature.
Almost working properly in sculpt-dev.
Could this be done short term in master?
Joe confirms that this would be fast to do. There are no road blocks that would complicate this feature.