SpatialData meeting 22-07-07
Please add any point for discussion
- Updates from ome-ngff proposal (Luca, Kevin, Isaac, Giovanni ?)
- Updates from spatial-sandbox datasets (Giovanni, 2min)
- Updates from napari-spatialdata (Giovanni, 2min)
Dave and Tong on human embryo atlas (Sanger, Newcastle)
- Nextflow pipeline for data collection and formatting -> deployment on the web via vitessce
- dissemination of results via we portals
- interested in format that is language agnostic
- scaling frontend javascript visualization
- no plan for transcripts locations yet
- focus on improvement scalability of raster iamges/labels visualization
- already using vitessce zarr anndata reader (seems sufficient)
Long term plan is to provide interacrtive visualization of the human embryo dataset, supporting different technologies.
Next steps
- interface spatialdata with napari spatialdata
- reader for spatialdata
- efficient lazy representation of images
- feedback on the ome-ngff specs from sanger/newcastle team
- right now focusing on milestone converting everything in zarr
- napari plotting for scatterplots etc.
- followup on specs for table and coordinate spaces