# Why There Is A Need To Build Mobile App For Shopify? **Here are some of the benefits of building Shopify mobile application** - **Shopify mobile app trend is on the rise:** More and more businesses are turning to Shopify to build custom mobile apps for their stores. This is because Shopify offers an easy-to-use platform for building and managing mobile apps, as well as a wide range of tools and resources to help businesses succeed. - **User-friendly:** Shopify mobile apps are designed to be easy to use for both merchants and customers. They provide a seamless shopping experience for customers and offer merchants a range of features and tools to help them manage and grow their businesses. - **Apps are customizable:** With the Shopify Mobile App Builder, merchants can customize their mobile app to match their store's branding and offer a unique shopping experience for their customers. - **Offers advanced features:** They offer a range of advanced features to help merchants grow their business, including support for multiple languages, and automatic product updates. - **Cost-effective:** Building a custom [mobile app for Shopify](https://apps.shopify.com/appokart) is a cost-effective way for merchants to reach their customers on mobile devices. Shopify offers a range of pricing plans to suit the needs of different businesses, making it easy for merchants to get started. ![](https://i.imgur.com/FGAKdKf.png)