Update on this: Dustin and I had a brief conversation about this today and we made some progress on thinking through the options laid out below and prioritisation. It would be really helpful to get your thoughts on this Ciro and Fred but essentially it seems that #3, simulating dense pedestrian movements, with a focus on Sao Miguel Paulista, may represent most boom for buck of Dustin's valuable time on this. This could include: 1. Counting 'overcrowded pavement' events as outlined by Dustin below, a reduction in these events resulting from changed infrastructure would be a big win. This is well captured in this issue: https://github.com/a-b-street/abstreet/issues/859 2. Reducing the speed of pedestrians on bad (either narrow, crowded or other) sidewalks, e.g. by making them stop when forced to overlap as shown in Dustin's overcrowding.mp4 video 3. Making people wait longer to cross on busier/wider roads as per https://github.com/a-b-street/abstreet/issues/517 I think the focus on pedestrians on the A/B Street makes sense, it's 'USPs' are its ability to represent scenarios of infrastructure change and communicate what it's like using different modes (primarily active/transit friendly being the focus here) in specific places. Two key questions: A) Does the suggestion to focus on pedestrians on the A/B Street sound good? B) Do you have detailed plans of what exactly the changes will look like? Note: I'm still trying to hire someone who should be able to help with this but due to university bureaucracy it will be after our aspirational deadline for this body of work (and the ATUM work, primarily the near market scenario that I will work with Lucas on), of mid May. Cheers, Robin