
  1. Validating local configuration for Geth and Lodestar client pair, troubleshooting warnings/errors (read down for details). Geth is correctly initialized but Lodestar is not aware of Geth.
  2. Continuing to review the existing ephemery work as I start to scope my EPF4 project, noting issues list; likely to pursue ephemery project with Lodestar focus, potentially:
    • Lodestar generate genesis in client
    • Lodestar automated reset in client
    • Lodestar add further configuration settings to ephemery-scripts
    • other tbd

Getting going with Ephemery on mac

I’m on my Mac, getting the ephemery testnet running locally. Documenting steps here for future reference.



Download the latest Ephemery release from
Extract all files with tar -xzf testnet-all.tar.gz

Next up: download the client pair to run on Ephemery.

Geth (EL)

Verify file is correct on Mac with md5 geth-darwin-amd64-1.12.0-e501b3b0.tar.gz
This will output an MD5 hash which can be compared to the one provided.

MD5 (geth-darwin-amd64-1.12.0-e501b3b0.tar.gz) = 26d72e758f54dff126702adf50bdfb79

This is the correct result and I can proceed.

Extract contents with tar -xyf geth-darwin-amd64-1.12.0-e501b3b0.tar.gz

Nethermind (EL)

Verify file is correct on Mac with md5
This will output an MD5 hash which can be compared to the one provided.

MD5 ( = 23c63520f4aad7a44f256f4eb05d829d

This is the correct result and I can proceed.

[Note: can also use sha256 on Mac as follows:
shasum -a 256]

Lodestar (CL)

Lodestar doesn’t provide a prebuilt binary, so we must build from source - see

Note: Lodestar is a monorepo comprising a number of packages, some of which are useful outside of the cli.

Clone the repo and cd into the project directory
Run yarn (note: needs node >= v18.15.0) at root level
Then yarn run build to build the source code

  • Qu: do we care that this is unstable branch for Lodestar? The installation guidance refers to stable


In the ephemery testnet directory, grab the testnet chainId:
cat genesis.json | head -n 30

This gives the chainId 39438086

We’ll also need to grab some other env vars so let’s make sure the ephemery config is visible in terminal:
cat config.yaml

A shared JWT secret is needed for the execution client and Lodestar to have a secure connection via port 8551. openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > “/tmp/jwtsecret”


Initialize Geth

Inside the geth directory, I ran
./geth --datadir ../gethData init ../ephemery/genesis.json
❗ Must specify datadir at init, or make sure to use the default path when starting geth below otherwise geth will not be correctly initialized ❗

This wrote Geth’s genesis state based on ephemery.

Get env_vars from ephemery

We can see CHAIN_ID, BOOTNODE_ENR, BOOTNODE_ENODE in this file, among other variables.
cat ephemery/nodevars_env.txt

Start Geth

See for help on inputs!

[In geth directory]

./geth --datadir ../gethData --port 30303 --http --http.addr --http.port 8545 --http.api eth,net,personal,web3 --ws --ws.addr --ws.port 8546 --ws.api eth,net,personal,web3 --authrpc.jwtsecret=/tmp/jwtsecret --syncmode=full --bootnodes "enode://0f2c301a9a3f9fa2ccfa362b79552c052905d8c2982f707f46cd29ece5a9e1c14ecd06f4ac951b228f059a43c6284a1a14fce709e8976cac93b50345218bf2e9@" --networkid 39438086



