###### tags: `HKOSCon2020Live` "Build and maintain Civil Infrastructure Platform by using open source projects" - @SZ Lin(林上智) (English) == The Linux Foundation launched the Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) project to develop base layer, open source industrial-grade software for civil infrastructure projects, the CIP supports electrical and power grids, railway, shipping, and transportation systems, among other applications that are imperative to human life. Currently, there're several active workgroups in this project, such as Linux kernel, real-time, testing, security, and software update. The obligations posed by the open source software are imperative to comply. Therefore, the OpenChain Project defines the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program, which provides a standard to build trust between companies in the supply chain while reducing internal resource costs. In this presentation, SZ Lin will share the participation experiences and project status in CIP and OpenChain project accordingly. Speaker: Mr. SZ Lin(林上智)- COSCUP / Taiwan ## Live Stream {%youtube LmK_xHbHlmY%} ## Note **Civil Infrastructure Platform Project Contact Information and Resources** To get the latest information, please contact: * CIP Mailing List: cip-dev@lists.cip-project.org Other resources * Twitter: @cip_project * CIP Web Site: https://www.cip-project.org * CIP News: https://www.cip-project.org/news/in-the-news * CIP Wiki: https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/ * CIP Source Code * CIP repositories hosted at kernel.org: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/cip/ * CIP GitLab: https://gitlab.com/cip-project **OpenChain Project Contact Information and Resources** Join our community: https://www.openchainproject.org/get-started Self-Certify or Health Check an organization: https://certification.openchainproject.org Mailing list: * OpenChain Main main@lists.openchainproject.org * OpenChain Taiwan taiwan-wg@lists.openchainproject.org * OpenChain Automotive openchain-automotive-work-group@groups.io * OpenChain Japan japan-wg@lists.openchainproject.org * OpenChain Korea korea-wg@lists.openchainproject.org * OpenChain India india-wg@lists.openchainproject.org * OpenChain Germany germany-wg@lists.openchainproject.org