# AOS4 - UTA: Learning a piecewise linear additive value model with LP ## Description of the preference model A simple, yet effective, procedure for fitting a value model to the preference expressed by a decision maker has been proposed by Jacquet-Lagrèze & Siskos (1982) * **MAVT:** the analyst assumes a linear model of the preference of the Decision maker $$V(x) = \sum_i v_i(x_i)\ \text{with}\ v_i : \mathcal X_i \to \mathbb [0, w_i], \sum_i w_i = 1$$ * **Parametrized value functions:** the marginal value functions are assumed to be *piecewise linear*, with *predefined cutting points* $x_i^1 < ...< x_i^{k_i} \in \mathbb{X}_i$ * **Preference Information:** the DM submits *pairwise comparison statements* of the form $a^j \succeq a^{j'}$ for some alternatives $a^j$ and $a^{j'}$ * **Computation:** the representation that corresponds "best" to this stance is computed via *linear programming* * **Extensions:** *sorting* (UTADIS), *robust* decision making (GRIP), using another *parametric family of value functions*... --- ### UTA: Learning a piecewise linear additive value model with LP *Variables:* * values at the cutting points $y_{i,k} \equiv v_i(x_i^k)$ * slack variables $\sigma_j^+ \ge 0$ and $\sigma_j^- \ge 0$ for each alternative $a^j$ in the PI > The marginal value at any point $x\_i \in [x_i^k, x_i^{k+1}]$ is given by $\displaystyle v_i (x_i) = \lambda {y_{i,k}} + (1-\lambda) y_{i,k+1}\quad$ with $\displaystyle \lambda = \frac{x_i^{k+1} − x_i}{x_i^{k+1}-x_i^k}$ *Constraints* * if preference increases (resp. decreases) with the values of attribute $i$, this is implemented with constraints $y_{i,k} \le y_{i,k+1}$ (resp. $y_{i,k} \ge y_{i,k+1}$) * values of the nadir and zenith points are normalized * each PI statement $a^j \succeq a^{j'}$ is converted into a single linear constraint: $$ \sum_i v_i(a^j_i) +\sigma_j^+ - \sigma_j^- \ge \sum_i v_i(a_i^{j'}) +\sigma_{j'}^+ - \sigma_{j'}^-$$ *Objective:* the sum of slack variables is minimized ## Questions 1. Implement the whole pipeline. 2. Test it, maybe on the problem found [here](https://hackmd.io/@InconsistentKB/ByLFKKoFK). 3. Robustify the approach, by adopting e.g. a cautious approach if the problem is underconstrained, or using a non additive extension of the model (e.g. a 2-additive Choquet integral, or a GAI model) if it is overconstrained. ## Bibliography (to appear soon) * UTA, Jacquet-Lagrèze and Siskos * UTA-GMS, Greco, Mousseau and Slowinski * GRIP * Choquet