More installation guidance at =>

  • Create .env

Start Lodestar

[In Lodestar directory] note: uses BOOTNODE_ENR_LIST

./lodestar beacon --dataDir=../lodestarData --paramsFile=../ephemery/config.yaml --genesisStateFile=../ephemery/genesis.ssz --eth1.depositContractDeployBlock=0 --network.connectToDiscv5Bootnodes=true --discv5=true --eth1=true --eth1.providerUrls=http://localhost:8545 --execution.urls=http://localhost:8551 --rest=true --rest.address= --rest.port=4000 --bootnodes="enr:-Iq4QNMYHuJGbnXyBj6FPS2UkOQ-hnxT-mIdNMMr7evR9UYtLemaluorL6J10RoUG1V4iTPTEbl3huijSNs5_ssBWFiGAYhBNHOzgmlkgnY0gmlwhIlKy_CJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQNULnJBzD8Sakd9EufSXhM4rQTIkhKBBTmWVJUtLCp8KoN1ZHCCIyk,enr:-Iq4QIc297-de1P6hznMX2cIdVsQkve9BD9NUsJ7vVQa7eh5UpekA9rLid5A-yLiS3gZwOGugYZPi58x76zNs2cEQFCGAYhBJlTYgmlkgnY0gmlwhEFtmi6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJDyix-IHa_mVwLBEN9NeG8I-RUjNQK_MGxk9OqRQUAtIN1ZHCCIyg,enr:-Ly4QH8GrTqs0XF1UWwg8E6okU8Gs2hXeG-RiMlQ_X0qwVuYe-PxsAU-GAarI2_YknauLRKmj0-wh2pSWC6JqYbQNDYBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpBFv17XQAAQG___________gmlkgnY0gmlwhIe1jKiJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQI9CPbTH3VqDH5KKgLX5w5yXEuYNE8cKIiKBMnIRE1lpohzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgiNQg3VkcIIjUA" --jwt-secret=/tmp/jwtsecret

🆘 TODO: Fix warnings & errors

Geth: runs but with the following warnings even after Lodestar starts

WARN [08-05|16:09:08.897] Post-merge network, but no beacon client seen. Please launch one to follow the chain!
WARN [08-05|16:24:38.270] Snapshot extension registration failed   peer=05180ebe err="peer connected on snap without compatible eth support"

Lodestar: runs fine afterwards

warn: Initializing from a stale db state vulnerable to long range attacks slot=0, epoch=0, stateRoot=0x3e3e60e1b96cb9ef05c056d4c1ea0d2a6963259616b6b26aa25ce4c1ecfd589e, isWithinWeakSubjectivityPeriod=false
warn: Checkpoint sync recommended, please use --help to see checkpoint sync options
info: PeerId 16Uiu2HAmUF7JDdnR7x7McUGjCmUseMZTRJ94zKQkYvEuNFVCxEpA, Multiaddrs /ip4/
error: Discv5 worker sent enr without tcp multiaddr enr=enr:-Iq4QNMYHuJGbnXyBj6FPS2UkOQ-hnxT-mIdNMMr7evR9UYtLemaluorL6J10RoUG1V4iTPTEbl3huijSNs5_ssBWFiGAYhBNHOzgmlkgnY0gmlwhIlKy_CJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQNULnJBzD8Sakd9EufSXhM4rQTIkhKBBTmWVJUtLCp8KoN1ZHCCIyk
error: Discv5 worker sent enr without tcp multiaddr enr=enr:-Iq4QIc297-de1P6hznMX2cIdVsQkve9BD9NUsJ7vVQa7eh5UpekA9rLid5A-yLiS3gZwOGugYZPi58x76zNs2cEQFCGAYhBJlTYgmlkgnY0gmlwhEFtmi6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJDyix-IHa_mVwLBEN9NeG8I-RUjNQK_MGxk9OqRQUAtIN1ZHCCIyg
info: Started REST API server address=
warn: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API
warn: Low peer count peers=0
info: Searching peers - peers: 0 - slot: 63666 - head: 0 0x8673…3726 - exec-block: valid(0 0x339b…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0
info: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAmUF7JDdnR7x7McUGjCmUseMZTRJ94zKQkYvEuNFVCxEpA, initialENR=enr:-IO4QDle11ccVU1RFPlsnMDoMhqxBJh_pPxOhhUIqYTslYZ2aLhh3CZ7hhC1dbDanLX7ucllUfS6LIg8hsPWPf2FyZYHgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaED55zoDXzQ9PUKwD6boCQ67HX1nXMmpyDkvupPA76Gl0uDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/



./lodestar validator --dataDir=../dataLodestar --paramsFile=../ephemery/config.yaml --server http://localhost:4000 --keystoresDir=/tmp/data-keys/keys --secretsDir=/tmp/data-keys/secrets --graffiti “hol” --suggested-fee-recipient 0x14627ea0e2B27b817DbfF94c3dA383bB73F8C30b

  • Choose suggested fee recipient for local setup