# QA sanity routine Setup : - Run in console : > localStorage.setItem('FLAG_DUMMY', true); > window.location.reload(); - Have some HNYT ([Swap here](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?chain=rinkeby&inputCurrency=eth&outputCurrency=0x3050E20FAbE19f8576865811c9F28e85b96Fa4f9)) - Have another token for funding a quest - Have another wallet account - Note Rinkeby celeste address here in [code](https://github.com/1Hive/quests/blob/dev/packages/hardhat/deployments/rinkeby/OwnableCeleste.json) - You will need access to this [gnosis](https://gnosis-safe.io/app/rin:0x7375Ed576952BD6CeD060EeE2Db763130eA13bA0/home) - Revoke all allowance of HNYT with [revoke.cash](https://revoke.cash/) ![](https://i.imgur.com/mBvmPyh.png) - [ ] Connection / disconnection - [ ] Expect buttons are hidden (when not connected) - [ ] Expect buttons are shown (when connected) - [ ] Create a quest (from home page and with initial funds) - [ ] Form validation - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] New quest should be fetched after tx completion - [ ] Verify info previously put in the create form - [ ] Fund a quest - [ ] Form validation - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] New bounty should be fetched after tx completion - [ ] Schedule a claim with claimAll checked - [ ] Form validation - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] Claim should be fetched after tx completion with timer - [ ] Challenge same claim with other account - [ ] Form validation - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] Expect state is refreshed once modal is closed - [ ] Resolve challenge - 1 Open modal and expect rulling in progress and btn disabled - 2 Note the id in help tooltip - 3 Go to rinkeby [gnosis](https://gnosis-safe.io/app/rin:0x7375Ed576952BD6CeD060EeE2Db763130eA13bA0/home) - 4 New transaction with [celeste address](https://github.com/1Hive/quests/blob/dev/packages/hardhat/deployments/rinkeby/OwnableCeleste.json) - 5 Select decideDispute methode - 6 put id in first field and 4 (ruled in favor of player) - 7 Go back to Quests app and refresh - [ ] Expect UI now show ruled in favor of Player (in modal) - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] Expect state is refreshed once modal is closed - [ ] Expect quests bounty is zero (without refreshing) - [ ] Reclaim funds and deposit - Go to expired view - Click on a quest having the state Expired (if no one, transfer some funds of the same bounty token to an Archived Quest) - [ ] Expect reclaim button is shown - [ ] Transaction flow - [ ] Expect state has changed when close modal - [ ] Expect bounty is zero and deposit recovered