Week 14 Update


  • Reached out to Chainsafe to seek feedback on Lodestar issue
  • Reviewing latest changes to ephemery specs (draft EIP)



  • I created the above Lodestar issue as a basis for discussing the addition of the ephemery network. The current status of ephemery genesis in my Lodestar work is:
    • checkpointSyncUrl working with the existing Lodestar --checkpointSyncUrl flag
    • backup download url working without --checkpointSyncUrl flag
    • custom genesis file via CLI working with the existing--genesisStateFile flag
    • I have a genesis script draft working, and a draft PR for this in progress. It may be overkill to include this script in Lodestar itself (at packages/ephemery) since this just generates a genesis.ssz for ephemery. TBD
  • Updating the draft PR following feedback from Chainsafe team


  • Chainsafe team is keen to understand how reset would look from a UX perspective, especially how there would be alignment across clients (el + bn + vc)
  • They shared the lodestar-quickstart script in the thread and suggested it could be a useful approach to reset, since it enables hard restart for both Lodestar and the selected EL when a new genesis is detected
  • This could be a useful first step while investigating how clients can integrate their native approach to integrating ephemery reset, which is a higher implementation effort. Note Lodestar (Chainsafe) comment from nflaig: "The more I am thinking about this the more I see this solution implemented in tooling that manages the EL / CL, like dappnode, rocketpool, eth-docker etc., as the client acting as a process manager to restart itself might not be a practical for all client implementations."

Dev notes:

I encountered errors when I did not manually clear the Lodestar datadir (this would need to become a part of reset).

Default usage using checkpoint sync can be run as follows:
./lodestar beacon --network ephemery --checkpointSyncUrl https://checkpointz.bordel.wtf/

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image was uploaded to a note which you don't have access to
  • The note which the image was originally uploaded to has been deleted
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After cleared datadir (go to datadir then: rm -r ephemery) the stateroot is correctly downloaded using --checkpointSyncUrl flag

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  • The image was uploaded to a note which you don't have access to
  • The note which the image was originally uploaded to has been deleted
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Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image was uploaded to a note which you don't have access to
  • The note which the image was originally uploaded to has been deleted
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Reading list: