Hey there ๐๐พ
I am Godspower Eze and I am working towards implementing a verkle library in the Nim Programming Language.
This is a summary of how week 2 and week 3 went.
The past two weeks has been challenging and fun. I went from confused to a bit less confused. For complex topics, you will find that this a very big win.
I finally understand the gist of Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC).
The light bulb moment was when I understood that the main difference between Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman is that (m^e mod n) discrete log problem was replaced by the aG discrete log problem respectively.
With this, I am excited to explore more about ECC and then Pedersen Commitments.
In the past weeks, I also experienced the beauty of mathematics and I am proud to say I have fallen in love with it. I plan to nurture this relationship long term. So help me God.
Yes, I have.
They are currently coming up with a plan of how everyone interested in this project would be able to contribute.
Actually, I don't.
But, I intend on looking into verkle trie implementations in other languages and clients.
While I wait for a response from the mentor, I would implement more cryptographic techniques(currently on RSA, study current verkle trie implementations like go-verkle and also play around with the Nim Programming Language. LFG!