--- title: Spring2020 - Week 1 Recap --- # iOS Spring 2020 - Week 1 Recap ## Lab Review ### Intro to Xcode and Table views - [Unit 1 Lecture Video Recording](https://uci.zoom.us/rec/share/5PEyKq_orExJYKPH5kj0X6EIT7r9T6a8hnIX_fAK0AYeChzyMFPTjsknBuvLzg) - [Completed Lab on Github](https://github.com/CodePath-at-UCI/ios-course/tree/master/Unit1) ## Next Steps ### Important Dates :::info - [Complete Prework Assignment](https://apply.codepath.org/cohorts/university-ios-spring-2020/versions/student/) (****required****) - ****Due Date: Sunday, April 13th at 11:59 pm PDT**** - [Complete Unit 1 Assignment](https://courses.codepath.com/courses/ios_university/unit/1#!assignment) (****required****) - ****Due Date: Sunday, April 19th at 12:00 am PDT**** - Unit 2 Lecture (recommended) - ****Tuesday, April 14th at 5:00 pm PDT**** ::: - [Swift 5 Syntax Documentation](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/GuidedTour/GuidedTour.html) (recommended) - [Swift 5 Playground (for learning Swift Syntax)](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/GuidedTour/GuidedTour.playground.zip) (recommended) ## Reminders - Only Three (3) 48-hour deadline extensions are allowed for the entire quarter, no questions asked. - Feel Free to post your question and help fellow students @[Discussion Forum](https://discussions.codepath.com/courses/ios_university/questions). --- #### iOS Tech Fellows Derek Chang | derektc1@uci.edu Hermain Hanif | hmhanif@uci.edu Ethan Ngyuen | ethanhn2@uci.edu Mingjia Wang | mingjw2@uci.edu Thank you all for attending the first lab session of the quarter! We are looking forward to seeing everyone during the next session :exclamation: Best, Tech Fellows @UCI codepath@uci.edu