# Node Check List ## Notes * Instances should not be realized implicitly. * No attribute name inputs. Check for usage of built-in attributes. * Names can still change in bcon2 without breaking files. * Conversion nodes should still remove all other components ## Nodes * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_cone.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_cube.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_cylinder.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_grid.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_ico_sphere.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Delete UV map created by BMesh * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_mesh_primitive_uv_sphere.cc` * UV output should become a field (during bcon2) * Use the store named attribute node for versioning * `node_geo_collection_info.cc` * After bcon2: Add attribute outputs. * `node_geo_object_info.cc` * After bcon2: Add attribute outputs. * `node_geo_volume_to_mesh.cc` * Leave it as is for 3.0, can be part of larger volume changes in 3.X * `node_geo_separate_components.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * Add Instances output. (during bcon2) * `node_geo_instance_on_points.cc`✓ * [D12660](https://developer.blender.org/D12660) * `node_geo_convex_hull.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_edge_split.cc`✓ * Move to legacy * `node_geo_curve_endpoints.cc`✓ * Move to legacy * `node_geo_curve_to_points.cc`✓ * Move to legacy * `node_geo_subdivision_surface.cc`✓ * Move to legacy * `node_geo_attribute_capture.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * `node_geo_attribute_remove.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_curve_length.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_curve_resample.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_curve_fillet.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_curve_to_mesh.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_curve_trim.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_distribute_points_on_faces.cc`✓ * Don't output non-point-cloud components. * `node_geo_material_replace.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_mesh_subdivide.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * `node_geo_triangulate.cc`✓ * Shouldn't realize instances * Add Realize Instances node. [D12656](https://developer.blender.org/D12656) * ~~`node_geo_realize_instances.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_attribute_statistic.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_boolean.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_bounding_box.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_set_position.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_string_join.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_string_to_curves.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_switch.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_transform.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_mesh_primitive_line.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_input_material.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_input_normal.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_input_position.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_input_tangent.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_input_index.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_is_viewport.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_join_geometry.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_material_assign.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_material_selection.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_mesh_primitive_circle.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_parameter.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_bezier_segment.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_circle.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_line.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_quadratic_bezier.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_quadrilateral.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_spiral.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_primitive_star.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_sample.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_curve_fill.cc`~~ * ~~`node_geo_viewer.cc`~~