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OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0531 - open office


  • Open discussion

Meeting Link

  • 058876

Feel free to comment on the agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question. During the meeting the agenda will be unlocked for collaborative editing / note taking. After the meeting the agenda will be set to read-only mode.

Chat Log

09:54:45 From Nathan Boot to Waiting Room Participants:
Still warming up over here.
10:02:19 From Andreas to Everyone:
Hi guys, I’m from Austria
10:02:39 From Andreas to Everyone:
so its 4pm over here
10:03:54 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone:
Nathan, where we can get OpenSearch branded hoodies?
10:04:26 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone:
10:07:22 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:10:11 From Dimitri Silva to Everyone:
I share some concerns with Andreas, 99% my work so far with OpenSearch has been comparing it with ES
10:14:44 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:15:17 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone:
Actually, roadmap link is right on the main page. Though the link text is small-ish…
10:15:24 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:16:40 From Andreas to Everyone:
roadmap is linked on the website right top
10:18:47 From Dimitri Silva to Everyone:
I've got a question
10:23:37 From Andreas to Everyone:
maybe I can answer some of ingestion questions
10:24:08 From David Tippett to Everyone:
Feel free to chime in Andreas
10:27:10 From Nathan Boot to Waiting Room Participants:
"rsyslog" comes with most modern distributions as well.
10:27:36 From David Tippett to Nathan Boot(Direct Message):
Hey you sent that to just the waiting room
10:27:56 From Nathan Boot to Everyone:
"rsyslog" comes with most modern distributions as well
10:29:33 From Andreas to Everyone:
10:29:52 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:30:18 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:34:00 From David Tippett to Everyone:
10:35:04 From Terry Q to Everyone:
Is the conference only in person or will it be broadcast online?
10:35:34 From Terry Q to Everyone:
Fair enough. Thanks
10:42:54 From Nathan Boot to Everyone:
10:44:39 From David Tippett to Nathan Boot(Direct Message):
We probably want to just shut this convo down now
10:45:18 From Nathan Boot to David Tippett(Direct Message):
Thanks. Good call.