• Reviewed Geth and Lodestar warnings
  • Fixed sync issue, troubleshooting with matrix group

Fixes made to enable sync:

  • Checked using correct state root via Lodestar logs
  • Added flag in geth —authrpc.addr to resolve auth / communication issue (although geth should have worked with default configuration)


  1. Geth and Lodestar running locally
  2. Submitted PR to ephemery-scripts for manual setup with Geth-Lodestar pair
  3. In prog: getting Lodestar running with ephemery in its config (existing work), understanding next steps

Goals for the next week:

  • Run validator service
  • Genesis understanding; refine Lodestar contribution scope
  • Write up detailed project proposal
  • Seek feedback on project proposal outline from matrix group

Other TODO:

  • Debug flag issue / review of ports configuration & mac defaults. --authrpc.addr localhost not enabling connection, but —authrpc.addr does. Looks like localhost default is correctly shown in geth logs, yet this doesn’t enable connection