Math 181 Miniproject 7: The Shape of a --- --- tags: MATH 181 --- Math 181 Miniproject 7: The Shape of a Graph === **Overview:** In this miniproject you will be using the techniques of calculus to find the behavior of a graph. **Prerequisites:** The project draws heavily from the ideas of Chapter 1 and $2.8$ together with ideas and techniques of the first and second derivative tests from $3.1$. --- :::info We are given the functions $$ f(x)=\frac{12x^2-16}{x^3},\qquad f'(x)=-\frac{12(x^2-4)}{x^4},\qquad f''(x)=\frac{24(x^2-8)}{x^5}. $$ The questions below are about the function $f(x)$. Answer parts (1) through (10) below. If the requested feature is missing, then explain why. Be sure to include the work/test that you used to rigorously reach your conclusion. It is not sufficient to refer to the graph. (1) State the function's domain. ::: (1) The domain is all real numbers expect when x=0. :::info (2) Find all $x$- and $y$-intercepts. ::: (2) X-intercept $f(x) = \frac{\left(12x^{2\ }-\ 16\right)}{x^{3}}$ $12x^{2}\ -\ 16\ =\ 0$ $12x^{2}=16$ $x^{2\ }=\frac{16}{12}$ $x=\sqrt{\frac{16}{12}}=+/-1.15470053838$ x-intercept = (-1.15,0), (1.15,0) Y-intercept $f(x) = \frac{\left(12x^{2\ }-\ 16\right)}{x^{3}}$ $\frac{\left(12\left(0\right)^{2}-16\right)}{0^{3}}$ y-intercept = undefined :::info (3) Find all equations of horizontal asymptotes. ::: (3) The denominator of the function has a higher degree than the numerator. Therefore, the horizontal asymptote is at y = 0. :::info (4) Find all equations of vertical asymptotes. ::: (4) $f(x) = \frac{\left(12x^{2\ }-\ 16\right)}{x^{3}}$ $12x^{2\ }-\ 16$ $4\left(3x^{2\ }-\ 4\right)$ The vertical asymptote is at x = 0. :::info (5) Find the interval(s) where $f$ is increasing. ::: (5) $f'(x)=-\frac{12\left(x^{2\ }-4\right)}{x^{4}}$ $0=-\frac{12\left(x^{2\ }-4\right)}{x^{4}}$ $0=-12\left(x^{2}-4\right)$ $0=\left(x-2\right)\left(x+2\right)$ x=-2,2 f is increasing at the intervals of [-2,inf] :::info (6) Find the $x$-value(s) of all local maxima. (Find exact values, and not decimal representations) ::: (6) The critical values are at -2 and 2. Test values at: f'(-20)<0 the behavior of f'(-20) shows it is decreasing f'(1)<0 the behavior of f'(1) shows it is decreasing f'(20)>0 the behavior of f'(20) shows it is increasing The local maxima is -2. :::info (7) Find the $x$-value(s) of all local minima. (Find exact values, and not decimal representations) ::: (7) The local minimum is 2. :::info (8) Find the interval(s) on which the graph is concave downward. ::: (8) $f"(x)=\frac{24\left(x^{2}-8\right)}{x^{5}}$ $0=\frac{24\left(x^{2}-8\right)}{x^{5}}$ $0=24\left(x^{2}-8\right)$ $0=x^{2}-8$ $8=x^{2}$ $+/-2.83=\sqrt{8}=\ x^{}$ Test values at: f"(-10)<0 the behavior shows it would be decreasing f"(0)<0 the behavior shows it would be decreasing f"(10)>0 the behavior shows it would be increasing The interval where it would be decreasing is $(-\infty,0)$. :::info (9) State the $x$-value(s) of all inflection points. (Find exact values, and not decimal representations) ::: (9) The inflection points is at x = +/ - $\sqrt{8}$. :::info (10) Include a sketch of the graph of $y=f(x)$. Plot the different segments of the graph using the color code below. * **blue:** $f'>0$ and $f''>0$ * **red:** $f'<0$ and $f''>0$ * **black:** $f'>0$ and $f''<0$ * **gold:** $f'<0$ and $f''<0$ (In Desmos you could restrict the plot $y=f(x)$ on the interval $[2,3]$ by typing $y=f(x)\{2\le x\le 3\}$.) Be sure to set the bounds on the graph so that the features of the graph that you listed above are easy to see. ::: (10) ![]( --- To submit this assignment click on the Publish button ![Publish button icon]( Then copy the url of the final document and submit it in Canvas.