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EPF Dev Update (Week 9)


I am Godspower Eze and I am working towards implementing a verkle library in the Nim Programming Language with a focus on Pedersen Commitment and Lagrange Interpolation. I am also contributing to Consensus Clients

This is a summary of week 8 and week 9.

What did you do in the past two weeks?

  • Read the book: Why and How ZKSNARKS. That helped me understand why we use Polynomials in cryptography
  • Implemented two flavors of Polynomial Commitments; Using Modular Exponentiation and Using Elliptic Curve Operations.
  • Made multiple PRs to the Elixir Consensus Client by Lambdaclass and they were merged.
  • Studied the Bandersnatch and Banderwagon Curves. And, was able to understand why we are using the banderwagon curve on top of the bandersnatch for the verkle trie implementation
  • Understood why we represent points in projective coordinates rather than affine coordinates
  • Continued my learning of Elixir and Nim

What would I be doing for the next two weeks?

  • Continue contributing to the Elixir Consensus Client
  • Work on adding Pedersen Commitment Test Vector Generator to the constantine library
  • Continue my Python implementations
  • Work on this issue in the nimbus consensus client